A few seconds after Night Crow opened his mouth, a flattering and panicked hoarse voice sounded from the blade of the old sword:

"I am just a broken sword that became a demon by chance. I am absolutely not worthy of the name of a demon sword."

Ignoring the sword's attitude, Night Crow asked: "Are you controlling this person?"

"Yes, yes... I am just a sword, I can't move by myself..."

"How long have you been here?"

"I was brought in by this man..."

"How long have you been here?" Night Crow asked again.

The demon sword seemed to be startled, and his already unpleasant hoarse voice became even more piercing, making it even more unpleasant.

"I estimate it's been more than 800 years!"

More than 800 years... It's really a 1:1 time flow rate...

The Night Crow thought for a while and asked, "Is the food here okay for people to eat?"

"I don't know, but this man ate a lot and didn't see any problems."

The Night Crow nodded and asked, "Did the taste really become strange?"

"No, really!" Yao Dao said hurriedly, "It's just that it's hard to find a room with a shower. After a long time, people here are dirty and affect their appetite."

"Yeah." The Night Crow nodded and suddenly said coldly, "You can die now."

Before he finished speaking, the vines that bound the Yao Dao suddenly tightened. With a few crisp "clicks", the Yao Dao didn't even have time to react before it was strangled into several sections with the sword and sheath.

After dealing with the demon sword, Night Crow turned back and asked the man: "Have you ever eaten people?"


"How many?"

"I can't remember, maybe dozens."


"In these rooms, except for the initial room, there will be no meat."

"Well, you can die too."

The tiny roots of the seed that invaded the spinal cord and brain suddenly expanded, bursting the man from the inside out.

Looking at the wooden wall that suddenly rose in front of him to block the splashing filth, Lei pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time.

Looking at Lei sideways, Night Crow said calmly: "Most places covered by the shadow of ghost stories are so cruel, you will get used to it sooner or later."

Unexpectedly, Lei shook his head and explained with a little surprise: "No, you misunderstood... Compared with the things I commissioned to present before, this level is nothing at all."

Night Crow: "..."

Young man... what kind of miserable life did you live in the past? !

"I thought your life was a detective comedy..." Night Crow said with a slightly strange expression.

"It would be nice if that was the case..." Lei smiled bitterly, "Unfortunately, eight out of ten of the commissions I received were suspenseful dark dramas, and occasionally I would guest star in action dramas..."

"..." Night Crow stepped forward and patted Lei's shoulder.

"Ahem." Lei, who suddenly gained a wave of sympathy, felt embarrassed.

His eyes wandered for a moment, and the red-haired young man seemed to remember something, and suddenly said: "By the way, the real estate left by my father...adoptive father, including the detective agency, I have entrusted Eve to help sell and donate all the proceeds to reliable charities."

Hearing this, Night Crow was a little surprised: "All donated? What about you?"

"Work." Lei said with a relaxed look, paused, and added, "Well, that was originally the plan."

"Originally? What about now?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"If I can get out alive this time... I should stay with my grandfather for a while, right?" Lei said uncertainly.

Night Crow nodded seriously: "Given your strange situation, it is indeed necessary to practice with a pure monster for a while."

"...It's not that strange, right? Am I not slowly adapting?" Lei muttered softly.

"Let's talk about the future later. I don't know when I can get out of this predicament." Night Crow shrugged and turned to the room behind him. "Let's go. Although it's not time yet, we should change places."

Lei glanced at the mess behind the wooden wall that was rapidly withering and collapsing, and turned around silently to follow.

——After becoming a monster, his five senses were extremely sharp and difficult to control...

At this moment, Lei felt that he was about to suffocate.

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