After finishing the private chat with Lucia, Night Crow turned to chat with Apophi privately.

[Night Crow: Did Lucia really use the Aphrodite Cube?

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: Yes, it was given to her by Frederick when Lucia officially advanced to the advanced level a few years ago.

Night Crow: What is her second body?

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: Fat orange.

Night Crow:?

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: A very fat and round orange cat.

Night Crow: ...

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: Lucia doesn't seem to like this second body.

Night Crow: I understand... What abilities does that body have.

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: I don't know. Lucia never switched except when she first used the cube.

Night Crow: Hmm... Just pretend I don't know about this.

Ice Song and Snow Ballad: Okay. 】

After closing the virtual mobile phone interface in the sea of ​​consciousness, Night Crow looked at the golden box on the coffee table with a complicated expression.

Obesity and the like are the mortal enemy of ladies…

After hesitating for a moment, curiosity about the unknown second body prevailed.

Night Crow raised its wings and claws, and struggled to open the golden box that Yaerlin had not fastened with the retro lock, and stabbed its mental power into the transparent Avdilo cube in the box.

The way for Avdilo cube to recognize its master is very simple, blood, mental power, and soul power are all OK.

Without any warning, the colorless and transparent small cube burst into dazzling light.

Night Crow's eyes blurred and her head was dizzy.

When she came to her senses, she found that she had switched to the so-called "second body".

A cube.

A colorless and transparent small cube lying quietly on the coffee table, no different from the Avdilo cube, with a side length of π centimeters.

"..." After a long silence, Night Crow roared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

There's a bug!

This thing is used as a body? !

Randomness is not like this, bastard!

In the windless air conditioning, Night Crow's mental power was "staring" at the small square on the coffee table, with countless messy complaints in his heart.

At this moment, a "ding--" sound sounded, and the rigid electronic synthesized sound of a mobile phone brick sounded in Night Crow's sea of ​​consciousness.

"An unlisted race was detected. Should it be included in the race database of the 'Game of Life'?"

"..." After a moment of silence, Night Crow couldn't help but complain, "I wanted to say before, the game of life, the game of life, but it doesn't even have the premise of 'people', what kind of 'game of life' is it?"

"..." The phone brick was silent for a long time, and the rigid electronic synthesized sound sounded again. Night Crow actually heard a hint of caution from it, "Then, 'Infinite Reincarnation Game'?"

"'Infinite Reincarnation'..." Night Crow savored it for a while, "It's appropriate, let's take it."

"Okay." The electronic synthesized sound was silent for a long time. Cheng Yin read mechanically, "System update begins..."

Just when Night Crow thought that the mobile phone brick would be silent for a while...

"System update completed." The electronic synthesized voice spoke faster, giving people a vague sense of joy, "'Infinite Reincarnation Game' is at your service."

"..." After a moment of silence, Night Crow said weakly, "Collect it, I want to see what race this block is."


"Race collection begins..."

"Race collection is complete, the owner can check and name it in the character panel."

The voice of the mobile phone brick no longer sounded.

Night Crow followed the words and summoned the character panel that had been useless and almost forgotten by her in the sea of ​​consciousness.

[Name: Night Crow

Race: Unnamed imaginary race

Age: -

Gender: None

Talent: Illusion]

[Talent: Illusion

Introduction: An imaginary life that came to the world in an incredible way, without a real body, using the Aphrodite Cube as a medium to touch everything and transform into everything. 】

Looking at this short and powerful introduction, Night Crow and even Lenari in the dark realm fell into deep thought.

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