The good news is that Lei's hair did not grow uncontrollably.

Under the gaze of the man and the crow, the light brown hair that had secretly turned from slightly curly hair to straight hair at some point, grew to Lei's knees and stopped growing, and it seemed that it would not continue to grow.

It is worth mentioning that Lei's hair did not grow randomly without distinction. At least, although the bangs in front of the forehead were a little longer, they did have a "hairstyle".

"... Such long hair looks super~ inconvenient!" Lei grabbed the long hair that suddenly became incredibly good, confused and distressed.

"You can try to cut it short." Night Crow suggested to watch the fun.

As usual, although the virtual phone had no signal, Night Crow's connection with the main body was not interrupted. When entering the corridor and being sucked into this room before, the main body said that there was no problem.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about, just have fun.

Lei hesitated for a moment, carefully picked out a strand of hair, and pulled it hard... but it didn't break.

He pulled it again... but it still didn't break.

Lei didn't believe it and wrapped the hair around the palms of both hands a few times, then slowly exerted force.

The thin and shiny light brown hair was deeply tied into the flesh, and Lei was in so much pain that tears almost came out.

Finally, with a light "snap" sound, the hair broke.

Lei let out a "hiss" and tears suddenly flowed like a spring.

Night Crow walked a few steps closer to the tearful boy and asked gloatingly: "Does it hurt?"

"... It hurts so much! This hair can actually feel pain! It hurts like a cramp!" Lei sniffed and said aggrievedly.

"Tsk tsk, it's really like this!" Night Crow said with a very embarrassed look, shaking his head.

His hands and hair hurt, but Lei, who used to stay in the hospital once every one and a half commissions, was used to the pain.

"You knew that this hair can feel pain?" Lei asked in confusion, wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Ordinary hair is not so full of vitality." Night Crow explained, "On the contrary, hair full of vitality like this usually has feelings... Of course, this is not absolute, and I was not sure what the situation was before."

Lei nodded, without saying anything like "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

After all, they were not very familiar with each other, and it was far from being safe to entrust their lives to each other.

Moreover, based on Lei's past experience with various clients, Night Crow is the most reliable...

Thinking of this, the boy's hot tears almost burst out again.

After sniffing hard to stop the tears, Lei asked: "Do you have any ideas about escaping? Although this room is quite large, the oxygen will run out sooner or later... Even if it doesn't run out, we will die of thirst or hunger..."

"..." Night Crow did not answer, but stared at Lei's scalp.

Lei felt uneasy when she stared at him. He subconsciously reached out his hand to feel the top of his head, but found nothing unusual.

"What's wrong?" he couldn't help asking.

"Your phone should still have enough power, right? Why don't you turn on the selfie mode?" Night Crow asked.

"...My phone is an old model from a few years ago. It consumes power quickly and charges slowly. I can only use it in the sun to barely keep the power consumption and charging balance... I wanted to save it."

As Lei said this, he took out his phone and turned on the camera selfie mode to use it as a mirror.

When Lei looked in the "mirror", he exclaimed: "What's going on on my head?!"

Night Crow blinked and said: "Apparently, they are turning red... To be honest, this color is pretty good."

"But this is hair! Not clothes, not lipstick or anything!" Lei said in a panic, "It's too red! What's going on! Is this actually some kind of haircut magic room?!"

"Hmm..." Night Crow pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Listen in logical order." Lei said without hesitation.

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