【Three seats: This is not a knife, it is a flying vehicle. The knife-like shell was installed by a certain owner.

Night Crow: Oh? Tell me more.

Three seats: The origin of this thing is unknown, the name is unknown, the material is unknown, we only know that it is extremely strong, it is said that even the full-strength attack of an S-level body temperer cannot damage it.

Three seats: It recognizes its master in the form of mental imprint. It can be driven with a normal load of 1 ton with very little mental power.

Three seats: Someone in the organization has done a test in the past. Under normal load, its maximum speed is 120 kilometers per hour.

Three seats: In addition, if the load exceeds 1 ton, the mental power required to drive it will increase exponentially, but the owner can choose to refuse to supply additional mental power, let it fall or fight on the spot.

Night Crow: It sounds good, but with this level of load capacity and speed, it can be used as a flying weapon, right?

Three Seats: In fact, this thing seems to have built-in "safe driving rules". When it is about to hit something, it will slow down automatically, and even ordinary people will not feel any pain even if it hits it...

Night Crow: What about what it carries?

Three Seats: Inertia is obviously not its responsibility.

Night Crow: ... What is the standard of "what" in "about to hit something"?

Three Seats: Liquid, solid.

Night Crow: Be more specific? Density standard or something like that?

Three Seats: I don't know.

Three Seats: The last time this thing was shipped out of the warehouse was more than a hundred years ago.

Night Crow: ...

Night Crow: Okay, I just need a suitable perch, so this is it.

Night Crow: By the way, help me remove the strange red and green shell.

Three Seats: Although the shell is ugly, the material is good, and it also has a built-in windproof barrier.

Night Crow: Too ugly.

Three Seats: Okay, where to send it?

Night Crow: Let Molly pass it on.

Three Seats: It will arrive by tomorrow night at the latest. 】

It was said that it would be “tomorrow night at the latest”, but in the evening of that day, someone rang the doorbell of the box.

Molly frowned and picked up the tablet beside him, clicked on the real-time surveillance video at the door and took a look, and his brows furrowed even more tightly.

He hurriedly got up, strode to the door, pulled the door of the box open with a little force, looked up and down at the people outside the door, frowned and said unhappily: "You shouldn't have come."

"I have a reason to come."

The man outside the door spoke calmly, and his voice was an ordinary young man's voice, which was forgotten as soon as it was heard.

"…Forget it, come in and talk." While speaking, Molly had already made way for the door.

Like his voice, the young man's appearance and figure were ordinary, without any special features, and he was the kind that would be lost in a crowd.

After randomly picking an empty seat and sitting down, the young man wiped his left wrist with his right hand, took out a plain-looking light-colored short stick, and placed it on the empty space on the table not far from Night Crow.

"This is the reward you asked for," the young man said.

The short stick is 60 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. It looks like white oak, polished quite smoothly, and the edges and corners are also smoothed at the cross section.

Night Crow glanced at the short stick and then turned his eyes back to the young man.

"Three seats for the banquet?" She confirmed with confidence and interest.

"...It seems that the dead bird has revealed a lot to you." The young man said in a light tone.

Night Crow jumped on the table, patted his chest and said proudly: "We are friends who have lived together for a lifetime!"

"..." San Xi wisely changed the subject, "That woman's code name is 'Turtle Dove'. I have several times and places where she actually appeared. Where should I start?"

"No." Morley, who was eating smoked roast duck leisurely, suddenly said without question, "We will start work at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"..." San Xi pursed his lips, stared at Morley expressionlessly for a long time, and finally looked away first and compromised.

——A severely mentally ill patient with more than a thousand personalities living in his body, and he is his own sister/brother... I can only endure it.

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