Because there were too many precious fresh seafood brought back yesterday, the next day's breakfast was still seafood-themed.

After breakfast, Lucia couldn't wait to come to the world map on the desk and roll the 10-cent coin that determined today's fate.

The coin rolled for a long time, and finally stopped reluctantly by rubbing the shadow fence below the map.

Lucia looked at the naughty little coin and was a little dumbfounded.

"Antarctica..." Lenari looked at the place covered by the coin and said thoughtfully, "We are in midsummer, and it happens to be the coldest season over there... I wonder if there is anything delicious."

"Uh..." Lucia, who was furry but not cold-resistant, hesitated and said, "Or... I toss the coin again?"

"That won't work!" Lenari said seriously, with a sly look in his eyes, "If you change the rules casually, the game will not be fun!"

"That's right, meow..." Lucia lay down and began to think about various feasible warming measures.

On the sofa in the reception booth not far away, Miles, who was on high alert, held his mobile phone and his fingers flew. He quickly sent a message in the special chat room that was rushed out overnight last night, asking for the "Antarctic Travel Guide".

This chat room is called "Dark Logistics Team". This seemingly second-year name is also the name of the team that Team 7 formed overnight last night.

—— Witnessed by several artificial satellites, Lenari's ability strength assessment rose sharply, forcing the Green Star officials to pay attention to her and give her the nickname "Dark Son" to match the "Ice Son".

The team that "serves" the "Dark Son", the Dark Logistics Team, was formed based on this attention.

Of course, in terms of its real duty of "doing everything possible to make the Dark Son harmless", it is better to say "Countermeasures Team" rather than "Logistics Team".

Lenari lacked experience and seriously overestimated the level of the human strongman. ——The Ice Son's overly harmless appearance also has to bear a large part of the responsibility.

Of course, for Lenari, this mistake was harmless, and it actually gave her more confidence in her mimicry.

——The top of humanity is not like a human.

This fact undoubtedly makes Lenari's "inadvertent inhuman side" more logical.


It is rumored that there is an office.

Sitting in the boss chair, Lenari looked at the troubled Lucia with amusement, leaned forward, stretched out his arm and touched the black cat's head, and said: "Don't worry, I can use my supernatural power to make you a layer of 'clothes', which is absolutely effective for keeping out the cold."

"Really? Let me try!" Lucia stood up in surprise, her tail swinging happily.

Lenari's palm stroked the back of Lucia's head, adding a layer of hazy, unreal shadow gauze to her.

"Okay, let Miles take you to the refrigerator to try." Lenari retracted his hand and said with a smile in his eyes.

"Okay!" Lucia curiously stretched out her front paw without claws, trying to hook the "gauze" floating a few centimeters away from the body surface that would be ignored if you didn't look carefully. Of course, she didn't touch anything.

Suddenly being called, although he hadn't received a "reply", Miles still put away his phone, went to the desk and picked up the black cat, and asked curiously: "Do you want to freeze it quickly or keep it fresh?"

With Lucia lying steadily in Miles' arms, she imagined the possible "grand occasion" of the Antarctic winter, and couldn't help shaking and said: "Freeze it quickly... I feel that the temperature of the quick-freezing layer of our refrigerator is not lower than that of Antarctica..."

Miles nodded: "Indeed not."

He still has this common sense.


In the Antarctic continent, a cat is running wildly in the ice and snow.

Lenari left too quickly, and Miles didn't wait for the travel guide to make some preparations in advance that were unlikely to be used.

——Anyway, all the preparations are probably no match for this "cold-proof clothing" woven with superpowers...

Miles ran with Lucia easily, still having the energy to think about something else.

In addition to the basic cold-proof function, the shadow gauze woven by Lenari also provides the abilities of "weakening wind force", "walking on snow", "dark vision", etc., so that one person and one cat can freely frolic in the thick snow in the polar night in the blizzard.

It must be said that the "superpower war" on the sea, or the way the son of ice Fitz used superpowers, really opened Lenari's mind, and he developed a lot of very practical "skills" for this.

"Meow haha~" Lucia ran wildly in the blizzard, laughing happily, and her ladylike image was completely gone.

Lenari, who was half floating and half running behind Lucia in a summer Gothic dress, was in a very happy mood.Turning to Miles, who was also wearing summer clothes, he said, "How is it? Have you found out anything good?"

Miles took out his phone and unlocked the screen, and found that a few pictures and texts had quietly appeared in the chat room, so he nodded: "Yes, let me see... Well, if you don't count the coast, there are two "good things" in the interior of Antarctica. One is called "snow mushroom", which looks like snow and usually hides in the snow, so it's not easy to find; the other is called "frost flower", which only blooms in corners without wind and snow, is very rare and very delicious."

"Here, this is a picture." Miles said, turning the phone screen to Lenari.

Lenari glanced at the photos on his phone and immediately hesitated whether to cheat to find it...

The two people and the cat are now in the depths of the Antarctic continent, shrouded by the polar night. In the dark environment around them, Lenari can find things with half the effort, but this is a trip after all, and "treasure hunting" itself is a rare pleasure...

Before Lenari could figure out what was going on, Lucia suddenly braked in front of him.

"Meow! What is this?" Lucia asked curiously, spinning around at the bottom of a giant ice block.

Hearing this, Lenari and Miles leaned over to take a look.

Wow! What a big snow mushroom!

Lenari decided instantly not to cheat! Let Lucia find it slowly for fun.

"This is a snow mushroom, it is said to be delicious." Lenari, who had just learned it, was learning and applying it.

"Is it delicious?" Lucia stretched out her claws and gently poked the white fluffy mushroom that was mostly buried in the snow, with only a small part of the top of the umbrella cap exposed.

Well, it's cold and soft like a sponge, but it's miraculously not crushed by the weight of the snow...

"Are there any precautions for picking snow mushrooms? How to cook them?" Lenari turned around and asked Miles.

"Let me see..." Miles swiped the screen of his phone, "After picking, you must put it into an ice container in the general sense within 3 seconds and fill it with natural snow, otherwise it will melt..."

"Cooking method... Well, slice it with a knife made of ice, dip it in sauce and eat it now... This can't be considered a cooking method, right?" Miles scratched his head.

"Just eat it now." Lenari didn't care much about this, "What's the recommended sauce?"

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