"Recommended sauce..." Miles swiped his phone, which was also protected from the cold by the shadow veil, "'Secret Frost Sesame Sauce'... What is this?"

"I don't know..." Lenari thought for a while and asked, "Do you have Fitz's contact information?"

Miles was stunned for a moment: "Son of Ice?"

Lenari nodded: "Well, if it's him, he must be very familiar with Antarctica."

"..." Miles hesitated, "Although he is indeed the strongest in the ice system, but..." What is the inevitable connection with Antarctica?

Miles didn't say the rest of the words because Lenari's tone was too sure.

"I'll ask my colleagues." He could only say this in the end.

On the snow, Lucia saw that the two had stopped talking, so she took the opportunity to ask, "Shall we pick it now?"

"Wait a minute, I don't know if we can use soy sauce and vinegar instead." Lenari squatted down, stretched out a finger and gently poked the snow mushroom's cap that was exposed from the snow, "It feels so good... I hope I can keep it."

"Yes, it feels so good, meow~" Lucia stretched out her claws again.


When Miles asked for the contact information of the Ice Son, he looked back and felt a little amused.

——The cap of the snow mushroom that was exposed was slightly deflated...

The man who had been evaluated as "stereotyped" several times squatted down, half puzzled and half curiously stretched out a finger, and also poked the poor cap.

"..." Miles silently retracted his finger and savored it for a long time, "It feels so good... I hope I can keep it."

"Yes, yes!" Lenari and Lucia nodded in sync.

Nodding, Lenari asked, "Did you find out the contact information? Or his home address will do."

She adjusted her posture and sat on the ground, not caring about the coldness of the snow.

"I found out. Do you need help contacting him?" Miles raised the special mobile phone in his hand.

"No, Anthony gave me several special mobile phones for Team 7." Lenari said, taking out his own mobile phone, "What's the number?"

"Yes..." Miles quickly reported a string of numbers that were not in the same format and length as ordinary phone numbers.

Lenari pressed the virtual buttons one by one, and the call was quickly dialed.

Lenari did not set a ringtone, and the other party did not seem to have one either. The phone was picked up after the second ring: "Hello, this is Steelness Manor."

"I am Lexilitie Milas, I'm looking for Fitz." Lenari said bluntly.

"...Please wait." The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then said with a little uncertainty.

The other side was obviously a landline, Lenari and others could clearly hear the sound of the microphone being gently put on hold.

About 5 minutes later, there was a slight sound from the mobile phone speaker, and the microphone was picked up. The voice that answered the phone before sounded again: "Hello, Mr. Milas, the master said that he would contact you later."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Lenari said, and took the initiative to hang up the phone.

The next moment, the huge ice block next to the snow mushroom fluctuated towards the cross section of Lenari and others, and then clearly reflected the scene somewhere far away on another continent.

Seeing the picture in the ice block clearly, Lucia blinked, and Miles was stunned.

——The Ice Son, who is known as the strongest superpower, is sitting cross-legged on the carpet indifferently and casually. His legs, arms, back and head are full of children...

Lenari raised one eyebrow slightly: "You are very popular with children."

"It seems so." Fitz let the children stick to him like a koala. He didn't move his mouth, but his voice came out clearly from the ice surface, as if he was sitting there across the thin ice.

"Meow~" Lucia poked the cap of the snow mushroom with her right front paw again, and asked casually, "Can this snow mushroom be transplanted?"

"It can be transplanted." Fitz said, "I'll give you a few pots."

Lucia was very tempted, but looking at the ice and snow around her, she had to refuse frustratedly: "Forget it, meow... There is no such environment at home."

Fitz's expression was indifferent, his voice was cold, but the content was completely different: "I have used superpowers to deal with it. There is no problem if it is not baked in the oven or pressed with heavy objects."

... You are so skilled! Could it be that it was really baked in the oven or crushed with heavy objects? !

At this moment, the two people and the cat outside the ice surface had their minds magically synchronized.

The boy who looked a little silly in the ice surface, with the children as a backdrop, had no idea of ​​the inner complaints of the two people and the cat outside, and continued to speak in that cold, slow and strange tone without ups and downs: "The taste of snow mushrooms will be greatly reduced when they are transplanted out of Antarctica, but the feel will not."

The picture reflected on the ice surfaceIn the middle, a little kid pulled a bunch of hair by Fitz's ear, and he had to slightly tilt his head to follow the force.

"If you want to taste it, it's best to cut it fresh and dip it in sauce." He continued to explain as if nothing had happened.

"Hmm..." Lucia sat up silently, trying to ignore the scene that made people want to laugh for some reason, "What is 'secret frosted sesame sauce'?"

"An alchemical sauce, a must for eating snow mushrooms." Fitz said, "Snow mushrooms are a relatively rare ice magic material, and the taste itself is very pungent. Without the alchemical sauce to neutralize it, it is not suitable for consumption."

"Where can I buy that sauce?" Lenari asked the key question.

Another child pulled Fitz's hair on the other side, which made his ice-blue eyes like ice vaguely stained with a little confusion, and even the "sound" created by supernatural powers on the Antarctic continent paused.

"…It's not for sale, it can only be customized." Fitz said, "It takes a long time to make this sauce, I still have a lot of stock, you can take a can first."

As soon as the voice fell, circles of ice blue ripples appeared on the ice surface, and a crystal jar filled with ice blue viscous liquid emerged from it.

Lenari reached out to catch the falling jar, thought for a while, and asked: "Do you have any gifts you want? Thank you for your care all the time. If there is no return gift, we will be very troubled."

"…" This question seemed to stump the three-no boy. Fitz thought for a while, and the confusion in his eyes became a little stronger.

Miles lowered his head silently, staring at the snow mushrooms that were mostly hidden in the snow, with only a little bit of the umbrella cap exposed at the top. ——He is not a fan of Ice Child and has never been a star chaser, but he miraculously feels disillusioned...

When Lucia began to look up at the sky involuntarily, Lenari silently "rescued" her: "If you don't know what you want, just buy a 'blind box'. The summer vacation is still long, and I believe we will encounter more interesting things."

"...Yeah." Fitz responded indifferently.

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