Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 180 Talent


Pushing open the door and entering the yard, Colin subconsciously glanced at the sky.

Through the white light that had not dissipated on the battlefield not far away, he could clearly see several figures exuding powerful power approaching here quickly in the distant sky.

'It should be the wizard from the law enforcement team...' He felt a little relieved and was about to reach out and take Sister Renee away from here.

The next second, a figure who looked like an old farmer was seen passing through his yard like a phantom.

With a sudden glance, Colin also saw that the old farmer seemed to be holding a slim figure in his hand.

Such an accident made his heart tremble.

The movement that was about to fly away also slowly stopped.

But the next second, Colin's expression suddenly changed.

The figure of the old farmer turned back quickly for some unknown reason, and was about to pass by his small courtyard again.

"You can't run away, you dirty god follower!"

At this time, a steady voice like rolling thunder came from a distance.

Behind the old farmer, several powerful wizards were flying quickly... This was obviously the reason why the old farmer's figure turned back.

When the old farmer heard this, he flew faster. His breath was disordered, his figure was in a mess, and a look of despair clearly flashed across the old face.

But even under such circumstances, he still did not let go of the slim figure in his hands...

The figure of the old farmer was about to pass by the small courtyard, and Colin was about to return to the house for shelter.

"Colin! Get out of the way!"

But I heard a voice suddenly coming from a very familiar voice... It seemed to be, Senior Sister Lilian?

The voice came from behind, but Colin had no time to look back.


After hearing the words, the old farmer-like figure suddenly cast his gaze on him.

The malice contained in his sight was projected like reality.


Immediately afterwards, I don't know if it was because the old farmer was in a desperate situation and his heart was on the verge of collapse. He laughed weirdly a few times, changed direction, and rushed towards him like a night owl! !

Colin's heart sank,

At this critical moment, he couldn't bear to complain.


Stretching out his right hand, the black scepter with dark gold patterns quickly gathered and formed in the palm of his hand!

Let out a soft breath.

The next second, Colin did not hesitate and used the most powerful attack so far! !

Follow his movements.

On gold paper.

The golden characters behind the Arrow Art slowly disappeared and turned into Arrow Art I↑ (100/100). Immediately afterwards, the progress behind it also dropped sharply, and soon fell to 1/100.

And in reality.

During the flash of electromagnetic light, a dark cone bomb nearly the size of a palm was held in Colin's hand, and invisible power was brewing rapidly.

The figure of the old farmer did not notice anything strange, and only thought that Colin was struggling to death. After all, according to the perception given to him by our Lord, the wizard was not strong and his breath was not stable.

In fact, being concealed and not displaying power is one of the advantages of arrow shooting.

Stab! !

Before the old farmer could carefully discern the attack brewing in Colin's hands.

The next moment, blue and white light suddenly burst out in Colin's hands.

Uh-huh! ! !

The palm-sized dark cone projectile shot towards him with unparalleled power! !

boom! !

When the cone bomb flew out, the deafening sound came too late, and a circle of white air waves appeared in the air visible to the naked eye.

"How can it be--!!"

Only then did the old farmer finally react, with a look of horror on his face.

This wizard is obviously only a first-level junior wizard at most, and his breath is not stable. Why can he use such a powerful attack? !

This blow may have barely reached the peak power of a first-level intermediate wizard!

If it were normal, such an attack might just need to be dealt with with full force.

But now, if I don't try my best, I'm afraid my life may not be saved...

He subconsciously let go of his palm, letting the slim figure fall from his hand, and then raised his hands, preparing to use all his strength to resist Colin's attack.

But the speed of the cone projectile was far beyond his imagination, and before he even raised his arm, it had already flown in front of him.

boom! !

"Poof!!" The huge pressure made the old farmer spit out a mouthful of blood.

He gritted his teeth and worked hard to hold the dark cone bullets that were constantly rotating in front of his chest with both hands. The constant defensive magic outside his body flashed sharply, struggling to resist the penetration of the cone bullets.


There was a sour friction sound, and the front end of the cone projectile was now red due to friction...

Thanks to Colin's choice of a solid cone bullet, otherwise in such a confrontation, the front end of another hollow-point cone bullet would have deflated long ago.

Although the old farmer was still fighting against the cone bomb, in fact, the moment he stopped because of the cone bomb, the situation at the scene had already settled.

"That's it." A strong voice came.

As he finished speaking, a biting cold wind suddenly blew around him.

A blue-white crystal-like wind appeared and swept towards the figure of the old farmer who was in a stalemate with the cone bomb.


Looking at the blue-white crystal wind, the old farmer's pupils shrank and he screamed in despair.

But the next second.


His voice suddenly stopped as a scream sounded like the wind blowing through the cracks.

The blue and white wind slowly dispersed, leaving only a lifelike ice sculpture in place.

Colin couldn't help but shudder, but his attention was not on the ice sculpture...but on the gold paper in front of him.

Staring at the gold paper, Colin couldn't hide his shock.

On the shimmering old gold paper, he saw at a glance the extremely conspicuous 11/100 progress behind the Arrow Technique I!


You must know that when he used the Scepter of Stupidity just now, he clearly saw that the progress of the arrow shooting technique on the gold paper I had been reduced to 1/100!

But now it has inexplicably changed to 11/100!

He subconsciously took out a cone bomb, aimed it at the soil under his feet and fired it quietly!

At the moment when the cone projectile was fired, the black characters behind the arrow shooting technique on the gold paper quietly jumped and changed to 21/100! !

What exactly is this for……?

Fu Ling was so moved that his heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously thought of the unexplored talent in his golden tree...

Could it be...

But before he could think about it.

"Junior Colin..."

A figure suddenly fell in front of him. It was a slim girl, very unfamiliar... It seemed like one of the three wizards he saw on the top floor before?

But the sound coming out of her mouth was familiar...Senior Lillian's voice?

The girl was holding a slim figure in her was the figure in the old farmer's hand just now.

It was only now that he was observing closely that Colin discovered that this slim figure was actually an acquaintance—the businessman Betty who sold him the magic-killing potion.

The superposition of various factors made Colin vaguely have a suspicion in his mind. He looked at the strange girl in front of him and asked tentatively:

"Senior Lillian?"

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