"Tsk." Night Crow smacked his lips and said in a boring tone, "The bad news is that all the 'human' parts of you are dying at a high speed."

"What's the good news?!" Although he didn't want to be the main character, Lei couldn't help but ask.

"The good news is that there are many parts of you that are not 'human'. With the help of the 'room', it is enough to ensure that you can complete the 'race' transition relatively safely."



Room 2212 of Anaki City Hotel.

Jasmine lay on the sofa, holding a mobile phone in one hand with her fingertips flying.

[Death Bird: The crow seems to have disappeared.

Third Seat: Night Crow is the god-favored person of the Lord of Everlasting Darkness, it is not the turn of mortals like us to worry.

Death Bird: Who is worried! It's just a daily work report!

Third Seat: Yeah, I know.

Death Bird: Forget it, I've been idle for too long, give me work.

Seat 3: [Order No. XXX][Order No. XXX][Order No. XXX]

Seat 3: Pick one.

Deathbird: Can’t we take all of them?

Seat 3: Time conflicts.

Deathbird: Tsk… Let’s take No. XXX. 】

In the strange brass cube room.

Lei held a strange long hair with bright red on the upper half and light brown on the lower half in his hand, and was surprised and suspicious: "Why do you say that there are many non-human elements in me?!"

"I don't know if you ask me?" Night Crow shrugged his wings, "I just saw what is happening to you."

"It is happening..." Lei frowned, "How long can I, as a 'human', survive?"

"After the hair, if I'm not mistaken, it will be the body's turn." Night Crow said, "When your appearance is 'updated', it should be almost done."

"Appearance..." Lei looked at the hair in his hand that gradually turned red from the roots, and was a little panicked, "At that time...will I really still be myself?"

"You can rest assured about this." Night Crow said firmly, "This room is quite friendly to 'non-humans'...You should be a hybrid of humans and something, half and half, so it's so easy."

"..." After a long silence, Lei asked, "If I were a pure human..."

"Then you will experience an extremely painful torture, and then alienate into a non-human monster in madness." Night Crow said

"......How did you know?"

Knowing that it was wrong, Lei was suddenly expelled from the "human race" and turned into an unknown monster. The irritable Lei asked with a bit of a broken pot and suspicion.

Night Crow didn't care about it, and explained in a good-tempered manner: "Divination! Don't look at me like this, I still have some divination skills... I have said before that this strange room is very friendly to non-humans, and it even allows me to divine its rules."

"..." Lei didn't say anything else.

The overly bright red color has occupied the ends of his hair.

Night Crow observed Lei's changes with interest, and the recording mode of the virtual mobile phone was turned on as early as when she saw the Gothic castle-style corridor.

After a while, when more materials are accumulated, she must restart the live broadcast of "Fake Doctor" on the dark web... er, editing room?

Forget it, anyway, just show some interesting video works. If you happen to encounter suitable materials, it is not impossible to start a live broadcast again.

The light green eyes were dyed with a seductive red.

The baby face, which still had some baby fat, grew up, from being generally good-looking and pleasing to the eye, to being androgynous and stunningly beautiful.

The limbs grew longer, the skeleton stretched, and the originally short, neither fat nor thin, ordinary figure grew into a slender and slender 1.8 meters in a few breaths.

The unrecognizable Lei finally felt that "death" was accelerating, and the corresponding "rebirth" was also accelerating.

And it was almost there...

He closed his phoenix eyes with thick and gorgeous eyelashes and bright red eyeshadow, and let himself fall to the ground on his back.

——When he woke up, everything would end, and everything would start again.

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