Li Xiaoming put one hand in his pocket, and the other hand was like a handsome boy, constantly like playing with a lighter, flipping

his mobile phone, Lin Xia who followed behind him saw this, shook his head helplessly, but felt that the other party's movements were a little handsome, so he took out his mobile phone and prepared to give the other party a capture.

However, when she took out her mobile phone and clicked on the photo function through the shortcut key, her hand suddenly froze there.

Li Xiaoming, who was walking in front, found that his partner actually stopped, so he opened his mouth and asked:

"Sister Lin, what's wrong?"


Huh?" Hearing

that there was something wrong with his teammates, Li Xiaoming immediately entered a serious state as if his face changed, and came to Lin Xia's side to inquire.

"Look at my phone......... This........... How is this possible?!" Li

Xiaoming looked at Lin Xia's mobile phone screen, at this time the screen was in the shooting state, and in the screen picture, the ground that was aimed by Lin Xia was not what they saw, like an ordinary urban village dusty rough road

, at this time, in the mobile phone lens, their feet were stepping on a wide serial cableway, mottled rust like the splash of ink of a landscape painting, all over the ropeway they stepped on

And on both sides of this ropeway, there are countless muscle-colored "booths", and on the many tables that are like artificial polishing, there are no exhibits, I don't know if they were stolen or ........ They break free from their "bondage" and flee.

Li Xiaoming held Lin Xia's trembling hand, which was like a dustpan, and moved the picture of the mobile phone slightly, and he saw clearly that this was like chain mail, although it was dense, but it could still be regarded as the scene under the openwork cableway: it

was some kind of golden-red liquid that was constantly boiling and flowing like magma, like boiling molten iron pouring molds, or some kind of flowing snow liquid that existed inside the body;

As if he didn't believe in fate, Li Xiaoming snatched the mobile phone in Lin Xia's hand and held it up to the Langlang Qiankun, but this time, his eyes became more serious.

In the field of vision of him and Lin Xia, avoiding the mobile phone screen, it was the clear sky of early summer with leisurely white clouds, which made people feel peaceful and comfortable

, and in the small square of the mobile phone screen, it was a depressive sky curtain that was completely pasted up by a filthy thing like black and purple mud

, and under that curtain, countless strange-shaped creatures, their bodies wrapped in the evil fire that gnawed their hearts and bones like a waste abyss, rushed towards the sky curtain, as if to break free from this terrible "hell"

However, that day the curtain was like some kind of intelligent "air defense system", accurately using the lightning strike like a water snake to crush those strange-shaped creatures, and then ........ Engulf.

Yes, devour.

On that day, after shooting a lightning strike, the "truth" under the chaos will be slightly revealed, and the dense eyeballs like a Fushou snail are like children who have been hungry for days, bursting into shrill laughter

, leech-like cracks, all over the pupils of those eyeballs, greedily chewing, those "dust" fluttering in the wind.

Lin Xia felt that her brain was like being burned with a scalding iron, and the pain was unbearable.

Forced to endure the pain, she took out a small round bead like a Buddhist relic from her arms, like a walker in the desert who was about to die of thirst, encountered a shallow oasis, and swallowed it desperately.

Li Xiaoming did not stop his teammate's move, on the contrary, he endured the painful pain and swallowed an identical thing into his mouth.

It is a special prop made with the scales of "Jermongard" as the main material, mixed with some low-hazard seals.

This is also one of the emergency measures taken by the staff of the Supernatural Management Bureau when they are faced with exceeding the SAN value threshold.

By reducing the harm of the ancient god-related objects in the fantasy space, the user can be temporarily "assimilated" into the existence similar to the ancient gods, in other words, temporary dehumanization.

Although it is possible to transform itself into a similar existence on the weird side in a short period of time, this method is also risky:

firstly, if the user "assimilates" for too long, then after a certain period of time, it will really assimilate with the seal, and then the soul locks the fantasy dream, which can no longer be retrieved; secondly,

the short-term dehumanization itself also follows the "strong and weak distinction between gods and spirits" If the existence of terror is much stronger than the existence of the seal used, then the result is...

Feeling the temporary stability of the SAN value, Li Xiaoming and Lin Xia communicated while enduring the "refreshment" feeling in their mouths that was like containing the most bitter Chinese medicine, which rushed straight to the brain:

"Is my phone 'contaminated'?"

asked Lin Xia nervously.

"No, it's not so much that your phone is contaminated, but that our five senses have been tampered with.

Dark gold lines appeared in Li Xiaoming's right eye, and while handing Lin Xia the mobile phone that had taken random photos, he whispered his conclusion.

Lin Xia took the mobile phone puzzled, and with just one glance, she understood what Li Xiaoming meant.

I saw that in the photo bar of the mobile phone, the sky was still as pure as what I saw with the naked eye before, but if you switch back to the photo mode, as long as you don't press the button, the Senran picture will still reappear in front of you.

"Everything I see is an illusion. With

the power of Horus's Eye to explore the truth, Li Xiaoming saw the truth of the two people, or the truth of the moving shot.

They are indeed in the picture shown by the camera, but in Li Xiaoming's two different eyes, only the reality of the eye of Horus that endures the pain of blood reversal is the same as the picture of the mobile phone

, and if he closes the eyes of Horus, the eyes of ordinary people still see only the same wind and scenery as Lin Xia.

With the experience of entering the middle level of the fantasy dream realm with the director and others many times, Li Xiaoming knew that the two of them had been pulled into this strange place by an unknown terrifying existence without knowing when.

However, it was not as calm and calm as comforting Lin Xia on the surface, because he could not understand that in the modern era where the ancient gods had basically gathered in the fantasy dream, why would there be an entity that was not bound by the fantasy dream and walked in the world?

Lin Xia, who had recovered some calmness, immediately did so, but when they saw the measurement result indicating that the color was "green", their faces turned a little green: before they saw where it was, they had already failed?

Tightly covering their mouths and noses, just when they thought they were about to suffocate, several sharp, piercing but unquestionable majestic voices sounded in their ears:

"Go forward, don't stop." "


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