The silence lasted for a while, and Lei stood quietly by the side, not daring to breathe.

Finally, Longyue's lukewarm voice sounded again:

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but after careful consideration, I hope to maintain the status quo temporarily..."

"Maintain the status quo?" Lenari was a little puzzled, "Although the shape of this glutinous rice dumpling is indeed quite interesting, but the danger is real?"

"Yes, I know this very well... Please fulfill my unreasonable little willfulness." Longyue asked more humbly.

Now that the conversation has come to this point, Lenari naturally has nothing to say, but...

After a moment of silence, Lenari suddenly asked: "Glory, is there a way to help him anchor on the side of 'existence'?"

"Yes, it's not difficult." The calm voice of the Glory Principle suddenly sounded, "But, everything has two sides, and the price of being closer to the side of 'existence' is that the appearance of this 'glutinous rice dumpling' will no longer be so 'insignificant'."

Hearing this, Lenari asked curiously: "How 'important' will it be?"

"If it is eaten whole, it will fall into a state of serious injury close to death." The Glory Principle replied.

"...What do you think?" Lenari asked the person in question... the dumpling.

"This price is very worthwhile." Longyue answered without hesitation.

Lenari nodded: "Then let's do it... Glory?"


As the Glory's voice fell, a light golden pure light emerged from the void and gently enveloped the Oborozuki Tuanzi.

After a moment, the light dissipated, and the Oborozuki Tuanzi blinked her big stick-drawn eyes and shook twice in surprise.

Lenari looked at the "blessed" Oborozuki Tuanzi, and barely resisted the urge to rub her a few times, and nodded calmly:

"There should be no problem... Remember to be careful of Wang Bao in daily activities. Although he has self-awareness and free will, his essence is still a weirdo bound by rules."

"I will." Oborozuki Tuanzi shook up and down solemnly.

"..." Suddenly, Lenari was made cute again, and he tried to hold his serious expression and prepared to say goodbye, "Then I will..."

"There is something I think it is necessary to remind you." The voice of the Glory suddenly sounded in the air.

Lenari was a little surprised, then nodded: "You say."

"The individual named 'Oborozuki' has a passive characteristic similar to 'avoiding disasters' in its inherent attributes at the level of destiny. When traveling alone with the individual named 'Lei', you must be cautious."

Hearing this, Lenari's eyes could not help but wander back and forth between the calm face of the Oborozuki dumpling and the red-haired young man with a face full of mixed emotions such as confusion, realization, and guilt.

"This is really... worthy of being 'God-sama'!" Lenari sighed in an ambiguous way.

"I, I don't know... sorry..." Lei apologized in a panic.

At this time, the guilt like a tide has occupied the young man's heart and expression.

"Don't feel sorry." Oborozuki said in a gentle voice, "I know I have such a fate."


Lei opened his mouth to say something, and the highly recognizable voice of the Radiant Principle suddenly sounded in the air:

"I caught the vending machine."

"Where is it?!" Lenari was distracted and asked hurriedly.

"In Zelumigria in the other hemisphere, the coordinates..." The Radiant Principle reported the coordinates slowly.

"I'll be there!" Lenari said, blending into the sudden shadow with his claws and teeth, and disappeared.

At the original place, the Oborozuki Tuanzi blinked her eyes, which were only two stick circles, and asked curiously about the old friend who had suddenly become wooden for some reason:

"Just now..."

"You didn't see anything!" Lei's face was wooden, and he suddenly interrupted and emphasized rudely, "I didn't see anything, nothing strange appeared."

"...Okay, I understand, I really didn't see anything."

"Yes, we didn't see anything." Lei nodded and emphasized again like self-hypnosis.

Then, the young man breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly changed the topic: "You just ate a small sandwich, do you want something else?"

"Well, I'm still a little hungry... A few more sandwiches and a pot of milk."

"Okay, wait a minute."


Zelumigria is a magical place.

As the last of the three continents of Green Star, its presence is surprisingly low, and it is even less frequently talked about than the South Land Ai, which is frozen all year round and has almost no human presence except for a few official scientific research stations.Siyil.

But this does not mean that the Miglia continent is uninhabited.

On the contrary, the Miglia continent, known as the "swampland", has never lacked traces of civilization. Even the world-famous magician force "Tower Academy" is entrenched somewhere on this continent.

The reason why Zelu Miglia is called "swampland" is that it is a piece of land half submerged in the sea.

If the area of ​​the plates immersed in the sea water is counted, the area of ​​Miglia continent is actually larger than the "continent" Adilond.

Yes, that's right, the continent where the capital of the Green Star Federation and most of the cities are located is called "continent". ——This title is too easy and suspected of being lazy. The original source is no longer traceable, and it is actually not important to people today.

Zelu Miglia is a very wonderful continent composed of "islands" protruding from the water.

In the era when technology was not so advanced, people - including those born and raised in Miglia - did not even think that this was a continent.

In short, the unique natural environment of Miglia has destined the people living there to deal with various "waters" every day.

Under a bridge in Tuunian, the "Broken City".

A beverage vending machine with serious paint peeling stood quietly against the bridge pier. In the pocket-sized glass window on the front, rows of neatly stacked big red cans were illuminated by soft built-in lights, which looked particularly attractive under the dim bridge.

In theory, anyone should realize how strange it is for a vending machine that is still in operation to appear in such a place.

However, there are always some people who don't care - or refuse to care - about this conspicuous and overflowing irrationality.

A middle-aged man who looks like a homeless man stood in front of the vending machine, maintaining the posture of reaching out to press the button accurately, standing there stiffly, with a pair of turbid eyes rolling around, full of fear.

This is the scene Lenari saw when he came through.

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