"Hu, field wind, Yiban, 1000 points. Looking

at the score of the settlement interface, although it is a "fart beard", Xiao Nan feels that this is a good sign - a good start.

She turned her head and said to Lily, who was carrying a small horse next to her and sitting on the side:

"Lily, see, it's just my warm-up, and they have already lost, next, watch me show my skills and play big cards!"

Lily's little head was like an actor singing double reeds, and she nodded two seats vigorously to show that she was listening, but her eyes never raised to look at the white-haired loli in front of her, but like Columbus discovered a new land, her eyes seemed to be staring at the "stuffed toy" in her arms like little stars, revealing an excited expression.

Liang Qu's eyelids were half-closed, and for the eyes of the girl above his head, it said: I am used to it.

After all, this is the third time it has seen this look, the first time is Xiao Zhao Yun's first time seeing himself, the second time is Immortal Venerable "disrespectful" himself, and the third time............

"I hope this girl won't kiss directly like Lord Immortal Venerable, I'm really a little unbearable." Recalling

the "RUA" like a storm and the meaningless "Ah, the little cat is so cute, it's going to be eaten by me!

", Liang Qu only felt that he seemed to have the feeling of "PTSD" in the strange knowledge of Lord Immortal Venerable, and suddenly, its tail shook, and there was a thoughtful look in its eyes: "

Well, how come a human with strength similar to the cultivators of the Golden Pill period is coming this way?"


"If I'm not mistaken, this street should be Prosperity Street."

Li Xiaoming looked at the small advertisements like dog skin plaster on the half-old cement telephone

poles on both sides of the road, and the wires and cables that were like giant earthworms, stretched on poles, treetops and even eaves, Li

Xiaoming felt that this should be the place where last night's "BUG" occurred.

Lin Xia looked around, under the hot sun, the whole street had a feeling of inaccessible desolation, so she opened her mouth and asked her partner

: "Do you use the Eye of Horus or do I use a detector to detect?" Li

Xiaoming did not joke as before, but pondered for a moment:

"For the sake of caution, you better use the detector to test the surroundings first."

Lin Xia felt reasonable when she heard this, so she put the special suitcase on the ground, and then took out an object similar to a large-scale concert, and the support stick in the hands of fans.

Then, according to the usual operation steps, she pressed the switch, but for a moment, the top probe head of the detector immediately transmitted an unusually rapid and dangerous

signal from the core, but the signal had not yet passed through the signal converter from the core of the detector to a visual digital signal, just like a small fish being bitten down the fins of a crocodile and turned into nothing.


Is it really a bug last night as you say?" Lin

Xia looked at the green signal symbolizing safety on the detector, and looked at Li Xiaoming beside him with half a doubt.

Li Xiaoming spread out his hands to show that he did not see anything abnormal with the Eye of Horus.


, Sister Lin, it's almost noon, it's better to have a meal around here, didn't you say last night that there is a fast food restaurant with a good reputation here?

"Yes, but who will invite you to eat?"

"Can you be a little more shameless?"

Lin Xia punched Li Xiaoming's face, and then put away the detector, and Li Xiaoming, who was a little swollen with his cheeks, walked into the alley of Xingwang Street, and what they didn't know was that

if Li Xiaoming did not save the SAN value at this time to prevent accidents, but completely lifted the seal of the Eye of Horus, risking the risk of bursting pupils and zero SAN value to "discern the truth"

Then he will see that the street entrance where they just stood is not a peaceful small street entrance

, it is a big hand with a suction cup strange mouth in the palm, and the street mouth is just the mouth of the oversized suction cup strange mouth.

As the two walked in, the strange giant hand seemed to wake up from hibernation, not only shaking off some of the intruder "corpses" (some dream projections of ancient gods) that lived on it, like ringworm, but also closed the originally open palms.

With the movement of giant hands, the entrances on both sides of "Xingwang Street" are covered with a light curtain that can distort the line of sight, and even if you observe it from above with a satellite projector, you will mistake this area for empty "unscrupulous contractors to accumulate land for development".


"Boom, boom..." On

the second floor of the Xingwang Supermarket, the two large floor-to-ceiling windows like the huge eyes on the skull of the Titan suddenly opened and closed a few times without wind, and sent a vision of being blown by the wind.

"Well, it's going to rain?" Xiao

Nan, who was playing cards, stopped the mouse in his hand with some doubt, took out his mobile phone, and glanced at the weather forecast.

"Strange, obviously it's sunny today, why does the window on the second floor have this sound of the wind



Xiao Nan moved her little butt and jumped down from the tall gaming chair with a little effort

, and then, she looked beside her, who kept trying to turn Xiao Bai over, and then touched the other party's stomach, but was always dodged by the latter with extremely flexible means to dodge a person and a cat

, she smiled, reached out and picked up Xiao Bai, and then, thinking about the appearance of the girl in ancient costume, she put Xiao Bai on Lili's little head.

Looking at the pseudo-cat-eared lady Lili who was like wearing a cat-shaped hat, Xiao Nan smiled and said:

"I'll go upstairs and look at the window, Lili, you help me look at it, if someone comes, you and Xiaobai will help me greet first." When

Lili heard this, she nodded happily - after all, Sister Xiao Nan let herself realize her wish in disguise to touch Xiaobai's belly.

"Okay, Sister Xiaonan!"

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