The underground shelter of the palace in reality is no different from before, except that it lacks a layer of old yellowed special effects filter.

The strange "Princess" in the hall above didn't seem to plan to come down. The Night Crow circled above the "Demon King", thought about it, and landed on the meat ball again.

In reality, this half-dead meat ball is not as harmless as the projection. The moment the Night Crow's claws just touched the outer layer of burnt skin, they were stuck and pulled tightly, and in an instant they were swallowed by the meat ball.


The main system of the "Gods Space" watching from afar in the Green Star Alien Space looked at the "image" that suddenly blurred in front of them and was speechless.

They promised so well before, but in the end, they lost two lives in a row in just a short time...

Is your way of playing so... well, "wild"?

I'm so envious... When can I reach this level...

The main system of "Gods Space" felt sorry for the scrapped subsystem while thinking about it.


This is a broken, crazy, and randomly pieced together nightmare.

The Night Crow sank into the darkness with a clear mind and finally came here.

Looking at the disordered light and shadow around, the Night Crow turned back to the appearance of the little girl with wings presented by the former formless body, opened his mouth, and suddenly shouted:



The layers of echoes echoed in this nightmare, and when they were about to disappear, they suddenly became noisy.

Luka Luska Luska Luska Luska Luska——

In the hysterical and layered screams, the whole dream suddenly trembled, and in the blink of an eye, it shattered like glass shattered by high-frequency sound waves.

The sky was filled with chaotic fragments of light and shadow, like the noise of thousands of people screaming crazily at the same time, becoming increasingly sharp, and there was no longer any syllable that could be recognized.

In the chaos, the motionless Night Crow frowned.

It seems that to find "Lucas", he has to sink deeper...

But if he goes deeper, can he really get out of it?

In the hesitation, for some reason, the Night Crow's heart, which was obviously just a simulation, began to beat violently.

That was the emotion called "tension", which was showing the desire to pursue "excitement".

With a slight flush on his cheeks, the Night Crow pressed his chest, feeling the strange heartbeat, and whispered to himself: "Guanghui, are you watching?"

"I'm watching." The unusually calm voice of the twins sounded as always and in an extremely timely manner.

"I think," Night Crow looked at his feet, his dark eyes glowing with an inexplicable light, and he said word by word, "Go down and take a look."

"Go." The Radiant Truth said.

"Thank you." Night Crow, no, Lenari whispered softly.

Then, the figure of the winged little girl melted, like rain falling into the sea, mixed into the chaotic light and shadow, and there was no longer a boundary.


The evil of the mortal world is darkness.

All "negative" things are also darkness.

And He is the embodiment of darkness.

Lenari finally realized this.

His so-called "self" has been eternal and omnipresent like darkness since it "existed", not as fragile as He... or "she" once thought.

Of course, He is too huge, and everything in the mortal world is too small in comparison, so for mortals, He is eternally "out of control".

He who understood the truth fell asleep again.

So, the seemingly weak "she" woke up.


"...So, the 'Lord of Darkness' you believe in is the most powerful 'Demon King'?" Lucas said numbly while hiding in the pit melted by the sun flame.

"How can something like 'Demon King' be worthy of my Lord!" Night Crow stood far away from the pit, rolled his eyes at Lucas with his back to him.

"...What about the one I tore apart before?" Lucas asked unwillingly.

"That's the 'Day Angel', my second body." Night Crow said.


As for the second body, Lucas, as a senior S-level trialist, of course knows it very well, and he even has one himself.

Unfortunately, the pollution of the "Demon King" directly affects the consciousness, so no matter how many bodies there are, they are all given in vain.

"But, that, um, 'Day Angel', obviously has the divinity of the sun, will your Lord really allow it?" Lucas asked again.

"Why not?" Night Crow was surprised and subconsciously wanted to turn around.

"Don't turn around! I have nothing to wear!" Lucas shouted hurriedly.

"...I've seen your most private thoughts, and you still care about clothes!" Night Crow stopped turning around and simply sat down on the ground this time."So, if you care so much, why don't you use your ability to make a set of clothes! Even if it's a set of black smoke clothes, it's still clothes?"

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