"My condition? I'm fine, I don't need treatment." Molly said calmly.

"Your brother doesn't think so..."

"My current split personality is caused by superpowers, not a disease." Molly looked helpless, "The previous split personality caused by the curse was fine, but this one... really can't be called a 'disease' or 'abnormal condition'."

"...So, 'you' now?" Night Crow tilted his head.

"It's always difficult to reconcile with yourself." Molly sighed, "The main personality forced 'us' to reach a consensus on the condition that you give up control of your body."

Night Crow hesitated.

"You mean, since the main personality has such an influence, why does it still need to hibernate?"


"Because at present, there are more than a thousand secondary personalities of 'me'." Molly said expressionlessly, "Even if the main personality is particularly powerful than the secondary personality, once about 30% of the secondary personalities come out to confront, it can only be at a loss."

"..." Night Crow was amazed.

"The only reason why we, the secondary personalities, have not united to completely seal the main personality is that the superpowers are all hers. Whether it is the original 'sniping' or the later 'personality substitution', once the main personality makes a mistake and the superpower fails, our secondary personalities that are active due to superpowers will slowly disappear."

"So how do you decide who will control the body now?" After a pause, Night Crow asked further, "Also, who will take over when a 'substitute' is needed?"

"We are divided into several groups according to our respective values ​​and styles of doing things."

"At 0:00 every day, the main personality will decide who will take control of the body according to what to do the next day. "We will decide which group is more suitable to come forward in advance, and then we will draw lots. "

"As for who will be the scapegoat... Among us, there is a group that specializes in collecting secondary personalities with strong self-destructive tendencies, and they will draw lots to decide who will go up."

"If one day, that group of secondary personalities are all used up, then whoever controls the body will go up."

"..." After a moment of silence, Night Crow asked, "What if you are not free at 0 o'clock?"

Moli looked at Night Crow strangely: "Of course it will be postponed! In addition, what do you think those idle personalities of 'me' usually do?"

"What are they doing?" Night Crow asked.

"Meetings, chatting, research, sleeping, everything." Molly answered.

"...So, it's like you carry a think tank with you?"

"More or less."

"...Do you mind if I tell the three of you about these conversations?"

"No, tell him by the way that I'll answer the phone after 8 a.m. tomorrow."

"Okay...by the way, why after 8 a.m. tomorrow?"

"We just held a general vote, and 80% of the votes agreed to stay here until 0 a.m. today and then go home to sleep."

"Can't you take turns sleeping?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"Yes, but the body will be tired." Molly said, "So we obeyed the majority and passed the proposal put forward by the master personality that 'if there is nothing particularly important, let the body sleep for a period of time every day'."

"I see..." Night Crow thought for a while and said, "When I was at sea, I gained an ability that is very suitable for tracing the past. If you know the time and place where the traitor did appear, I can help track him down."

Molly raised his eyebrows: "What reward do you want?"

"I haven't thought about it yet..." Night Crow told the truth.

"Then wait until you've thought it over." Molly said.

"You don't seem very enthusiastic?" Night Crow asked in confusion.

"She betrayed and killed my mother, revenge is 'my' duty." Molly said, "At least, my 'secondary personality' can't feel the so-called 'hatred'..."

Night Crow nodded and changed the subject: "Order."


【Night Crow: ...That's about it.

Third Seat: It's much more serious than I thought... Fortunately it's 'stable' enough.

Night Crow: So, what options do you have for the reward for helping to track?

Third Seat: You still need this little bit from us?

Night Crow: He is He, I am me, most of the time, I just pursue happiness.

Third Seat: Wait, I'll see if there's anything suitable.

(A few minutes later.)

Third Seat: [Photo of a sword]

Third Seat: How about this?

Night Crow: ...Do you think I can handle a sword? 】

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