In a corner of the living room, Chloe, who had been eating quietly the whole time, silently picked up the chess piece that Wang Bao had obviously played meaninglessly, and handed it back to the husky puppy who was scratching his head and looking restless:

"Give up, if you really want to bite Mr. Longyue, the boss will definitely bite you."

Chloe, who is responsible for operating the Phantom City branch and spends most of his working time in Phantom City, has a much better understanding of the "Lord of Darkness" than Lei, who is misled by Night Crow every day.

"Wang Bao is hungry..." Wang Bao raised his head and said to his paw pitifully and tearfully.

"..." Chloe put down the chess piece and sighed.

——It was obvious that the game was not going to go on any further…

“Let’s go, let’s go out to eat.”

“Woof! Chloe is the best!”

In the endless darkness, Lenari strolled while talking to the Radiant Truth:

“Have you found the vending machine?”

“Not yet. Its appearance in the world is not continuous.” The Radiant Truth replied.

“Oh…” Lenari was a little disappointed.

“…Are you going to capture it as a toy?” The Radiant Truth tried to reason.

“Of course! Sticky rice dumplings! Living sticky rice dumplings! This kind of wonderful life form only appears in the second game of the cute series!” Lenari said excitedly, “Can you imagine? A ball of cream-filled milky sticky rice dumplings is actually a living intelligent species! The kind that can run and jump, eat and drink water!”

“I’m not good at imagining.” The Radiant Truth’s calm voice, as always, was like a clear spring, which cleared Lenari’s mind, which was full of delicious and cute dumplings.

"Oh... okay." Lenari pouted slightly and said, "Is the body you molded for me still there?"

"Yes, do you want to activate it?"

"Yes." Lenari nodded, his expression had returned to a happy state, "'Night Raven' is assisting in research at the Academy of Sciences. It's not good to call him back just for 'fun'... I can only activate another stable body."


"No hurry, wait until we find that vending machine."



However, until sunrise the next day, the "Late Night Surprise Vending Machine" did not appear again.

Lenari, who returned disappointed, knocked on Lei's door early.

"Boss Lenari, good morning." Lei politely let Lenari into the room.

It's not quite accurate to say "in the room", because behind the door is a huge rocky island reef, and furniture and other objects are placed directly on the relatively flat rocks.

Lenari, who had just entered the room, was stunned for a moment before exclaiming: "This is really an authentic 'sea view room'..."

"Uh..." Lei scratched his head awkwardly, "Because the rumor said that it can be changed at will... If it's not suitable..."

"No, it's good. It's good to have an open mind." The slight depression of searching for a whole night without success has subsided unconsciously, and Lenari has become happy again, "Anyway, this level of 'design' is just a drizzle for the rumor."

As they talked, the two had come to a square table covered with a white tablecloth placed somewhere on the rocky island.

On the large plate in the middle of the square table, a huge sweet glutinous rice ball swayed and bounced slightly, turning its "front face" to the two people approaching. At the same time, Longyue's voice, which had not changed from before, sounded out of thin air:

"Good morning, Boss Lenari."

"Good morning, Longyue." Lenari greeted with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"Very magical." Longyue commented warmly, "Just now, I also ate a shrimp and vegetable sandwich."

Lenari raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "How does it taste?"

"In terms of the five senses, except for the change in touch, there is no difference from before." Longyue replied.

Lenari nodded and asked more curiously: "Then... well, you don't have a mouth now, and it seems that you don't have a corresponding digestive system. How do you eat? Uh, if you think this question is too offensive..."

"It's okay, I don't feel offensive." Longyue said in a gentle voice, "The organ of 'mouth', well, assuming that it is an 'organ', actually exists, just below the eyes, but it will automatically hide when not in use."

"As for the digestive system... I seem to have become a kind of 'energy life' now, and this glutinous rice dumpling on the surface may be insignificant..."

"Emm..." Lenari pondered for a moment, his mind was full of thoughts, and he managed to hold his dignity on the surface, "What does insignificant mean?"

"...It doesn't matter if you are accidentally eaten." Longyue replied a little awkwardly, "WhenOf course, it is limited to eating at the physical level. "

"..." Lenari forced herself to resist the urge to drool and swallow, and even lowered the degree of anthropomorphism for this.

--Anyway, eating something, even for her, feels too curious!

"What about your body?" Lenari couldn't help asking, "Since this... um, 'glutinous rice dumpling' is just an appearance, where is the body?"

"I don't know how to describe that feeling, it seems to exist, but it seems not to exist..." Long Yue said with a little trouble.

"Between 'nothing' and 'something'..." Lenari frowned, his expression unconsciously becoming serious, "This is a very dangerous state. Once your cognition and anchoring of yourself deviate, the risk of falling to the side of 'nothing' will increase sharply. "

"For safety reasons, I suggest you modify it back to your original life form, or at least return to the side of 'something' completely. ”

“…” For a moment, Longyue was silent, and no one knew what he was thinking about.

——From that cute slime-like stick figure “face”, Lenari really couldn’t read his expression.

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