Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 181 The Shadow (Updated 3/20)

Chapter 181 The Shadow (Update 320)

The girl nodded, with a complicated expression on her face, ranging from disbelief to joy...

"Have you successfully advanced to become an official wizard?"

As she spoke, she walked closer to Colin.

As she took steps step by step, her figure gradually shrank, and the witch robe on her body also shrank, and finally she transformed into the familiar Lillian appearance of Colin.

Sure enough, this girl is Lilian... Colin thought to himself, he didn't expect Lilian to have such a form.

"Yes, Senior Sister Lillian." He replied, "I have successfully advanced to become an official wizard."

As he spoke, he called out the golden paper again, seemingly looking at Lilian, but in fact his eyes fell on the golden paper.

After he advanced, he had checked the gold paper several times, but there was still no change in the talent column.

There was always only one strong person staying there alone.

But after he used the Scepter of Stupidity to shoot arrows... something seemed to have changed on the gold paper.

A line of blurry black characters quietly appeared below the talent column, constantly twisting and changing, becoming increasingly clear as time went by.

Although she had a vague suspicion, Lilian still couldn't hide her shock when she heard his answer.

"What is your talent...?"

She blurted out, but realized something was wrong the next second.

The specific effects of talents are a relatively sensitive topic... and are usually not disclosed to the public.

So she raised her hand to stop Colin.

at this time.

"Good electromagnetic witchcraft."

A rich voice suddenly interrupted their conversation.

A middle-aged wizard with short blue-white hair and a beard walked over slowly.

Suspended next to him was the figure of the old farmer who had condensed into an ice sculpture.

Behind him were three second-level wizards.

"Have you just become an official wizard?" the white-haired wizard said. Although he was asking, he used a positive tone.

"Yes, Lord Motilan." Lilian answered the question for him first.

"Lord Motilan." Colin greeted him.

The wizard in front of him is undoubtedly a genuine third-level wizard, so naturally he cannot be neglected.

"You have just become a formal wizard, and you are able to use such powerful witchcraft..." Motilan continued, "I's because of the scepter in your hand, right?"

Colin couldn't help but feel nervous, but he didn't intend to hide it... The Scepter of Foolishness was just a foreign object, not his real support.

What's more, facing a third-level wizard, concealing something is an irrational choice.

But before he could explain his answer, Motilan smiled, patted his shoulder in an approachable manner and said:

"Don't be nervous, I recognize that scepter... a very famous strange object - the scepter of ignorance."

"About five hundred years ago, when I was still a first-level wizard, I saw him once. Unfortunately, after his master killed a powerful enemy with his help, he himself instantly became alienated and fell..."

Motilan sighed, and then added with advice, "If you can use the Scepter of Folly as little as possible, use it as little as possible...

As far as I know, as time goes by, the price you need to pay to increase the same level of witchcraft will become more and more expensive. "

"This change is not a slow and gradual increase, but a sudden surge on one day."

"If you happened to pay more at that time..."

Motilan only said this, but his meaning was expressed very clearly.

If you are used to increasing the strength of a certain witchcraft, it will consume 10 points of progress.

One day after that, I used the Scepter of Folly to increase the intensity of my witchcraft to the same level, only to find that the price I paid increased unexpectedly, far exceeding ten points.

Then when this witchcraft is completely forgotten but the price is not enough, other knowledge will be forgotten immediately...

This is undoubtedly very dangerous.

Colin felt a chill in his heart and took it seriously into his mind.

I didn’t expect that the Stupid Scepter had such a shortcoming!

Speaking of which, he also discovered that in the formal wizard stage, the improvement effect of the Scepter of Folly was not as great as in the past during the apprenticeship stage.

With the same effort of nearly 100 points, during the apprenticeship period, he was able to upgrade the apprentice's peak power of arrow shooting to the lowest strength equivalent to that of a normal first-level wizard.

There is a big gap in the middle.

But now he has become an official wizard. With the blessing of the same level, the power of his golden arrow technique has barely reached the lowest level among first-level wizards.

But using the Scepter of Stupidity only raised it to the first-level intermediate level, which only raised it to a small level.

"Are you all members of the Xisheng School?" Motilan asked again.

"Yes." Lillian replied, and Colin nodded.

"Well, what's your name?" Motilan asked him.

Colin was slightly startled and quickly replied: "Colin Leonard."

"Colin." Motilan said solemnly, "I am informing you in the name of the law enforcement team."

"This time you assisted in arresting the believers of the gods. The law enforcement team will reward you accordingly in the future."

After speaking, he paused and asked, "Is there anything you want?"

Colin felt a little happy... He didn't expect that being forced to fight back would lead to such unexpected joy.

After thinking for a moment, he replied: "Witchcraft, Lord Motilan, I want a first-level witchcraft, preferably elemental, fire element."

Although he was credited with assisting in the arrest, in fact, even without him, it would only be a matter of time before the believers killed him.

So the requirements naturally cannot be too high.

"Yeah." Motilan nodded, then pointed at Betty who was being supported by Lilian and said, "Give her to me."

Lilian nodded and handed Betty, who was still in a coma, to Motilan.

After using the same witchcraft to levitate Betty like an ice sculpture on the other side, Motilan led the rest of the law enforcement team's wizards into the sky and disappeared into the distance in an instant.

"Senior Lilian." Colin looked away, and finally couldn't help but asked in confusion, "What is all this going on?"

"I don't know the specifics. I'm here just because I brought two other wizards from the school to visit Betty today to build a bridge between them... but I happened to catch this believer attacking Betty."

After saying that, she thought for a moment and added:

"It's just that from the fluctuation of divine power, that believer should be under the same god as the last believer."

"So, is he the remnant who escaped from the last extermination... or is he a new believer who has never been discovered?" Colin interjected and asked.

"New believers."

Lilian was silent for a moment and then answered.

"Are there any other god believers in the city?" Colin sighed softly.

Although he asked this question, he already knew the answer in his heart.

In the words of the previous life, when you see one cockroach, it means that there are at least ten cockroaches hiding in the dark corners of the house that you cannot see.

Since the old farmer believer was not discovered, it is obvious that there are probably more undiscovered believers in the city...

For a moment, he actually became a little worried.

But...even if he has become a first-level wizard, facing the current situation, he is still just a small boat drifting with the tide.

It's useless to think too much. It's better to learn some first-level witchcraft quickly and increase your strength.

"Junior Colin." Lilian did not answer his question, but instead gave instructions:

"Since you have successfully advanced to become an official wizard, remember to come to the school tomorrow morning. There are still many procedures to be processed."

After saying that, she looked at Colin, always feeling that everything seemed too dreamy.

Has the wizard in front of me, who has just joined the Xisheng School less than a year ago, actually successfully advanced to become a formal wizard?

Such news was so shocking that she was still undecided.

And that electromagnetic attack spell...

"Senior Lillian, what are the specific procedures for tomorrow?" Colin asked.

"The main thing is to change the school badge and test the quality of talent..."

Lilian gathered her thoughts and began to explain to Colin.

Next, they chatted for a while, and then Lillian said goodbye and left.

Watching Lilian's figure go away.

Colin stood there for a while and finally returned to the meditation room.

Open the gold paper.

The new characters appearing under the talent column are still blurry... It seems that it will take some time.

Colin slowly closed his eyes and waited patiently.

The setting sun had long since sunk into the earth during the battle. It was now night, and the surroundings had returned to calm.

It was just the knight guards passing by on the road outside the courtyard from time to time, faintly revealing the difference tonight.

The moon rises quietly until it reaches its peak.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling emerged in his heart, and without any guidance, Colin subconsciously looked towards the gold paper.

I saw that under the talent column of the gold paper, the blurry characters gradually became clearer, and finally settled on——

[Real Talent: Super Brain (0/100)]

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