Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 121 Taking the initiative to enter the game

Hart on the side frowned and did not answer.

Colin's words seemed to be raised in volume on purpose, causing the passers-by around him to cast vague glances at him.

The local residents on the island were okay, they just glanced at it and then looked away and left.

But those travelers, especially those who had just arrived on the island, stopped for a moment curiously and stopped to watch.

Hart's expression remained unchanged and he didn't speak in a hurry. He just looked at Colin carefully.

"Lord Hart?" Mark called back, with some confusion on his face.

In his opinion, since the target has already thrown himself into the trap and rushed straight into their hands, isn't this exactly what he wanted? Why should he hesitate?

But Hart ignored him and kept his face indifferent.

Judging from the target's words, he was unaware of his relationship with Mark.

Naturally, they would not know what the two of them were planning behind the scenes.

It would obviously be more beneficial for them to remain aloof and keep his relationship with Mark hidden.

"What's the matter, sir... from the law enforcement team?" Colin turned to look at him and said, with just the right amount of confusion on his face, but his eyes were as calm as a deep thought.

Hart stared at him, his brows stretched, his expression was calm and he said in a deep voice:

“The law enforcement team has always been fair and impartial, and we will definitely find out what happened.

No one who comes to Bananka Island will lose their own interests, let alone Bananka’s reputation! "

After saying this, he paused and then continued:

"So, in order to investigate the whole story in more detail, we ask for your cooperation and temporarily follow us to the law enforcement team station to await investigation."

"Of course, I'd love to."

Seeing that Colin agreed without hesitation, Hart's doubts were slightly relieved.

Maybe he was overthinking.

Thanks to the strict requirements of the Bananka wizards, ordinary travelers generally have a good reputation for their law enforcement team.

The foreign wizard in front of him might really be just a stupid young man who couldn't see the true nature.

But no matter what, as long as he promises himself, he will wait until he leaves a busy street like this.

Everything will be settled.

The confusion on Mark's face disappeared, and he understood Hart's intention.

‘Fortunately, I didn’t show too closeness to Hart just now. ’ He let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Colin...Your Excellency." Maude suddenly spoke.

His face looked a little strange.

He had clearly analyzed the nature of the law enforcement team and the island's chamber of commerce for Colin in front of him, but why did he still act like an ordinary traveler who had just arrived on the island.

"What's wrong, Maude, you don't think my golden four-leaf clover was stolen, do you?" Colin smiled.

Maude was silent and did not respond. In his opinion, the golden four-leaf clover most likely belonged to Colin.

After all, it was he who introduced Colin to the Gold Anchor Auction House.

At that time, Colin had just arrived on the island and had no time to steal. And he didn't believe that Colin could steal a valuable potion like a golden four-leaf clover from the Hague Chamber of Commerce.

"Is there anything else, Your Excellency? If not, how about we go to the law enforcement team station together now." Hart interrupted.

"No more, let's go." Colin nodded, paused, and then turned back to Maud and said, "By the way, remember to help me make another appointment with the boat seller."

Then, Colin took out a small cloth bag that he had just prepared and handed it to Maud.

"This is the reward for this time, check it out."

Hart frowned slightly as he watched Colin hand over the magic stone.

In his heart, the magic stone on Colin's body undoubtedly belonged to him now.

Unfortunately, he was on a busy street and couldn't do much.

"Okay, my lord."

Maude paused for a moment, calmed down, and took the bag.

After a moment, he raised his head and looked at Colin and the other two people as they gradually walked away, with a sad look on his face.

Now that the golden four-leaf clover has been taken away by Hart, it's not that easy to get it back...

He stood there numbly for a long time.

Thinking of Colin's meaningful words just now, he slowly walked to a secluded corner and opened the cloth bag he just got.

And the other side.

Hart and Mark walked slowly forward with Colin.

He and Hart walked one behind the other, without words, eye contact or movement.

Like a stranger.

Continuing along the street, we soon came to an intersection.

Hart paused, glanced at Mark, and took the lead to walk to the right.

Mark understood and slowed down slightly, approaching Colin.

While paying attention to his reaction, he said naturally and strangely:

"I really don't know where you, a thief, got your confidence. That special golden four-leaf clover is obviously a collection of our Hague Gang!"

Colin smiled slightly and said nothing.

Mark didn't pay attention either, seeing that he seemed unaware.

Already following Hart, he turned to the right towards the road leading to the Hague Gang's station.

He said another sentence coldly.

"When we get to the law enforcement team station, the adults of the law enforcement team will definitely bring you, the thief, to justice!"

He stopped talking and just controlled his steps, slightly half a body behind Colin, faintly blocking his way back.

We kept walking in this formation for a while.

The three of them arrived outside a large and imposing villa.

There is no sign in front of the tall iron fence gate, only four guards in half armor are on duty.

This is a separate road with only this building.

So apart from them, there were no other people on the road.

Colin understood.

He expected this.

It's just that he didn't think he would be so quick to figure it out.

Now it seems that he still overestimates the two Harts.

However, he then thought about it.

This is normal. The two Harts obviously want to plunder his golden four-leaf clover or auction it to get the magic stone.

There were a lot of people around the bustling street by the port. He just slightly raised his voice and attracted a lot of attention.

in this case.

Hart obviously wouldn't do it roughly, he would definitely stabilize him and take him to another place where it would be more convenient to attack.

On the one hand, this is to prevent the image of the law enforcement team from being damaged.

On the other hand, it may be that they don’t want to let other members of the law enforcement team know about it and give out more benefits.

Unfortunately, Hart didn't know that he already knew everything... let alone his true strength.

"What's wrong?" Hart in front asked confusedly when he saw him staying where he was, and then added with a sincere expression.

"Let's go quickly. Trust the law enforcement team. Let's go in as soon as possible and find out the true cause of the matter."


Colin smiled, his expression unchanged, and continued to follow them towards the villa in front of him, which looked like it was not the headquarters of the law enforcement team.

Enter the black gate with spikes at the top and follow the path through the front garden.

Mark no longer tried to hide it, and passed him head-on, leading the way.

Hart from the law enforcement team came behind him and blocked his retreat.

Mark walked in front and looked back frequently, but he did not see the panicked expression on Colin's face that he imagined.

He looked at Colin, who was as calm now as before, and felt very unhappy, always feeling that something was missing.

So he slowed down a little, turned around and sneered at Colin:

"Idiot, do you really think you are here at the law enforcement team's station? Look up and see where this place is now?"

Hart, who was walking at the end, frowned when he heard Mark's words, but now he had no time to stop him, so he had to focus on Colin, observe his reaction, and prepare for the battle.

After a while.

He looked a little confused.

For some reason, Colin in front didn't react at all to Mark's words, as if he didn't hear them.

Mark, who was walking at the front, couldn't help but frown when he saw this. He thought Colin was too stupid and didn't understand what he meant.

So he simply made it clear.

"I know that the golden four-leaf clover belongs to you, not to our Hague Chamber of Commerce, and the adults on the law enforcement team behind you also know that.

If you are not an idiot, you should understand what I mean. "

"If you know the truth and hand over all the magic stones obtained from the golden four-leaf clover auction, you may be able to survive."

At this time they happened to reach an open space.

Mark stopped, turned around, and stared at Colin with a ferocious expression.

Hart, who was behind, adjusted his position and, together with Mark, surrounded Colin in the middle.

Colin watched calmly what he expected in front of him.


At some point, a group of Hague Knights wearing half armor also came over and formed a new circle around the three of them.

Mark was not surprised. He deliberately walked at the end when he entered these transformed knights and quietly asked the guards at the door to call them over.

Maybe it won't do much, but let's help first.

He also ordered the guards to call two familiar gang members, both of whom were peak wizard apprentices.

But it may still be on the way now, and it should take some time to arrive.

But it doesn't matter, it's enough to have two peak wizard apprentices, him and Hart, especially Hart, who is from the orthodox school and is much stronger than gang wizards like him.

Although he and Hart are both peak wizard apprentices now, in fact, he may only be a peak wizard apprentice in this life. But Hart is just a peak wizard apprentice now.

Although there were many thoughts in his mind, the reality only passed for a moment. He looked at Colin, frowned slightly, and emphasized impatiently:

"Hurry up and hand over the magic stone, don't waste our time."

If Colin could be forced to hand over the magic stone with such coercion, it would undoubtedly be the best choice.

No matter what, the best thing to do is to capture Colin first and ask for the whereabouts of the magic stone.

Otherwise, even if Colin is killed, it will be useless without knowing where his magic stone is.

Colin looked at everything in front of him and smiled insignificantly.

"What would happen if I said that I have used up all the magic stones?"

"Run out?!"

Mark looked gloomy and asked subconsciously.

Hart from the law enforcement team also frowned.

The most troublesome thing happened. He felt the golden four-leaf clover in his arms and thought to himself:

‘If it’s really been spent by him, then maybe it would be more cost-effective to deal with Maud now. ’

But soon, he changed his mind and thought that he had legitimate reasons, and he could use the name of the law enforcement team to go to those merchants to return the items he bought from Colin.

It's just... I'm afraid that what Colin bought is some goods that cannot be returned, such as services.

Just as he was thinking secretly, he heard Colin say calmly:

"I lied to you. Most of the magic stones from the auction are still with me."

Hart's expression was suffocated, and his thoughts were interrupted instantly. A sudden surge of anger surged into his chest and abdomen.

But even more angry than him was Mark.

Mark thought.


A thick dark red vine appeared instantly under Colin's feet!

Like a giant python with black poisonous spikes all over its body, the vine snaked its way up Colin's left foot, and soon covered his whole body, binding Colin tightly!

A dark red cocoon formed.

Seeing Colin being tied up by him without any resistance, Mark's expression softened slightly and he snorted coldly.

His eyes were cold, thinking that he would make Colin feel the pain later!

On the other side, Hart stared at the dark red sepak takraw ball in front of him, and the anger in his heart gradually diminished.

But before he could look away.

The next second!


Dazzling orange-red flames erupted from the vine cocoon, igniting the entire cocoon in an instant.

Then, quickly burn it to ashes.

The black ashes left by the dark red vines drifted down like snowflakes, and the bright firelight gradually disappeared, revealing Colin's intact figure.

This move is a combination of fireball technique and high temperature tolerance.

As long as the output intensity of the fireball technique is controlled within the range that the high temperature can withstand, it can hurt the other party without hurting oneself.

Mark and Hart looked stunned at the same time.

The next second, Hart was the first to react and was preparing to attack again.


A faint light streaked through the air.


The sudden sharp pain in his abdomen caused his newly condensed magic power to suddenly dissipate, and he couldn't help but groan.

When he came back to his senses, he was surprised to find that it wasn't just him.

Beside Mark and the half-armored knights, they all lay on the ground and kept wailing.

The sun was shining brightly at this time, but Hart didn't feel any warmth, only feeling bitingly cold.

Fear crept up into his heart like a long, slippery snake.

The scene at the scene made him understand that he had undoubtedly hit the iron plate!

Without thinking too much, he quietly took out the communication crystal in his arms.

Among the wailing crowd, Colin stood quietly, glancing at Hart with an indifferent expression.

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