Night Crow suddenly woke up.

She found herself lying on a cold, hard, probably stone ground. The stone ceiling was low and cramped, and the surroundings were dark and dead silent.

Isn't this the dungeon in the cutscene?

Night Crow sat up and was confused to find that the view did not move with her. Only then did she realize that her neck was a little cold.

Could it be...

With a bad premonition, Night Crow raised her hand to touch her head, and as expected, she touched nothing.

"Wow, a decapitated angel... Why do I seem to have seen this character somewhere?" Night Crow muttered to herself and tried to turn her head.

—— This process was very smooth, as if the head was still on the neck, and there was no problem even raising and lowering the head.

After understanding the problem, Night Crow effortlessly controlled her body to stand up, picked up the head a few meters away, and pressed her hand on the neatly cut neck.

Hmm... not very stable.

Night Crow thought about it, and began to try to tie his head to his neck with his long hair, which had not been broken for some reason.

After a while, Night Crow gave up the troublesome manual tying and knotting, and let the long hair that had come alive at some point fix his head to his neck.

After confirming that the long hair was in place, Night Crow shook his head vigorously.

Well, very stable.

Night Crow nodded with satisfaction, folded his wings, walked to the iron door with chains wrapped around it, untied the chains, pushed the door and left.

The second layer of the dream, in the sparse coniferous forest.

Chloe looked at the body not far away, whose head and body were separated, and whose blood vessels had strange black blood flowing but not a drop was spilled, and she was a little at a loss for a moment.

—— She had seen with her own eyes that the bodies of other people would disappear soon after they died...

After thinking about it, Chloe walked over silently and tracelessly on the snow surface, and picked up the head that was calmly closing its eyes as if it was just taking a nap.

"So light!"

The moment the head was in her hand, Chloe exclaimed in astonishment.

Subconsciously, she turned her head to look at the headless body lying on its back on the snow with its wings spread wide not far away, but it only sank a little.

"...I thought it was a mysterious effect, but it turned out to be just a physical phenomenon?" Chloe whispered to herself, her expression looking a little weird because of the confusion.

She came to the headless body with the head that was still warm in the cold temperature of dozens of degrees below zero and squatted down, placing the head in her hand, which was "smooth" in section, just above the neck.

The black-haired and white-clothed black-winged angel lay quietly, as if he was not dead.

At the severed neck, the dark blood flowed quietly as always, as if the "break" was just an optical illusion.


There are many forks in the dungeon, and the most important thing is that the divination that used to be successful in finding the way has failed.

Night Crow looked at the familiar marks in front of him and sighed in distress.

Obviously, she was lost.

After thinking for a while, Night Crow looked up and randomly chose a direction to go. This time, she didn't even make a mark.

——Anyway, at a certain time point, she would probably be thrown out again.

"It is rumored that there is an office."

Lenari, who was helping Lucia "move", paused and looked thoughtful.

"What's wrong?" The black cat standing on the big desk in the middle of the store came back to his senses from thinking about how to layout the new office and asked in confusion.

"It's okay. My trumpet has gained something from exploring an unknown dream-like strange story." Lenari said casually. After a pause, she asked, "Why not just make it a four-story building like the Anaki City Office?"

"Stores on the first floor; living quarters on the second floor. A large cafeteria can be added when there are more people in the future; functional rooms such as laboratories, libraries, and ascetic rooms on the third floor; and classified warehouses on the fourth floor." She suggested, "As for the layout of the rooms...just make a 'control console' like the private room in the Puinsus Restaurant, and let the residents solve it themselves."

"Good idea! That's it!" Lucia nodded happily.

Lenari thought for a moment and asked, "Do we need to keep a master bedroom on the second floor?"

"No." Lucia's smile faded and she shook her head calmly, "Since they have all been reincarnated successfully... Although I still miss them in the past, I will change to a more rational way."

"That's good." Lenari took a few steps forward and touched the black cat's head, "In a few months, I will take you to laugh at Vivian."

"A few months?" Lucia wondered, "Is reincarnation so fast?"

"Of course humans won't be so fast." Lenari's mouth curled up slightly.

"You mean..." Lucia's emerald eyes slowly widened.

"The creation of the 'Lord of Everlasting Darkness', the Black Feather Clan." Lenari's smile gradually widened., "The kind with memories~"

"... Well done!" Lucia raised one of her front paws and used a soft, light-gold milky white light to simulate a giant human hand with a thumbs-up.

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