The carapace-like material grew and formed a solid armor; the turbid black smoke condensed and turned into a loose hooded cloak.

"I'm fine." Lucas, who was dressed tightly, was finally willing to climb out of the pit melted by the solar flame.

Hearing this, Night Crow closed the interface of the virtual phone, spread its wings and flew up, hovering not far from Lucas, and said: "Then go up, my two arm rings, can't be thrown away."

Lucas nodded, and his body floated up in the air, flying straight to the big hole in the ceiling.


In the palace hall.

Sensing the movement in the underground shelter, the "Princess" tightened her staff and "subconsciously" took a step back, staring at the big hole on the floor with a nervous expression.

Seeing this, the ministers behind the "Princess" who were either in deep thought or in a daze were frightened and retreated again and again until they could no longer retreat.

Soon, thin but vivid black smoke rose from the hole in the floor, and then, the "Demon King" with filthy power floated out.

When the "Princess" really saw the state of the "Demon King" at this moment, she was stunned, and her knuckles that pulled the staff turned white because of too much force, and her heart sank.

Why is the "Demon King" in a better state than before being burned by the flames? !

And the crow...

Could it be that the holy "brave man" was really corrupted and fallen?


In the tense and alert eyes of the "Princess", the "Demon King" floated in the air, looked around the hall roughly, and then swept his eyes across the ground inch by inch, as if looking for something.

The Night Crow flew around the hall and landed on one shoulder of the "Demon King". He shouted in surprise: "Strange! I can't even sense the position of my arm ring..."

"Can't sense it?" Lucas looked at the crow in confusion, "Is it burned?"

"Impossible!" The Night Crow immediately retorted, "One of the arm rings is a weapon with the divine power of the sun, and the other one was customized with full consideration of the possible negative effects of the divine power of the sun!"

"If that's the case, then..." Lucas turned his eyes to the throne and coldly examined the only eight humans left in the hall one by one.

"Hand over the things of the 'brave man'." He ordered the group of people directly without asking.

Hearing this, the "Princess"'s face changed, and she turned around suddenly, staring at the seven people in the corner with wide eyes in disbelief.

Before, because of the position, the filthy and twisted body of the "Demon King" happened to block him and the "brave man". When the "brave man" was torn to pieces, he didn't dare to look around, and he didn't know if there were any special items left.

But looking at the reactions of the "Demon King" and the crow...

These pigs! It's already this late, and they still dare to pick up things randomly!


Faced with the "Princess's" incredulous eyes, and more importantly, the "Demon King's" coercion, the seven people with different expressions and sizes hurriedly denied:

"It's not me! I don't have it!"

"I don't know what it is!"

"It was a mess at the time, and I was only thinking about saving my life. How could I have the energy to pay attention to other things?"


The seven people who were sticking to the corner of the wall, with exaggerated movements and expressions, tried to clear themselves, just like some strange play.

The Night Crow's playful eyes swept over the seven people one by one.

Under the gaze of the "Demon King" and the ominous crow that suddenly appeared, the volume of the seven people's vying to defend themselves gradually decreased until it was automatically muted.

If you want to find something, in addition to divination, the Night Crow's own "Time Ship" ability is a big killer, but...

"What do you think?" The Night Crow turned to ask Lucas.

——Although the revelation of fate told her the answer directly when she glanced at it, she was more interested in Lucas's response than the obvious and boring facts.

As if he didn't notice the temptation from his "colleagues", Lucas directly gave his own plan:

"If no one is willing to admit it, just kill them all."

After the voice fell, the faces of the seven people in the corner changed drastically, and the pupils of the "princess" with her back to the "demon king" suddenly dilated.

"This is a good plan, it's quick and neat enough." Night Crow said slowly, "Then, I'll leave it to you."

Lucas nodded, and raised the arm on the side of his shoulder where the crow was not standing.

With a muffled "dong", one of the seven people suddenly knelt down.

Under the horrified gaze of the other six people who were scattered, the man took a few steps on his knees, took out an inconspicuous small box from his arms with both hands, and held it high above his head.

At the same time, he could not hide his panic and fear and shouted: "Please forgive me! At that time, the hero's accessories happened to fall in front of me. I was so sad that I didn't think much about it. I just picked it up subconsciously so that I could keep it as a memorial and remembrance of the deceased hero in the future... Please forgive me! Brave! PleasePlease forgive me!"

I have to say that this person's reaction is quite fast and he is a little clever, but unfortunately...

"A souvenir picked up casually, put in a magic box that isolates the breath?" Lucas said in a deep voice, with sarcasm in his words.

"I, I just... No! No——"

Amid the shrill screams, the evil and twisted chitinous limbs grew rapidly from the fat body of the man, crushing the internal organs and piercing the flesh, like the scarlet Bidens pilosa growing freely in the wind.

The sprayed blood was filthy before it hit the ground. In the gradually spreading black blood, the lid of the inconspicuous box was thrown open, and the contents inside fell to the side, lying quietly in a pool of blood.

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