"But, but..." Lei stuttered, "Are the people in Team 7... so easy to talk to?"

"Haven't Team 7 always been very easy to talk to?" Night Crow asked in confusion.

"..." Lei was silent for a moment, and said tactfully, "That's probably because your boss has a very, very deep background..."

"Is that really the case?" Night Crow said to himself in doubt, carefully recalling what he knew about other people's evaluation of Team 7 and his own experience.

After a moment, Night Crow was sure: "Team 7 is indeed easy to talk to. Those who think they are difficult to talk to must have not found the right method."

"..." Lei was silent.

"Forget it, if you are worried, I will call the police station." Night Crow said, "You just wait and wait."

"... Thank you." Lei said sincerely.


On the other side, Night Crow did not report to the police station immediately, but first used the BB number to poke the newly promoted third seat in the late night.

[Night Crow: Hi!

Third seat: What's the matter?

Night Crow: Puinsus Restaurant is under the protection of the Frozen God. Did you know that?

Third Seat: ... I know.

Night Crow: What about Team 7?

Third Seat: Several executives are their people.

Night Crow: ...

Night Crow: I always feel that ...

Third Seat: Don't feel that way. Puinsus Restaurant has direct investment from Stilness Manor, and the main body of the ghost story "Death God" often appears here... It is natural for Team 7 to attach importance to it.

Night Crow: Speaking of this, I am very curious about one thing.

Third Seat: What is it?

Night Crow: I heard that Shenxiao even caused internal rebellion because of its forced transformation a few years ago...

Third Seat: Just for survival.

Night Crow:?

Third Seat: Don't you see how many new gods have emerged in recent years?

Third Seat: It's okay for new gods to be born in large numbers, but count what camps they are in?

Night Crow: Hmm... The Frozen God is in the good camp; the official Lord of the Nuclear Explosion is also in the good camp; the Lord of the Darkness is in the good camp; the Lord of the Underworld is in the evil camp; the Radiant Truth is in the good camp; the Lady of Pain is in the good camp; the Weaver of Fate was forced to leave the evil camp...

Night Crow: Awesome! Seven conceptual levels, five in the good camp.

Night Crow: The only two in the evil camp, one was forced to turn neutral, and the other is still in jail in the sewer... Tsk tsk.

Third Seat: That's it.

Third Seat: A mythical existence, no matter how indifferent to the world, as long as it is still in the Green Star, every move cannot be taken lightly.

Night Crow: Hmm, so which executives of the restaurant are from Team 7? Is it convenient to report the case?

Third Seat: ...If you must report the case through them, find ×××, the mobile phone number is..., he is the only one who semi-publicly revealed his identity.

Night Crow: Thank you. 】


A dark room somewhere.

The giant screen on the wall flickered with soft light, which was the only light source in the room.

On a set of sofas facing the screen, a figure who was shrouded in darkness and never illuminated looked at the private chat interface displayed on the giant screen, sighed softly, and murmured to himself: "I have to thank you... for carelessly revealing terrible information..."

This person was one of the three newly promoted feasters in the deep night, one of the small group of people standing at the top of the pyramid in the other world.

Before that, because of the relationship between the Lord of Everlasting Darkness and the strange story "Death God", the deep night organization, which had not had a member ascend to god for many years, had a sense of crisis. Before and after the dramatic changes in Inesel... no, it might have been even earlier... yes, it was the rise of the "Son of Darkness".

Since then, as the names of new gods were recorded in the "Monument of the Gods", the former operator 339 keenly noticed that the wind direction began to change.

However, the operator 339 at that time probably would never have thought that the comparison between the good and evil camps of the "gods" today would be so outrageous...

The three banqueters today sighed and rubbed their swollen foreheads, picking up the special point-to-point communicator beside them.

"One seat, I just got an important piece of information."

"Don't be so formal with point-to-point communication, call me dad or daddy."

"...Father, please don't make trouble."


Puinses Restaurant, a private room.

After sending a text message to report the case and briefly explaining the situation, Night Crow said to the two: "The report has been completed. It should take some time to dispatch the appropriate personnel. You can have dinner first."

Quinniel, who had calmed down a lot, was stunned for a moment and hesitated: "Is this... not good?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. There is no limit on the number of people who can use the meal coupons... Speaking of this," Night Crow asked curiously, "Puinsus Restaurant is really not losing money by issuing so many free coupons?"

Quinniel was stunned again, and there was some disbelief on his face:"Actually, those free coupons are basically purchased by customers... I've seen the price list, and the price of the free coupons is more than 1.3 times the price of buying directly or making reservations..."

"..." Night Crow blinked, "A treat for dinner, a hardcover gift box version?"

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