With the help of perception and divination, Lenari soon figured out what the so-called "illusory" talent was.

Simply put, perfect "copy and paste" is its upper limit, and only cosplay with similar appearance is its lower limit.

When the upper limit is exerted, not only the form and ability, but also the memory and feelings can be copied. ——This is very dangerous at first glance, Lenari does not intend to use it.

However, the initial form is about the same as a building block, which is a big problem...

After thinking about it, Night Crow switched back to the crow body and asked the main body to help cut a feather off.

——If you do it yourself, you have to pull it out, which is painful... Anyway, there is no one in the room at this time.

The cut black crow feather lay quietly on the coffee table. Night Crow took a few steps forward and stepped on the feather, and then switched to the "formless" body.

Well, "formless" is the name Lenari just gave to this so-called imaginary race.

The crow disappeared, and a colorless, transparent, side-length-centimeter-length-equal-to-π small cube appeared, just pressing on the crow's feather.

According to the method just figured out, Night Crow activated the ability of "Void" on the feather.

The "image" of the colorless small cube blurred for a while, then expanded, shaped, and became clear again.

Night Crow opened his eyes, looking confused.

"What's going on?" she asked blankly.

No one answered her.

Lenari in the dark realm, with the same confusion, was busy with divination.

After a while, Lenari gave up divination, opened a shadow rift, and brought a mobile phone brick.

"My character used the "Void" talent to copy his own feathers, how come it turned into a human form?" Lenari asked puzzledly.

"This is because the master's "Night Crow" character involves too many "irrationalities"..." A somewhat weak electronic synthesized sound sounded in the weird appearance of the low-key black shell mobile phone.

Lenari nodded, and put the phone back without making things difficult for it.

The existence of ghost stories is indeed "irrational"... and the character of "Night Crow" is involved in a lot of ghost stories...

With the help of the shadows in the room, Lenari looked up and down at Night Crow's new body for a while, nodded with satisfaction, and cut off this too direct connection.


Room 2209 of Anaki City Hotel, on the coffee table in the small living room.

Night Crow flapped its wings and flew to the huge floor-to-ceiling dressing mirror in the master bedroom.

——Although I have seen it with my mental power, the original way of looking in the mirror is also interesting.

The huge floor-to-ceiling mirror wiped spotless by the hardworking staff of the hotel faithfully reflects Night Crow's current appearance.

A head of short black hair that was slightly messy, big black eyes, a chubby baby face, a wide-sleeved, knee-length, black feather dress with a hood, and bare feet.

Oh, and a pair of black wings.

"Isn't this too young? Is this height 1.1 meters?" Night Crow complained, and her voice was as expected, also childish.

Although she said she was disgusted, Night Crow was actually quite satisfied.

At least, she finally had hands.

However, it was still a bit inconvenient to be barefoot...

Thinking this way, Night Crow opened the virtual mobile phone in the sea of ​​consciousness and prepared to go online to look for a few pairs of suitable shoes.

- Oh, I almost forgot to inform Lucia.

Thinking this way, Night Crow flew back to the small living room and sat down on the sofa.

- These wings are obviously physical, but they can be retracted without any trace, and they don't affect the clothes... It just highlights the word "irrational".


【Night Crow: I just used up the Aphrodite Cube and randomly got a very interesting body. The race and ability of this body are...

Night Crow: [Photo] ×n

(A few minutes later.)

Cat Lady: Wow~ Not bad! Green Star is dominated by humans after all, and it is convenient to have a humanoid!

Night Crow: You are too young, and it is still inconvenient to go out...

Cat Lady: This is easy, I will ask Apophi to copy it for you.

Night Crow: Emmm... How about I go there? Anyway, the Heguo scientific expedition team needs to prepare for a month or two before they can set off.

Cat Lady: Okay! The flower tea and flower cakes in the ancient city of Fever are very delicious~

Night Crow: Speaking of which, where is Wang Bao? There was no news after he was summoned before...

Cat Lady: Don't worry, Wang Bao has a contractor who is a trialist in the ghost story "Gods Space", and he went to help with the task... That is sometimes very time-consuming.

Night Crow: Oh oh!

Night Crow: By the way, doesn't the "Gods' Space" have a setting where the time flow rate inside and outside is 100 to 1?

Lady Cat: It depends. The time flow rate ratio between the copies inside the "Gods' Space" and the real world is uncertain. The highest known record is said to be 1024 to 1.

Night Crow: A thousand times? A bit scary...

Lady Cat: Yes, as the strongest known trial space-type ghost story, "Gods' Space" is still a bit interesting.

Night Crow: I will wait for Lei to come back and update my documents before leaving.

Lady Cat: Don't worry, I still need a lot of time.


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