Looking at the two-meter-long boat lying below her, and then looking at the sea that seemed to have no boundaries and merged with the night sky, Night Crow frowned in embarrassment.

Without knowing where she was in the sea and how far away from the shore, what could she do in the ruthless sea with just a small boat without even a paddle?

Indeed, her mermaid body was quite strong, and her right to swim had never been deprived, but if she couldn't even determine her position...

Perhaps she was not far from the coast, but ended up paddling to the open sea?

After thinking for a while, Night Crow shook her wet fish tail and simply lay flat on the boat.

- Let's drift along and wait for a turnaround.


The turnaround came much faster than Night Crow imagined.

After lying there for about ten minutes, the full moon, which seemed particularly huge compared to the present world, was covered by layers of thick dark clouds. Then, lightning and thunder completely broke the silence of the night.

In the rolling waves, Night Crow used all his strength to hold on to the small sampan tightly.

——This mermaid body is indeed a strong man in the deep sea. Night Crow does not need to care about the concerns and dangers that ordinary humans face after falling into the water, except that he needs to float to the surface in time to breathe.

However, if the sampan is gone, Night Crow feels that it will be easy to choke on water even if he sleeps lying on his back...

Alas, fish that can't breathe in water are really outrageous!

Night Crow was watching the ups and downs of the turbulent waves, thinking about some random things.

Suddenly, a white card-like object, pushed by a small wave, hit Night Crow's face hard, covering her eyes.

Night Crow struggled to free one hand to pull the card off her face and threw it away.

——Now, she had no time to study the task.

Almost in the next second, the discarded card came again on the waves and stuck hard on Night Crow's face.

Night Crow silently freed one hand again to take the card off.

Just as she was about to throw it away, thinking that it would probably be stuck again, Night Crow hesitated for a moment and simply tried to stick it in the gap between the wooden boards on the inside of the boat.

Under normal circumstances, a small card would definitely not be stuck under the impact of the waves, but this was obviously not a "normal situation"...

It looked like a paper card stuck in the gap between the wooden boards. No matter how fierce the waves were, it stood still and there was no sign of being soaked.

Night Crow nodded slightly with satisfaction and hugged the sampan again.

The storm came and went, and soon, the bright moon shone on the sparkling sea again, a scene of tranquility and peace.

After resting for a while on the overturned boat, Night Crow jumped into the water, lifted the boat as much as possible, and turned it over.

Sitting sideways on the wet boat, Night Crow found that the card was still there.

[A large human ship sank in the storm. Perhaps, I can rescue one of them and seduce the other party to help me settle down on the shore. ]


Night Crow looked at the calm sea.

The storm has stopped. Are there really any people alive in the sunken ship?

Even if there are really still alive, with such a big wave, who knows where they were washed away…

Throwing away the card, Night Crow rubbed his forehead.

Or… continue to drift with fate?

As the night crow was hesitating, a very harsh and extremely uncomfortable sound, like a group of mice chewing on a plastic packaging bag, suddenly sounded between the poetic sea and sky.

The night crow frowned and looked around. Just as he was about to endure the discomfort and listen carefully, the abrupt and discordant sound disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

"What's going on?" The night crow couldn't help but call the main body.

"'The agency' is chewing on the 'dislocated fairy tale'."

"... Isn't the 'agency' unable to deal with the dream type?"

"Well, so I helped to hold it down."


"If you are interested in this fairy tale adventure, I'll let it chew slower?"

"No, thank you." The night crow, wearing the shell of a beautiful mermaid princess, read expressionlessly.

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