Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 173 Influence

"So what is your decision, Junior Colin?" Lilian asked.

Her expression was calm, and she was ready to accept Colin's decision to change mentors.

It has only been four months since Colin joined Altbould's staff... It would be strange if he chose to stay.

After all, if you think about it, staying would mean losing the possibility of improving your talent and quality, and also losing some future resources... Who is willing to take the risk of affecting the future by staying?

Looking at Colin's silent expression, Lillian sighed inwardly and continued to add:

"Junior Colin, there is no need to be mentally burdened. Water flows to lower places and people go to higher places. This is just the most common thing in the world."

Colin was slightly startled. He was just glad that he didn't attend the Althus Society and was a little distracted.

"Senior Lillian," he said quickly, "I don't plan to change my mentor, I will continue to stay."

This time it was Lillian's turn to be stunned, her jewel-like blue eyes slightly dilated.

After a while, she smiled happily, and then continued to comfort:

"Junior Colin, there is no need to force yourself...the instructor will also understand your choice."

"Senior Lilian, you misunderstood, I just don't like fighting." Colin shook his head and continued, "As for the Athos Club, even if you participate, you may not be able to use Athos in the end... …As for resources, there are no mentors anywhere else who have as much leisure as they do here.”

"Junior Colin, are you serious?" Lilian said in disbelief after hearing this.

"It's true, I really have no intention of changing my mentor." Colin nodded and said solemnly.

Lilian was stunned for a moment, then tried to persuade him a few words.

Seeing that Colin really didn't want to change his mentor, he stopped.

"I will find a way to get you the best potion for cultivating talent seeds."

After pondering for a moment, Lilian looked at Colin and said in a deep voice.

"Although I can't get you the qualification to join the Athios Society, I can get you the best potion for cultivating talent seeds... I think there won't be any problem."

Now that Colin chose to stay, no matter what his reasons were, the importance she attached to Colin in her heart was enhanced.

Colin felt slightly happy and quickly thanked:

"Thank you, Senior Sister Lilian."

Although the gold paper can give him an effect similar to that of Athos, it still lacks the best magic potion for cultivating talent seeds compared to the apprentices who join the Athos Society.

If Lilian could find him the best magic potion for cultivating talent seeds, it would really be no different from joining the Athos Society and having the last laugh.

"Yes." Lilian nodded, and then asked, "During this period, you should study the knowledge you already have as thoroughly as possible... just don't learn new knowledge for the time being. Wait until you can no longer make progress. When the time comes, you can start cultivating the seeds of talent.”

"I understand." Colin nodded.

Lilian then exchanged greetings with him for a while, then stood up to say goodbye.

After bidding farewell to Lilian, Colin stood in the courtyard, thinking quietly.

The vegetation is green and the flowers and fruits are colorful.

Under Nado's control, the landscape in front of her looked orderly and exquisite.

The breeze blows, swaying.


Colin exhaled a sigh of relief and walked to the meditation room.

Pushing open the thick gray iron-clad wooden door, he came to sit on the soft cushion in the middle of the meditation room, and then with a thought, he breathed out the gold paper.

The pale golden particles slowly gathered.

[Name: Colin Leonard]

[Level: Advanced Wizard Apprentice (100/100); Ultimate Great Knight (100/100)]

[Meditation method: Tin ring meditation method (1/100)]

[Breathing method: Sunlight breathing method golden; Yili breathing method (46/100)]

[Witchcraft: Zero-level magic: slightly; Zero-level magic: Steel temperature-resistant force field (16/100); Arrow spell (gold);; Fireball spell II (15/100); Swiftness spell I (87/100) ); Flying Submarine (68/100); Silently (30/100); Invisible (31/100); Detect Evil I (18/100); Purify Evil Energy I (20/100)]

[Skills: Elementary witchcraft crystal production - (bright crystal production (gold)); shadow crystal production I (66/100); blood pattern transformation I (36/100); magic potion production: Lan Jiding production (62/ 100)】

[Talent: Strong Life I (4/100)]

[Break limit point: 0]

After scanning it carefully from top to bottom, Colin closed his eyes slightly.

In the past few months, due to the time spent on meditation and other practices, there has not been much improvement in witchcraft and the like.

As Lilian said, what he needs to do most now is to practice meditation and witchcraft that have not reached the limit to the limit.

Opening his eyes, Colin thought that he would start practicing witchcraft directly.

But the next second, the surging magic gradually stopped.

His eyes flickered, as if he had thought of something, but instead of continuing to practice witchcraft, he stood up slowly and walked out the door.

It is important to perfect the practice of witchcraft, but before that, he may need to carefully and deeply understand the seeds of talent.

Since whether you have a thorough knowledge of witchcraft will affect the quality of your talent seeds, then——

Will the amount and type of witchcraft knowledge mastered also affect the quality of the talent seeds cultivated?

With such doubts, Colin went out and called a public carriage and rushed towards the school.

Tap tap tap tap——

The tall galloping horse mixed with the blood of Warcraft pulled the gray carriage on the wide road, and not long after, they arrived at the Xisheng School.

After getting off the carriage, Colin walked along the main road in the school and arrived at the gray-white castle with a round spire in the center.

This is one of the most heavily guarded places in the entire school——

Xisheng Library!

After talking to Lillian, it was almost afternoon.

Without Lilian's guidance, he would not be able to ask for information about Atbold's talent seeds.

So he planned to go to the school's castle library to search in advance, and then ask Atbold carefully tomorrow morning.

Of course, with his current status, he didn't expect to find very useful information... But there is nothing wrong with learning more, as it should be used to increase knowledge.

Continuing forward, Colin passed the numerous tests with ease, and finally entered the area on the first floor of the library... which was also the only area he could enter.

On the high pale yellow ceiling, countless bright crystals the size of ping pong balls are emitting soft white light.

Under the white light, there are rows of neat and thick brown-red bookshelves, densely arranged, extending to the end of the line of sight. The translucent protective witch formations above are emitting a faint white light.

Among the bookshelves, many apprentices were walking slowly through them, rummaging through books carefully...

‘The first floor of this ancient book castle is much larger than it looks from the outside…’ Colin thought to himself, ‘Maybe there is a spatial transformation. ’

It is worth mentioning that most of the books on the brown bookshelf are stored in the form of crystal copies, and only a few magic books are still placed outside in their original form.

Stepping forward to several square short pillars standing next to the front desk, Colin stretched out his arm and touched the transparent crystal ball the size of a baby's head fixed on the short pillars.

The crystal ball stores information about all the books on the first floor of the Book Castle. You can check whether they have been borrowed and where they are.

Talent seeds...talent quality...cultivation of talent seeds...knowledge of witchcraft mastered...

Colin sifted through the keywords one by one.

Not long after, he took a wooden tray specially designed to hold crystals and books from the front desk, and walked towards the bookshelf.

According to the information he just found, he spent more than ten minutes wandering between the bookshelves and took down more than a dozen crystals and four or five thick physical magic books.

These are all the books on the first floor of the entire castle library that may record the impact of witchcraft on cultivating talent seeds.

Holding a wooden tray filled with books, Colin found a corner to sit down and started reading.

Just like the library on Earth, the ancient castle library of the Xisheng School is also very quiet. Not only is there no sound of talking, but even the sound of the wizards walking... can't be heard.

This kind of quietness is mainly due to the constant sound-suppressing witch formation in the entire castle library.

It is different from the silent witchcraft formation or the soundproof witchcraft formation.

The sound suppression witchcraft array does not completely eliminate the sound, but suppresses the distance that the sound travels.

Thanks to learning about silence... Colin has a little understanding of the principles behind it.

To put it simply, it speeds up the attenuation of sound wave energy and makes it travel shorter...Those slight noises may no longer be heard even one meter away.

He quickly flipped through the books he had taken in his seat.

With his current reading speed as a senior wizard apprentice, he quickly browsed through the first book.

The outer shell of the first book is made of thick brown cowhide, which is more than ten centimeters thick. However, the content of the seeds of talent is only mentioned in the middle pages, and it is not detailed and mentioned...

With a sigh, Colin moved on to the next book.

The rustling sound of turning pages of books kept ringing...

After a long time, the sound turned into the snapping sound of crystals.

Just like that, I don’t know how long it took.

Colin reached out towards the wooden tray again, but suddenly found that there were no unread book crystals in it.

After exhaling a long breath, Colin pressed his temples.

Although these books did not contain much useful content, after reading them carefully, they still opened his eyes.

In particular, he benefited a lot from the precautions for cultivating talent seeds and taking magic potions, as well as the selection of small details.

This knowledge cannot be bought outside.

Thinking about the knowledge of advanced formal wizards that he bought on Bananka Island, now it seems that the contents above are all unclear.

It's like describing a person who only tells you that he has five senses, a head, two arms, and two legs... It's not wrong, but there really aren't many useful things.

After getting up and returning the borrowed physical books and book crystals, Colin left the castle library.

When I walked out of the door, it was already night outside, and the sky was pitch black, with only a bright moon hanging high above it.

‘Unfortunately, I still haven’t been able to find much information about the type and amount of knowledge mastered, and whether it will also affect the quality of talent seeds. ’ He sighed quietly in his heart.




The next day.

Altbould Residence.

The study room on the second floor of the villa.

"Will the type or amount of knowledge mastered affect the quality of the talent seeds cultivated, and will it affect the type and quality of future talents?"

In front of the familiar force field floor-to-ceiling window, Altbould sat on a recliner and repeated Colin's question.

"Yes." Colin nodded and added with some confusion:

"Teacher Atbold, if the knowledge you learn is completely mastered will affect the quality of your talent, wouldn't it mean that the more knowledge you learn, the worse the quality of your talent will be when you advance to become a formal wizard?"

"That's not the case." Atbold shook his head, denying his guess.

"To answer this question, you first need to understand a concept - purity."

"Purity?" Colin was confused and looked at Atbold inquiringly.

"Yes, purity. If the part of the learned knowledge that cannot be fully grasped is regarded as the dirty part, then there will be the concept of purity."

“The more parts of knowledge that are not completely mastered, the more dirty parts there are, which means the lower the purity.”

His thoughts flashed like lightning, and Colin suddenly realized it and speculated first:

"I understand, mentor, the lower the purity, the more it affects the quality of the talent.

But purity actually has no strong connection with the amount of knowledge learned. "

"The more knowledge you learn, does not mean the lower the purity...Purity is only related to the degree of thorough mastery. No matter how much knowledge you learn, as long as the degree of thorough mastery is high, the purity will be high, and it will not have too much impact. The quality of talent.”

Atbold nodded and agreed:

"There is no problem with your understanding, it is indeed like this."

"What affects the quality of talent is not the amount of knowledge you have learned that you have not fully mastered, but the proportion."

"No matter how much knowledge you learn, as long as the proportion of parts you haven't completely mastered remains unchanged, the impact on your talent will not change."

Colin nodded, feeling grateful to have joined the school of thought many times.

Every time he came to ask Altbould a question, he felt as if listening to your words was worth ten years of reading...

"Then Master Atbold, will the type of knowledge you master affect the type of talents you get after advancing?"

He recovered his thoughts and continued to ask.

"It won't happen either." Atbold shook his head and explained briefly:

"The so-called talent is the innate ability."

"The quality of talent may be weakened by acquired influences, but the type effect will not be affected too much by acquired influences."

Having said this, Attebold paused and added:

"Perhaps the only thing that can slightly affect the effect of the talent type is the meditation method used when breaking through... The advanced meditation method opens up the spiritual sea and strengthens the soul."

"And if the soul changes, then the natural talent will also change... The rest, like witchcraft, as long as it does not involve the soul, will not have much impact on the types of talent in the future."

"But it is worth noting that in fact, the soul is something difficult to change. Even advanced meditation methods can only slightly change the surface."

After speaking, Altbold made another vivid metaphor.

"You can understand it this way, if talent is a fruit, then there are countless reasons that can cause it to turn into a rotten fruit, but it is difficult to turn it from an apple to a pear... So it is okay to affect the quality of the talent, but it will not affect its quality. Type effects are even more difficult.”

"Understood." Colin nodded, and the doubts in his heart were swept away.

"Thank you, Master Atbold."

He looked at Altbald's aged face and felt more respectful.

Start updating tomorrow! !

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