"Ha~" Lei woke up from a beautiful sleep, stretched his body, and then began to check himself.

The clothes that once fit him perfectly were now much shorter when worn on him. Fortunately, they were summer clothes, so they looked quite harmonious.

The waistline magically did not change, saving the trouble of adjustment.

As for the shoes, they were a little uncomfortable.

Lei thought about it, and simply took off his shoes and socks, stepping barefoot on the cold brass floor.

Looking around, Lei successfully found the crow lying dead with its two claws facing the sky in the corner. Lei stood up and was surprised to find that his hair was still just the length of his knees...

Apparently, they had secretly grown a little longer while he was sleeping.

Shaking his head, Lei walked silently to the corner, leaned over and gently picked up the sleeping crow.

Holding the crow, Lei came to the only exit of the brass cube room, raised his hand to hold the door handle, and twisted it gently.

The copper door creaked and opened with Lei's force.

——Sure enough, if there is no "person" in the room, the copper door can be opened...

Lei half-leaned out of the door and looked around cautiously.

At the left end of the corridor, where there should be an elevator, there is only the seemingly endless castle corridor, which looks exactly the same as the right side.

With a sigh, Lei gently pushed the crow in his arms.

"Woo... um... ha~ah~" Night Crow woke up sleepily and looked around in a daze: "The transformation is over... What are you now?"

"I don't know." Lei shrugged, "There is no such thing as inherited memory. There are some pictures whose meaning is still unclear, which look like memory fragments."

"However, judging from the surface structure of the body, it seems to be no different from human males." He added.

"Oh..." Night Crow's eyelids were fighting.

Seeing that Crow was about to fall asleep again, Lei asked hurriedly: "Don't fall asleep yet! Tell me how to leave this corridor?"

"I can't get out from the inside... I have to wait for the door outside to open... or for the divine power to intervene... huh..."

The Night Crow fell asleep.

"..." Lei scratched his head, feeling a little confused.

Looking at the deep corridors on both sides and the regularly distributed and tightly closed brass doors, Lei hesitated.

Or... knock on each door? Maybe there will be a senior who knows a quick way to leave?

After hesitating for a long time, caution finally prevailed over recklessness.

Lei held Crow in one hand and held the door handle of the brass door in the other hand. He leaned against the door frame in a comfortable and convenient posture so that he could retreat into the room and close the door at any time, and began to close his eyes and rest.

Now, compared to his previous self who thought he was an ordinary person, not only has his five senses been greatly enhanced, but his thinking has also become much more efficient...


After playing a single-player game for three days and two nights, and sleeping for a full day and night, Night Crow woke up beautifully. (There is a risk of sudden death, so do not imitate.)

After stretching comfortably and slowly, Night Crow finally had time to observe the surroundings.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Night Crow looked up at Lei's perfectly lined chin in confusion.

"Wait for someone or something outside to open the door." Lei said as a matter of course without opening his eyes.

"..." Night Crow was silent, raised his wings to cover his face, "It's my fault for not making it clear... The exit is inside the room, on the wall opposite this door."

Lei opened his eyes and looked at the bare, rusty brass wall that Night Crow referred to in his words in confusion.

"...Hidden?" Lei confirmed.

"Well, when the entrance opens, the exit will also open, and all the exits are in a room like this." Night Crow said.

"I see, either you die of thirst or hunger in the corridor, or you risk entering the room and give it a try... It's really dangerous!" Lei said to himself.

"Compared to this," Night Crow said in an inexplicable tone, "Aren't you going to close the door?"

"Hmm? Is there a problem?"

"It's a big problem!" Night Crow said in an exaggerated tone, "You can't still naively think that just because we are all 'monsters', everyone will love each other?"

"... Even if it's not the case, what's the benefit of fighting?" Lei retorted.

"What's the benefit..." Night Crow dragged out his tone sinisterly, "Why do you think those lives that are also living things have to fight to the death?"

"..." Lei looked around subconsciously.

Well, the corridor is as deep as ever, and the bronze doors in it are as quiet as ever.

Ley closed the door of Room 0009 quietly and searched around the door handle, but didn't find any extra knobs or other things to lock the door.

"No need to look for it, there's no owner.If you invite or agree, things from outside cannot come in, no matter if they are ‘people’ or not. ”

Hearing this, Lei Yi immediately relaxed a little.

Sitting cross-legged in the corner opposite the permanent bronze door, Lei Yi asked: “What will happen if a ‘person’ is put into the room by the owner?”

“Same.” Night Crow skillfully summoned the virtual mobile phone, clicked on a large open world single-player game, and said casually, “This strange story has left no way for ‘people’ to survive from the beginning.”

“…Is that so.” Lei Yi stopped talking and just closed his eyes and waited.

——Although I don’t know what he has become, it seems that he can “endure hunger” at the moment. Even when he saw a lively crow jumping in his arms, he only wanted to eat it a little bit.

Well, it’s really just a little bit.

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