"...My mind is in a mess now, and my strength needs to be reorganized..." Lucas argued feebly.

"Oh." Night Crow simply responded, neither believing nor disbelieving.

The current "Demon King", or "Whisperer", like Apophi, has become Lenari's subordinate legend.

The essence of "Whisperer" is a broken godhead, a failed resurrection of an ancient god who had long fallen.

He is ignorant and blind, and for thousands of years, he has only instinctively absorbed nutrients and looked for containers one after another.

Because the power corresponding to his broken godhead is "the evil of all living beings", therefore, the people of this world are forced to face the rampage of the "Demon King" every once in a while, from a few decades to thousands of years.

Even now that it has been completely infiltrated and eroded by the power of the "Lord of Everlasting Darkness", the huge and chaotic consciousness stitched body inside the "Whisperer" has not disappeared. It is just that facing the superior existence standing at the peak of the same attribute, they instinctively chose to surrender.

After surrendering, it is natural that the "Whisperer" put forward the part of "them" that is most favored by the superior will and belongs to "Lucas" as the representative of "them".

Based on this, "Lucas", who is no longer an "alien", has a long-lost moment of peace, but he has not been liberated, and it is even more difficult to be liberated.

"Lucas" knows this very well, but he can't do anything about it.

The stone floor was rough and cold, and the duck's sitting posture was not very comfortable. Night Crow flapped his wings and stood up, walked a few steps deeper, and said without looking back:

"In short, the relationship between my lord 'Eternal Darkness' and his twin god 'The Principle of Glory' is very, very good. Correspondingly, there is no enemy relationship between the light camp and the dark camp of Green Star as you imagine."

"...Okay, I am narrow-minded." Lucas humbly accepted the advice.

"By the way, how long will it take you to 'sort out' the power?" Night Crow asked again, with a somewhat impatient tone.

"It should be done in another ten minutes." Lucas said cautiously.

"Ten minutes...Okay." Night Crow muttered, summoned a virtual mobile phone in the sea of ​​consciousness, and clicked on a large dress-up game.

——Lucas's embarrassment reminded her that ordinary clothes were too fragile, and she had to make a few more sets of extraordinary clothes to prepare in case she encountered any extreme environment and had no clothes to wear.

Speaking of which...

"Your body size is similar to my second body of the Day Angel. One of the armbands I wore before was a space equipment, which contained several sets of clothes..."

"...But, there is still someone up there, right?" Lucas said hesitantly.

"You can stretch out a tentacle to get it." Night Crow said, "Anyway, I won't go. This body has no fighting power and can't beat that strange 'princess'."

"...If I can stretch out my tentacles now, why don't I just roll them up and use them as clothes?" Lucas said with pursed lips.

"You're right...Then wait, I hope that the 'princess' will be more patient." Night Crow said.

"He is a smart man and will have enough patience." Lucas said firmly.

"'He'? It turns out to be a prince in women's clothing..." Night Crow suddenly realized and asked curiously, "So, what is the situation here?"

"I don't know the details, I'll let him tell you later."



The upper palace hall.

The few remaining people stood near the throne, behind the "Princess", silent and wondering what they were thinking.

In the hall sealed by strange power, even the air circulation seemed particularly stagnant. At this time, the best ventilation effect was the large hole melted by flames near the center of the hall.

It's not that no one suggested escaping through that big hole, but...

"The 'Devil' is still active."

Her Highness the "Princess" vowed, so that person immediately gave up this dangerous idea.

In the history of human civilization in this world, the "Devil" is an unavoidable and terrifying shadow. Although its immortal body and troublesome ability to borrow a body to reborn are not as terrible as its plague-like filthy magic, they are also widely circulated.

If you go down from that hole, you will inevitably get close to the "corpse" of the "Devil", and then no one can say whether their "live bodies" will be taken away.

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