"This level? Is there really a next level?" Night Crow's focus was obviously off.

"...I'm not sure." Kroy pursed his lips and said, "All the information about the next level is just unfounded rumors."

"Well, why do you want to kill the controller of that city?" Night Crow asked.

Kroy was silent for a moment, and then replied lightly: "I just can't stand it."

Night Crow raised his eyebrows: "Can't stand it? What did that guy do that made people angry?"

Kroy did not answer directly, but said: "The area of ​​this level of dream is quite limited, and the center point is the only exit of the 'dungeon'."

"That city was not something that existed in this level of dream at the beginning, but was built by humans. As for when it happened, I don't know, and no one can tell clearly. After all, this ghost place has no sun, moon, stars, no day and night rotation, and no There is no feeling of hunger, and even the weather is always the same heavy snow. "

"When I first came here, the city was still normal. People were not happy or unhappy, but at least they were still living."

"I am a pure-blooded vampire with an almost endless lifespan. After waking up from a long sleep, I found that the atmosphere of the city had changed."

"There is an S-level psychic who forcibly controls the people of the entire city and makes them toys for his entertainment. Most people can't even ask for death..."

When Chloe said this, his face was full of disgust and murderous intent.

After thinking for a while, Night Crow asked: "How many 'population' does that city have?"

"About 10,000, sometimes it fluctuates greatly." Croy said, "The life span of ordinary people here is a hundred times longer than that in the outside world, but they will still die of aging."

Night Crow nodded and asked again: "How many S-level/super-level people are there on this floor? How many people are in cahoots with the city lord?"

Croy pursed his lips: "As far as I know, there are 3 people still alive, including me, and two on the city lord's side."

"...You were not killed by them together." Night Crow said in surprise.

"Because I hid well." Croy said, "I'm not stupid. I'm not stupid. I'll go even though I know I can't win."

"No, I mean when you were asleep." Night Crow said, "The city lord took over while you were asleep, right?"

"Oh, that, I slept underground in the wild." Croy said lightly, "The advantage of the vampires not needing to breathe is reflected here... In addition, these ice and snow have the effect of hindering perception, didn't you notice?"

"Now that you put it that way, it's true..." Night Crow suddenly realized, "No wonder you hid so unprofessionally..."

"...It seems that the way you are used to perceiving is quite special." Croy said with a somewhat wooden expression.

"It's quite special." Night Crow nodded and said, "How can we enter the next level?"

Kroy did not hide it and said frankly: "I'm not sure. Rumor has it that if you die here, you will enter the next level..."

Night Crow nodded thoughtfully: "That's why there is the situation of 'most people want to die'..."

"...If 'death' is really just entering the next level, I'm happy to help them, but I'm not sure." Kroy sighed.

"This is easy, try it and you'll know." Night Crow said happily.

Kroy was stunned for a moment, then remembered that the guy in front of him was just a clone, and it probably didn't matter even if he really died, so he nodded and asked: "Do you need help?"

"No... Well, I kind of want to help." Night Crow scratched his head and said.

"?" Kroy looked at Night Crow with a puzzled look.

"This body was originally a 'Day Angel' with some of the sun's divinity, but later it was infected with too much dark power and became what it is now." Night Crow explained, "I'm a little curious, what will happen if the vampires drink the blood of this body now?"

"..." Chloe was silent for a moment, and condensed a half-moon arc blade made of blood in his palm as if nothing had happened, "I can help you die."

Seeing this, Night Crow curled his lips, nodded unsatisfiedly, and opened his hands: "Okay... Come on, chop off the head and you should die."

"..." Chloe's mouth twitched slightly, and after a long while, he squeezed out a word from his throat, "Okay."

She stood in place, raised the half-moon arc blade in her hand, and threw it directly.

Floating in the air, Night Crow looked at the high-speed flying blood blade, without dodging, and even took the initiative to straighten his neck to meet it.

With a cool feeling on the neck, Night Crow's eyes went black.

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