Ancient City of Feffer, Church of Light, a garden near a monastery.

The black cat gracefully and lightly jumped onto the stone table in the pavilion, flicked its tail, and happily greeted the teacher who was reading a large book beside him: "Good morning, teacher."

"Good morning, Lucia." Frederick responded gently.

"I gained quite a lot from this retreat. I feel that I can try to touch the threshold of the super level if I come again." Lucia said happily.

"This is a good thing." Frederick put down the book and reached out to gently stroke the black cat's head.

Lucia subconsciously raised her head, enjoying the feeling of being stroked by the smooth fur.

After a moment, Lucia remembered that she had another question that she forgot to ask.

"Recently, I always feel like I've forgotten something..." Black Cat said thoughtfully, "Did someone make an appointment to visit me, but I forgot?"

"Did you? I don't remember you mentioning it... The kid in charge of visitor reservations didn't remind me either." Frederick said in confusion, "Did you remember it wrong?"

"Maybe..." Lucia shook her head, "Sometimes I have some inexplicable feelings."

"Indeed." Frederick nodded in agreement.

——After all, mortals are mortals, and there is nothing we can do about the occasional false alarms from intuition.


Inside the "Infinite City" of the strange story, a room.

The seed that was flicked onto the back of the middle-aged man by the night crow quickly broke its shell and grew dense and tiny roots at an incredibly fast speed. Before the man could react, all of them pierced into his spine and back of the neck.

Lei, who was watching intently from the side, felt a chill.

He didn't have intensive phobia, but this scene...

The middle-aged man's body twitched a few times, and the expression of fear and confusion on his face soon became calm.

Night Crow snapped his fingers like in the movie, and the vines that bound the middle-aged man retreated to the side.

The middle-aged man, who was suddenly free, stood up silently, his expression was terrifyingly calm.

"How long have you been here?" Night Crow asked.

"I can't remember."

"What era was it before you came to this place?" Night Crow asked in a different way.

"Warring States." The man replied, "The lord I served at that time was named 'Yanoda Kai'."

"..." Night Crow, who knew very little about the history of the country, was silent for a moment, and then asked, "How do you survive until now?"

"These rooms that are endlessly born and destroyed will have some food and water at random." The man's expression remained calm, "As long as you are alert enough and leave the room in time before it collapses, you can rely on these food and water to survive."

"Why don't you age?"

"I don't know, everyone here is like this."

"There are many people here?"

"Sometimes more, sometimes less, but very few people can live long."


"There is no one to trust, and there is no place to sleep peacefully. Most people find it difficult to adapt to such a life. Some die in fights, some die of mental breakdown, and more die from not leaving the place where they sleep in time."

Listening, Night Crow frowned.

Even if the time flow rate inside and outside this ghost story is the same, more than 800 years have passed... How can such an ordinary person live "normally" to this day in such a high-pressure environment?

Tsk, I still lack experience... I couldn't even find such an obvious abnormality at the first time...

Sure enough, I usually act recklessly and lack respect for everything because I rely on my main body to protect me. This side effect is very deadly when it occurs...

Fortunately, it's not too late to adjust my mentality now.

Thinking so, Night Crow asked: "More than 800 years have passed in the outside world, why are you still so "clear-headed"? "

"...I don't know." The middle-aged man looked confused, but subconsciously glanced at the sword on his waist that he had not had time to draw just now.

Night Crow and Lei's sight shifted accordingly.

Lei saw with his sharp eyes that the scabbard of the sword, which was as simple as two simply cut wooden boards tied together with cloth strips, actually shook by itself.

Night Crow narrowed his eyes.

Without seeing her move, the end of the vine that was quietly crawling on the side suddenly raised up and shot towards the worn-out sword on the man's waist.

The sword shook even more violently.

Lei thought it would resist, but it didn't.

The vines that swarmed up successfully bound the sword and roughly pulled it off the man's waist.

Looking up and down at the trembling sword in the air through the vines, Night Crow asked, "Demon sword?"

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