Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 120 Rules

When they returned to the hotel near the Dunlan Shipyard and asked Renee to find another one, the sky had completely darkened.

There were far fewer pedestrians on the streets than during the day, replaced by many patrolling guards wearing silver heavy armor.

The five patrolling guards formed a small team. The silver-white heavy armor on their bodies fit perfectly as if they were born. Only a few small gaps were revealed in the grid-shaped visor.


The guards walked past in an orderly manner, and their walking steps seemed to be measured by a ruler, all of the same length.

Colin withdrew his gaze and quickly walked into this ordinary hotel without looking too much.

The suite he rented was at the end of the corridor on the first floor.

When he returned to the room, Renee had prepared dinner for him.

Not in a hurry to eat, he walked to the sofa and sat down, asking Renee:

"How's the inquiring going?"

"That's almost it." Renee nodded, paused and began to tell:

"Bananka Island is a well-known trading island nearby, and its ruler, Wizard Bananka, is a late-stage second-level wizard..."

Renee recounted the information she had recently learned in pubs and other places.

"Good job, Renee."

After a long time, Colin leaned on the back of the sofa and praised him.

Most of his previous knowledge of Bananca Island was established through the narration of the guide Maude.

Only a few of them are understood through personal experience.

Although this is not a big problem, Bananka Island is a new and unfamiliar environment for him, and it is always good to know more about the relevant information.

After all, it would be unwise to just listen to the story of the guide Maud.

He had this idea as soon as he came, but he was busy with cultivation and had no time to spare, so it was difficult for him to spare time.

Fortunately, there is Renee.

Combined with the information Renee learned as an ordinary traveler, he had a clearer understanding of Bananca Island.

Maud's words at the beginning still misled him.

Bananca Island is not Black Rock Island.

As a trading island, the gangs on the island are not as nakedly violent as Blackstone Island.

They all abide by the rules set by the island's only master, the Bananka wizard.

Mod's previous words made him think that these gangs had an unscrupulous style and could suppress outside wizards at will.

But now that I think about it, just like the names they claim -

They are more like the Black Heart Chamber of Commerce.

Compared with the gangs on Blackstone Island, their methods are gentler and more restrained.

You need to follow the rules on the surface.

Moreover, I heard that Mr. Bananka values ​​reputation very much.

No wonder the two wizards from the Hague Gang in the alley that day told him to take care of business even though they could just grab it.

Colin couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

The next day.

The sky is dim.

The patrolling sounds of steel-armored guards that had been heard outside the suite window all night finally stopped.

Instead there was the roar of the streets.

Colin walked out of the hotel and headed to the port to prepare for an appointment with Maud.

But as soon as he walked out of the hotel, he frowned.

'I didn't expect that the Hague Chamber of Commerce would find this place...'

Not far to his left, a man in gray robe was holding a portrait and asking passers-by.

It was obvious that the portrait was his.

Colin couldn't help but frown slightly, but he wasn't worried about being recognized. After all, he was in disguise now.

It's just that this kind of search intensity is definitely not normal.

Before this, he had only seen his portrait on the Hague gangsters he met on the road and on the fixed notice board on Lembei Street.

And there are several other portraits next to his portrait on the notice board.

He is just one of them, nothing special.

Apparently at that time, The Hague Chamber of Commerce was only conducting a normal search.

Unexpectedly... people searching can be seen even here now.

Subconsciously, he thought about eavesdropping on the conversation, and the white-robed wizard revealed that he was the consignor of the golden four-leaf clover auction.

If there are more than 10,000 magic stones, it may be worth the search efforts of the Hague Gang.

Colin understood.

It was already getting late, so he withdrew his gaze and continued to move forward.

The newly found hotel is near the Denlan Shipyard, and the port is not far from here.

Not long after, he arrived at the appointed location and looked around, but did not see Maud.


Taking out the pocket watch, the time on it was exactly 9 o'clock.

Colin frowned slightly, raised his head and looked around, but still did not see Maud.

This was not the first time he had made an appointment with Maude, and he was always the only one who was late.

Maud always arrived about five minutes early.

Not too early, not too late.

But now...

After waiting for a few more minutes, there was still no sign of Maud.

After hesitating for a moment, Colin headed towards the direction where he saw Maud coming from in the past.

Walk to the street on the left side of the intersection.

Before he walked a few steps, he saw Maud's figure.

Next to Maud, there were two familiar figures standing.

It was the wizards from the law enforcement team and members of the Hague Gang that he saw when he sneaked back to the auction house.

His expression remained unchanged, Colin paused for a moment, then quickly turned around and turned into the dark alley on the left.

After a while, when he came out again, he had changed his appearance.

Colin continued to walk slowly towards Maud and others.

Soon, the sound of conversation not far away came to my ears along the breeze.

"Lord Hart, I can cooperate with your investigation, but please remember——

No matter who its previous owner was, the golden four-leaf clover in my hand was obtained from the auction of His Excellency Wizard Banan’s Gold Anchor Auction House with real money! "

At this moment, Mod was emphasizing something to Hart from the law enforcement team.

Although the speaking speed is not fast, the tone is not as smooth and gentle as before, but a bit more tough and sharp.

In fact, Maude couldn't care too much anymore.

He had worked hard and frugally for decades for such a magic potion that could improve his qualifications.

More than 10,000 magic stones have already emptied out all the magic stones he had accumulated over the past decades.

And now that he is over fifty years old, he cannot afford to lose this potion!

Hearing this, Hart looked a little sulky.

Maude paused, her tone softened slightly, and continued:

"Of course, I believe in the long-standing reputation of the Golden Anchor Auction House and the law enforcement team led by Mr. Bananka Wizard. My interests will not be harmed."

“Two days ago, I praised the Golden Anchor Auction House and the law enforcement team with the director of the Redbud Caravan.

I also recommended the Golden Anchor Auction House to the manager of the Jackdaw Caravan who is currently stationed on the island when he came to the island before. "

Hart suppressed his impatience, relaxed his brows, put on a smile and said gently:

"Don't worry, I'm just doing business. Your Excellency Bananka often teaches us to respect everyone's interests, and I will never forget it."

"I just hope you can understand that although you paid the magic stone, this golden four-leaf clover belongs to the Hague Chamber of Commerce, not the thief.

Therefore, this golden four-leaf clover must be temporarily detained. "

"As for the magic stone, I won't be able to return it to you for a while, I hope you can understand.

After all, most of the magic stones you paid for have been transferred to the thief by the Golden Anchor Auction House. "

"We need to catch him and recover those magic stones before we can return them to you."

Maud's face darkened and she was about to question.

But Hart was the first to continue:

"Of course, no matter whether the thief can be recovered or not, I will try my best to ensure your interests."

Maud's lips moved, but in the end she declined and did not continue.

He would rather Hart get angry at him than give him such a serious answer.

He is a smart man.

Although Hart said that he would try his best to protect his interests.

But he knew very well that this was just perfunctory.

But what can be done, he is just a junior apprentice.

The only special thing may be that I met some people as a guide at the pier.

He looked downcast, but he hadn't given up yet.

How can you give up?

It can be said that he spent the first half of his life working hard for this golden four-leaf clover.

And this potion that can improve his qualifications will also determine the rest of his life.

How could he give up?

Hart caught a glimpse of the unwillingness in Maud's eyes and frowned slightly in his heart.

He had already investigated when he came.

Maude is a wizard born and raised on Bananka Island. Due to his work, he has many friends and a wide network of contacts.

He is not some foreign wizard who is easy to bully.

Hart sighed slightly in his heart. His status as a law enforcement team not only brought him benefits, but also brought limitations.

Otherwise, there would be no need for him to treat a junior wizard apprentice like Maud so politely.

But the Bananka wizard attaches great importance to the image of Bananka Island to the point of harshness.

It is not a problem to deal with Mod, a junior wizard apprentice.

But if this damages the image of the Gold Anchor Auction House and the law enforcement team...

He didn't want to take even a small risk like that.

After all, you must know that a long time ago, the gangs on Bananca Island were a group of bloody gangs.

But now he is like a docile sheep!

Those who didn't understand the rules have long since disappeared.

"Lord Hart." Mark from the Hague Chamber of Commerce listened to their conversation and asked, holding a golden four-leaf clover, "What about this golden four-leaf clover?"

"Store it well for our Maude, keep it properly, and try to catch the thief as soon as possible."

"Okay." Mark understood and carefully put away the golden four-leaf clover.

Obviously, Hart in front of him changed his attention again.

It seemed that out of some concerns, he did not choose to take Mod's golden four-leaf clover directly, but continued to try to find the target.

Mark sighed slightly in his heart and recalled yesterday.

Yesterday, the three of them were chatting at the Golden Anchor Auction House.

After seeing the portrait, the white-robed auctioneer Ai Li mentioned to them that he had also seen the target in the portrait. And undoubtedly revealed that the target was the owner of the golden four-leaf clover sold at yesterday's auction.

Finally, Eli curiously asked him——

"Why do the Hague Gang want this person?"

When he was about to answer truthfully, Hart next to him answered first:

"It's because he took away a potion from The Hague Chamber of Commerce!"

Then he turned back and winked at him, smiling and saying:

"Are you right, Mark?"

There is no doubt that he ended up echoing Hart's words.

It's nothing to get hung up on.

The target killed two members of their Hague Gang, which was the target they wanted to deal with.

Now finding out that he is actually carrying a treasure is just the icing on the cake.

He just felt bad for Hart to know.

Since then, the Hague Chamber of Commerce will inevitably give him a piece of the pie, and his commission will naturally be smaller.

"Mark, the task of searching for the target still requires a lot of effort from your Hague Chamber of Commerce." Hart smiled at him.

Then he came slightly closer and lowered his voice and whispered:

"After all, if I seek help from the law enforcement team, I will inevitably give others a share of the pie.

In this way, you The Hague Gang will undoubtedly get less, you understand. "

"Yes... as far as I know, the gang has stepped up the search for the target." Mark replied quickly.

I regretted more and more that I agreed to Hart's small favor yesterday.

Hart smiled and added: "I didn't get it for free. If the law enforcement team needs to come forward, just call me."

After saying this, his tone changed and he said confidently:

"The target is just a wizard from out of town. He is weak and weak. As long as we find him and control the wind, we won't be able to manipulate him."

Mark nodded.

If they do it with the Hague Gang, it may not be guaranteed to be completely successful, but with the addition of Hart from the law enforcement team.

That target will never escape their grasp.


At this time, Hart seemed to have thought of something, pointed at Maud next to him, and suddenly said to Mark:

"Mark, take out the portrait and show it to Maude."

He turned to Maude and smiled:

"In terms of people we have interacted with, the two of us together may not have as many people as you. Maybe you have met the thief before."

Maud took the portrait and unfolded it.

His pupils shrank slightly and he was about to speak.

But I heard a familiar voice coming from next to me.

"It seems like you are looking for me?"

Colin walked towards them, no longer hiding his face, and appeared directly in front of Hart and Mark.

Hart looked at Colin and couldn't help but be startled, rarely reacting for a moment.

But Mark on the side didn’t think so much. He looked at Colin, smiled with surprise, and shouted:

"How dare you throw yourself into the trap of a thief who stole our golden four-leaf clover from The Hague Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh." Colin smiled faintly, "How do you prove that the golden four-leaf clover belongs to your Hague Chamber of Commerce, not mine?"

When Mark heard his childish words, a mocking smile appeared on his face and he continued:

"Then how do you prove that the golden four-leaf clover belongs to you and not to our The Hague Chamber of Commerce?"

He sneered inwardly, preparing to watch Colin try to prove it to him.

Finally let Colin know that all this is in vain.

But he didn't wait for Colin's words of proof.

But I heard Colin continue to say:

"Since we can't argue, no one can prove..."

"This person next to you is the leader of the law enforcement team. Why don't we let the law enforcement team investigate and find out the truth of the matter?"

Mark was stunned for a moment, but then sneered.

I don't know where the wizard in front of me came from, but he was so naive and childish.

"Okay." He said without hesitation, "Then let the adults of the law enforcement team make the judgment."

Big chapter ha

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