On the twenty-first day after the Peace left the stormy sea, the shadow of an island finally appeared on the horizon ahead.

At first glance, the island looked small.

Because on one side of the island stood a large maple tree with extremely bright leaves.

The red crown of the maple tree was almost twice the diameter of the part of the island above the sea level, and its roots ran through the entire island. Even in the sea water, which was theoretically not suitable for the growth of maple trees, there were thick roots growing freely.

The moment Lei saw the bright red color on the horizon for the first time, he was stunned as if his mind was deprived, and he didn't even notice that the fishing rod in his hand was pulled away by the fish.

At the moment when the fishing rod was about to be pulled out of the side of the ship by the fish in the sea, a slender hand reached out from the side, gently grasped the handle of the fishing rod, and brought it back slowly.

Lei stared blankly at the red-haired young man who suddenly appeared in red clothes, with the same appearance as himself, but a rather distant and ethereal temperament. He could not think for a moment.

The young man reeled in the fishing line somewhat unfamiliarly, ignoring the violent struggle from the other end of the fishing line.

It was a bit strange that the fishing line, which should have broken in such a fierce struggle, was always stable, until the nearly three-meter big fish was lifted out of the water and struggled in the air, and there was no sign of being overwhelmed.

The young man's movements became more and more skillful, and he continued to reel in the fishing line slowly and steadily until there was no more to reel in. Then he held the fishing rod in one hand and turned his head to look at Lei who was stunned.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The young man said so, his tone was indifferent and empty, and his bright red eyes were clear, as if reflecting everything, but nothing could be retained in them.

"..." Lei was just stupid, as if his brain had really crashed.

Seeing this, Yaerlin, who was watching silently on the side, hurriedly stepped forward and said politely and slightly awkwardly in the Japanese language that had been temporarily instilled into his mind after escaping the stormy sea:

"Hello, I am Yaerlin Knight, the current captain of this exploration ship."

"..." The young man turned his eyes to Yaerlin on the other side of Lei, and his reaction seemed to be half a beat slower, "I am Hongfeng, the owner of Fengdao... Thank you for sending Coco and his children back."

It was not until this time that Lei finally came to his senses, opened his mouth awkwardly, and finally said in a hoarse voice: "I am Lei, Lei Barak... I, I have a sister, her name is... called... uh..."

It was not that Lei's brain crashed again and temporarily forgot his sister's name, but that he suddenly remembered his online name: Hongfeng.

This unexpected and aggressive name collision almost made Lei embarrassed and crawl into the gap on the deck on the spot.

And Lei's grandfather named "Red Maple" obviously misunderstood the reason for his blushing.

The great demon of the red maple tree waited for Lei's next words for a long time, tilted his head slightly confusedly, and continued to speak:

"Eve Fast, I know."

"I noticed it since the ship left the Heavenly Punishment Sea."

"I have been watching you these days."

"..." Lei's face became even redder, almost as red as his hair color.

On the side, Yaerlin, who had seen enough of the show, grinned and laughed silently, then stepped forward to help: "This child is shy! Coco is in the cabin, I will take you to see him."

"Okay." Red Maple nodded lightly, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

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