Peace, kitchen.

"What? Night Crow was caught by a fish?!" Lei said in surprise.

"Yes... I lowered my head to drink some juice, and Night Crow fell into the sea and disappeared..." Yaerlin said guiltily after searching the nearby seas and not finding Night Crow.

"Emmm..." Lei pondered for a moment, then calmly turned back to help deal with the giant tuna, "Don't worry about her, she is spoiled by the Lord of Darkness and the Principle of Radiance, and she will come back when she has had enough fun."

"Is that so?" Yaerlin was stunned.

"Yes." Lei was very confident about this, "Compared to this, can Mr. Yaerlin eat sashimi?"

"... Not bad."


Night Crow covered his head, which was still a little dizzy, and woke up slowly.

She only remembered that the "fish" that had been struggling with her for half a day suddenly became extremely powerful and dragged her into the sea. The moment it hit the sea surface at high speed, she fainted...

Ye Ya frowned and observed the surroundings.

—— She thought that she would wake up on the deck or in the cabin, but now it seems...

There is no doubt that this is the bottom of the sea, the bottom of the sea where the sun does not shine.

As for how deep it is...

Subconscious divination did not tell Ye Ya any answer.

The fact that divination failed itself explains a lot of problems.

Ye Ya frowned and stretched out her hand to try to touch the barrier that surrounded her, like the inner wall of the bubble.

It was cold and smooth to the touch, and it felt like a half-melted ice cube.

There was silence around, and nothing moved.

Ye Ya hesitated for a moment, and with a thought, the cold and solemn Yuehan bow appeared in her hand.

The bowstring was just pulled open, and the silver-white arrow was about to take shape, and Ye Ya's dangerous instinct suddenly screamed.

Before she could react, an extremely sharp and cold mental force pierced into Night Crow's mind, turning her brain into a mess like a steel chisel.

Night Crow rolled her eyes and fell softly.

Without the support of its master, the Moon Cold Bow shattered and disappeared in mid-air like a dream bubble before it even landed.

Obsidian Temple.

Lenari lay on the huge furry cushion, very hesitant.

Although the fish was ugly and had bad intentions, what she was doing seemed particularly interesting...


Forget it, let's wait and see.

Once the fish dared to make any substantial offense, it would be killed.

Peace, on the deck.

Lei and Yaerlin were sitting in a row fishing.

"…It's been three days, is it really okay?" Yaerlin looked at the distant horizon absentmindedly.

"Don't worry!" Lei lay on the recliner with his legs crossed leisurely. "If you are really worried, I will call and ask the Radiant Principle?"

"Isn't this... not a good idea?" Hearing this, Yaerlin, who has a strong sense of responsibility and is somewhat worried, was somewhat moved, but he also had some concerns.

Although the Radiant Principle has been famous for its rationality, fairness, and reliability over the years, it is indeed a bit... to trouble a natural god with such trivial matters.

Here, Yaerlin was still hesitating, and over there, Lei held a mobile phone in his hand, and a Radiant Principle hotline had been dialed.

After a "beep", the call was picked up.

Lei pressed the hands-free button casually and said seriously: "Hello, Mr. Radiant Principle! Night Crow fell into the sea for three days. Is she okay?"

"She's fine, don't worry about her." A little cute, calm and indifferent loli voice sounded from the speaker of the mobile phone.

"Okay, thank you."

"Beep, beep, beep..."

The call was hung up.

Lei put away his phone, shrugged at Yarlin, and said, "See, I told you she was fine."

"..." Yarlin was stunned, "No, why can you still make a call inside the 'God Hidden Mist'?!"

Lei was stunned for a moment: "Hasn't the Radiant Truth hotline always been like this? As long as it's not a place where even mystical signals are highly isolated, this phone can be dialed..."

"Is that so? Although I haven't called this hotline myself, many people in Team 7 have... According to the report, it doesn't seem to be that easy to use?" Yarlin still found it hard to believe.

"Uh..." Lei scratched his head and guessed, "Maybe it's because... I'm an employee of a rumored firm and was specially marked?"

"... Very likely." Yarlin nodded and accepted this statement.

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