The door handle hadn't been used for a long time, so it was sluggish and laborious to turn, and there were bursts of sharp noises.

Lei's heart was in his throat.

Unfortunately... or fortunately, nothing unusual happened until the door handle was turned all the way.

The door couldn't be opened.

Lei didn't know whether to feel sorry or fortunate, anyway, he breathed a sigh of relief.

- In such a strange place, maybe keeping the status quo is a good thing?

Lei didn't notice the crow on his shoulder's strange eyes that were full of interest and watching a live horror movie. After a moment of hesitation, he turned to room 0002 and tentatively turned the door handle.

Like room 0001, the severely oxidized brass door handle could be turned all the way, but the door couldn't be opened.

Since the door couldn't be opened and there was no keyhole, Lei didn't fight with it. With a feeling of both trepidation and excitement, he walked cautiously to the next pair of doors.

The next pair of doors, the house numbers are "0003" and "0004" as expected.

In order, Lei tried them one by one, but found that none of them could be opened.

Lei felt a little relaxed, and continued to move forward.

0005, 0006, 0007...

0009, Lei still carefully and slowly turned the door to the bottom.

With a slight sound of the lock, the door opened.

Lei held his breath and carefully and as lightly as possible pushed open the brass door.

Despite this, the brass door still made a long "squeak--" sound when it was pushed open.

Under Lei's nervous gaze, in the curious eyes of Night Crow, the scene in the mysterious room gradually appeared.

- This is an empty room.

There was no debris, no windows, and the room was roughly in the shape of a cube. The floor, walls, and ceiling seemed to be made of the same material as the door, all of which were brass that had been oxidized and blackened, and some parts were covered with green rust. The side length was about ten meters, and it was so empty that it was frightening.

As Lei looked around, he suddenly felt a huge, irresistible suction coming from the center of the empty room.

Without much resistance, Lei and the Night Crow on his shoulder were sucked into the center of the cube room.

With a loud "bang", the door of Room 0009 closed automatically.

Forcibly holding back the exclamation that was about to come out, Lei was sucked to the center of the cube room by the huge force that appeared out of thin air. At the moment when the huge force disappeared and he fell freely, he tried to adjust his posture to avoid being injured too seriously when he landed.

At the same time, the boy did not forget to throw the Night Crow upwards to prevent her from being injured by his rolling action when he landed.

——Anyway, crows can fly.

The Night Crow flapped its wings and landed safely. It asked Lei, who suddenly fell from five meters in the air and rolled several times before stopping: "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"No... Because I am often forced to fall from various places, I have almost practiced it. Five meters is only the height of the second floor, which is nothing." Lei said the sad words casually, not thinking that there was anything wrong with what he said.

Climbing up from the brass floor, Lei checked himself and was surprised to find that he had rolled so many times on the floor, but he didn't get any patina...

However, compared to this...

Lei walked quickly to the only exit of the room - the brass door, and grasped the door handle anxiously and turned it.

Several consecutive "clicks" and "clicks" sounded in vain.

Lei sighed in frustration.

Sure enough, they were trapped...

"What should we do now?" Lei asked the Night Crow who was standing on the ground and tilted his head to look at him.

"..." After a moment of silence, Night Crow tilted his head to the other side and said slowly in a gloomy tone, "I found something."

The danger instinct suddenly began to scream, Lei suppressed the fear in his heart, and asked calmly: "What is it?"

"You..." Night Crow said slowly, his dark eyes were particularly strange under the light source that came from nowhere.

"Me?" Lei's heart slowly sank after responding with doubt on the surface.

"Your head..."

"..." Lei pretended to be calm.

"... Your hair has grown longer."

"..." After a few breaths of silence, Lei complained loudly, "Don't joke at this time! It will scare people to death!"

"No, no, no, I'm not kidding." Night Crow said seriously, "Your hair is growing, one centimeter per second."

Hearing this, Lei was startled and subconsciously grabbed the back of his head.

Lei used to have short hair, but now...

Looking at Shunli being held in front of him, stillLei was at a loss for a moment when he saw the long light brown hair visible.

"What does this mean?" The boy swallowed and murmured, "I don't feel anything at all, I don't even feel that my hair has become heavier..."

"I don't know." Night Crow shrugged his wings, "Anyway, in this situation, the 'change' is probably not a good thing."

"..." Lei wanted to cry but had no tears.

It was too sudden! He was not mentally prepared at all, bastard!

So this world is so dangerous?

Obviously, the commissions he took before were at most accidentally encountering some secrets and being hunted by various seemingly weak clients...

Well, well, this world has always been dangerous...

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