Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 172 Pure Talent Seed

Deep in the Xisheng School.

Here, there is a cluster of old-fashioned castle buildings.

Looking at the familiar mottled old castle walls, Atbold seemed to have returned to the era hundreds of years ago.

At that time, there were no black smoke steam locomotives running on the wide roads of Neustadt, and there were no railways winding like long snakes... At that time, he was still young.

After gathering his thoughts, Atbold continued towards the castle.

He has not forgotten the purpose of setting foot here today... Lilian is still waiting for his good news.

Walking step by step, the moment he entered the castle, Atbold's originally rickety back gradually straightened.

His body, which was already tall when he was rickety, has now grown taller!

Sunlight streamed in from the door behind him, hitting him and casting a huge black shadow on the gray marble floor.

As he took steps step by step, the wrinkles on Atbold's face seemed to have been brushed by an invisible hand, gradually stretching and becoming flat and smooth.

He regained his middle-aged appearance.

A middle-aged official wizard walked towards him in the corridor. The golden feather badge on his chest showed his strength as a first-level wizard.

"Are you..." the middle-aged wizard asked. His expression was confused at first, then he frowned and murmured in a shocked tone:

"Your Excellency Rudolf?"

"Long time no see, little Tota."

Atbold smiled and responded lightly, without stopping, he crossed the tota and continued walking forward.


Crisp footsteps echoed in the marble floor corridor.

Watching Atebold's retreating figure, Tota's expression gradually turned sad.

After pondering for a moment, he blessed himself with auxiliary witchcraft. The light flashed and the corners of his clothes automatically moved without wind.

Then he jumped slightly, his body levitated, and flew forward quickly along the corridor on the left.




And the other side.

Atbold continued to walk silently down the corridor, each step measuring the distance as accurately as he could.

Frankly speaking, he didn't have much hope that he could achieve his goal today...

Even if it's just a request for a small qualification to join the Althusian Society.

Another moment passed.

Just when he was about to reach his destination, a group of gray-robed wizards came towards him.


The leader of the white-bearded wizard spoke in greeting.

"Rob." Altbald stopped, his eyes scanning the wizard in front of him.

Sure enough, he finally spotted the figure of Tota he had just met.

"Why are you here this time...?" Rob asked straight to the point.

"I have a student who wants to join the Althos."

Altbald looked away from Tota, who had his head down, expressionlessly, and turned to Rob to answer.

"Athos Society..." Rob was startled for a moment, then said with a smile, "Old friend, you also know that your faction is not qualified to obtain such resources... This matter was determined decades ago. Come down."

"There is no way to change it now, I have no way to change it... Lord Laraire has no way to change it either!"

"I want to see Laraire," Altbold interrupted.

"Master Laraire is busy with experiments..." Rob said with some embarrassment, "It's better not to disturb him."

"Rob." Atbold's tone became colder, but a faint smile appeared on his face, "I think I should still be qualified to meet Laraire."

"..." Rob's face turned pale, and he could no longer maintain the smile on his face.

At this time, a voice came from behind Rob.

"Sir Rudolf, as Lord Laraire is the mainstay of the Xisheng School, you should be more considerate. How can such a small matter that has been settled long ago waste Lord Laraire's precious time?"

Atbold's expression remained unchanged as he followed the sound and found out that the person speaking was a strange young wizard.

Judging from the feather badge on his chest, he should be a first-level wizard...

Atbold couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

When did a mere first-level wizard dare to speak to him in such a tone? !

What made his mood even more complicated was that...he didn't even have much anger in his heart.

It seems that my emotions are like flowers outdoors in summer, wilted and damaged by the hot sun, even the petals have curled up, and have no strength to bloom again...

But if you look closely, you can notice that Altbald's arms hanging by his sides are slightly tense, and the faint outline of muscles like the knots of tree roots emerges.


Rob scolded the young wizard behind him calmly, and then turned to observe Attbold's expression.

Atbold took a long breath in his heart, and then maintained his faint smile without changing his expression, and emphasized again:

"Rob, there are some things I don't want to say a second time."

As he finished speaking, the wood-colored veins began to spread from his chest to all parts of his body.

It soon spread to Altbould's exposed neck and chin.

The invisible and terrifying momentum was like a tsunami, rushing toward Rob and the others!

"Stop, stop, stop!" Rob saw this and shouted hurriedly, "I'll take you to see Mr. Laraire right now!"

Atbold glanced at Rob lightly, and the green veins like leaf veins instantly dissipated from his neck and retracted to the center of his chest.

"Lead the way." Atbold said calmly.

There was a gloomy look in Rob's eyes, but he didn't say anything more, he just pursed his lips and turned around.

He took a few steps forward and whispered an order to an official wizard.

Then after seeing him using witchcraft to leave quickly, he slowly stepped forward to lead the way.

"What's the air about this old guy... Who knows, he's just a scumbag."

It was at this time that an inaudible voice came from the wizard team.

Atbold's footsteps paused slightly, and with a subtle glance, he found the speaker... It was Herard who had just made a sound in the team.

But he didn't say much, he just pretended not to hear and continued walking forward with Rob.

Of course he can have an attack.

But it happened, which meant that Lilian's request was definitely hopeless, and it was impossible for him to win a qualification for Colin to join the Alseus Society.

The group of people walked in silence.

As the only second-level wizard, Rob walked at the front.

Altbold followed.

The other first-level wizards spread out, surrounding Atbold faintly in the middle.

Just walked like this for a while.

A familiar piece of grass caught Attebold's eyes.

A gray-white castle with a spire sits alone in the middle of the grass.

Rob led him inside and to a conference hall on the second floor.

Unique rough stone walls, and the ground is covered with neat brown floors.

On the floor is a long brown wooden table that can seat at least twenty people at the same time, surrounded by a circle of cushioned chairs.

Sitting on the main seat at the far end of the long wooden table was a middle-aged wizard with rare white hair. His face was stern and serious, and the deep wrinkles between his eyebrows seemed to never be smoothed.

"Lord Laraire." Rob greeted him respectfully, and then took the rest of the wizards to sit down on the left and right sides of the long wooden table.

"Lalaire." Atbold also greeted lightly, opened the other end of the long wooden table in front of him, and sat down on the armchair facing Laraire.

"I already know your purpose of coming, Lord Rudolf." Laraire said solemnly, looking at Atbold.

"So, what's the result?" Atbold asked.

"I'm sorry." Laraire shook his head, "The contract cannot be changed, and the agreement made back then cannot be changed, Mr. Rudolf."

"No room for negotiation?" Atbold asked expressionlessly.

"There is no room for negotiation." Laraire raised his hand, put it on the table, and shook his head.

"It's been almost sixty years... is the school really unaccommodating?"

Laraire's serious look relaxed slightly and sighed:

"Your Excellency Rudolf, the school has always shown mercy. Except for the fact that the apprentices you accept cannot enjoy these resources, the rest of the treatment is the same as that of other factions...

That apprentice...Colin, if he can really advance to become a formal wizard, his assigned position will not be reduced in any way...except that he cannot obtain certain resources, the rest is no different from other factions..."

Altbald was silent.

Seeing this, Laraire stood up slowly.

"Sir Rudolf, you are old and injured, so why bother fighting about this anymore."

After saying this, Laraire seemed to have thought of something, and sighed:

"Sometimes... maybe being ordinary is the happiest thing."

After saying that, he turned and left the room.


The wooden door shook and made a harsh noise, and Altbold sat in silence.

The conversation was short, but there really wasn't much to say.

If you can, you can, if you can't, you can't... It's not that he didn't expect such a result, but he still had a glimmer of hope.

Unexpectedly, sixty years have passed, but the attitude of the school has not relaxed at all...

'What happened back then...'

Atbold's face darkened, and he sighed deeply in his heart.

"Sir Rudolf, please come back."

Rob beside him also stood up and spoke slowly to him.

Atbold raised his head and glanced at him lightly, without saying anything, and slowly stood up.

Then he walked slowly outside.

"I told you long ago that Sir Laraire can't change, and coming here is just a waste of time...ahhhh!!"


Countless green spots appeared under the speaking Herad's skin, constantly swimming around like living insects, causing Herad to feel pain like ants eating his body.

The expressions of the other wizards on the side changed drastically.

"Your Excellency Rudolf!" Rob said solemnly, while waving his hands to perform witchcraft.

Rays of witchcraft light continued to shine on Herad...but it didn't have much effect.

The changes continue.

Those green spots gradually spread on Herad's skin, forming lines like the veins of leaves, followed by popping sounds one after another.

Bright red flowers turned out from under Herad's skin where the veins converged, and then bloomed.

This process seemed to be very painful. Herad could no longer even moan and could only collapse on the ground, scratching himself with his hands in vain.

But he didn't dare to touch those strange bright red flowers, so he could only scratch them elsewhere.

Under the exertion, blood marks appeared instantly, and then little bits of blood overflowed...

"Rudolph!!" Rob looked even more anxious and shouted again in a deep voice!

Altbould paused for a moment.

"Don't worry, I'm sensible. The flowers will naturally wither in a month, and he will be back to his original state by then...but the process may be a little difficult."

"As a member of the school, how dare you do this!" Rob asked sternly.

Atbold chuckled:

"As a first-level wizard, how dare you offend me again and again?"

"He doesn't understand the rules of hierarchy of the school...or is this something you instructed?"

Rob's expression froze.

Although Herald did not instruct him, he did let it go intentionally...

He could have shouted harshly when Herald began to speak, instead of saying something calmly...

Atbold retracted his gaze, calmed his expression, and slowly left the castle, leaving only Rob and his party with ugly faces.




In the afternoon.

Colin's residence.

A public carriage came quickly and slowly stopped in front of his door.

Lilian walked down with an ugly expression.

When she thought of what Atbold said just now...she didn't know how to tell Colin.

Moreover, what she is most worried about is——

When Colin knew that he could not join the Athios Society and knew the true shortcomings of their faction...

Perhaps, like the previous apprentices, he would choose to leave and change to another mentor.

After all, according to Colin's current talent, most factions will be willing to accept him.

Lillian let out a soft breath and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door slowly opened.

"Ms. Lilian." Renee greeted respectfully.

Following her master's previous instructions, she took Lilian directly to the living room and then walked towards the second floor.

"I'll go tell the master."

Lillian nodded.

Not long after.

Colin walked slowly down the spiral staircase.

"Senior Lilian, come to see me today. Has the matter with the Alseus Society been settled?"

He looked at Lillian and asked with a smile.

Lilian paused slightly, and a rare look of embarrassment appeared on her fair little face.

"Junior Colin, you may not be able to participate in the Alseus Society."

Colin was slightly startled.

Lilian then told Colin most of the facts, and told Colin the special reason why their faction's apprentices lacked resources... but did not explain the root cause behind it.

"I see..." Colin nodded, his heart inevitably sinking.

Seeing Colin's depressed expression, Lilian brushed the broken hair around her ears, hesitated and said:

"So, Junior Colin, if you want to continue participating in the Athios Society..."

"Maybe we can only consider changing the mentor..."

After saying that, she couldn't help but sigh, already anticipating Colin's choice.

‘Change mentor? ’

Colin was startled, this seemed like an attractive choice.

But soon, he shook his head, even though he had been living a very peaceful life since joining the school for a few months.

However, the factional struggle within the Xisheng School was fierce, and he had a deep understanding of it when he joined the school. In the past few months, he had heard related gossip from Marjorie and others one after another...

What's more, once you change your mentor, you may no longer be able to be as free and without a job as you are now.

After pondering for a moment, he continued to ask:

"Senior Lilian, what exactly is the Athos Society?"

"Well, as I said, the role of the Alseus Society is to help the best batch of wizard apprentices under the Supreme Council to obtain better talents when they advance to formal wizards."

"Yeah." Colin nodded and suddenly asked:

"Why does the Athios Society improve talents?"

Lilian organized her speech for a moment and explained:

"St. Peter the Wizard once said, "The purity of a wizard's seed of talent depends on the degree of knowledge he masters. ""

"Do you still remember what you asked for when you broke through to become a senior wizard apprentice?"

Colin frowned and said with some uncertainty:

"Master the knowledge of meditation as thoroughly as possible."

Lillian nodded.

"There are similar requirements when advancing to become a formal wizard."

"If you can thoroughly master all the knowledge of witchcraft, meditation, etc. before advancing, you can cultivate purer seeds of talent."

"But in fact, the vast majority of apprentices are unable to fully grasp all the knowledge they have learned, so the purity of the talent seeds will be affected, and the talent will also be affected."

"And the Athios Society has a special rare object called Athios. Its only function is to temporarily forget the knowledge that you are not master of."

"I see..." Colin replied calmly, but he was extremely happy in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn't successfully participate in the so-called Athios meeting!

With the help of gold paper, he doesn't have to worry about not having a thorough grasp of the knowledge he has learned!

It just takes a little more time.

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