Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 197 Departure

The sun gradually rose, the white clouds cracked some gaps, and bright golden light projected down.

The originally gray-blue steel airship was also dyed with a gilded color.

Colin continued to look to the side. Although there were many people gathered in the central square at the moment, they were not cluttered. If you looked carefully, you could see that they were divided into several distinct areas.

At this moment, the wizards who are close to the airship area are boarding the ship in an orderly manner. According to the current speed, it should not be long before it is their turn.

Not far away, Margaret was chatting with the accompanying wizards from the other eight sects of the Alseus Conference.

Next to them were wizards from their affiliated schools. In front of them were wizard apprentices arranged in nine teams according to the nine sects.

The levels are strict and the lines are clear.

The apprentices had recovered from the shock of learning about last night's incident, and were now whispering to each other... The dead apprentices seemed to be just meteors passing by, leaving no trace in their hearts.

Next to them, Meier and others were chatting with some familiar wizards from the schools affiliated with the other eight major schools - mainly wizards from the schools affiliated with Yin'an and Anmelta.

He mingled among them, occasionally chiming in.

"This time I go to the southern seas, you can give me more advice." Meier said with a smile, "I wish you all a fruitful harvest in advance."

"Blessings and blessings."


Perhaps they were about to set off, so everyone looked a little excited, with endless smiles on their faces.

"I heard that in addition to the reward of magic stones, the merits achieved this time are directly linked to the contribution points of the Supreme Council. I wonder if this is true?" A wizard suddenly asked.

"It should be true. I heard the leader of our Yin'an School say so."

"Linked to contribution points..." Meier murmured, feeling a little surprised.

The contribution points of the Supreme Council are very rare. They function like credits, but they have one more function than credits——

That is to ask the members of the Supreme Council to assist in conducting an experimental research... For low-level wizards like them, this is obviously very rare!

As soon as the topic of contribution points started, the chat between the wizards that was about to end became more lively again.

"Are you planning to come back immediately after the Alseus meeting, or are you still planning to stay there and seek some contribution points to the Supreme Council?"

Meier chatted for a few words and then asked the question he had been preparing for a long time.

Even though he is only a first-level intermediate wizard now, no one can contribute too much.

As his words fell, the wizards present fell into silence. After a moment, someone slowly spoke:

"This trip is too hasty. The war in the southern sea may not end so soon. I plan to come back after the meeting with Alseus and make sufficient preparations before going there."

Someone started, and then the wizards started to speak one after another.

"I also plan to come back first."

"I originally planned to stay there. Athios is just a side mission... Is anyone coming with me?"

"Me too."

"Me too……"

Colin was silent.

Although the school placed him in the Athios Society, who had just advanced, it did not mean that the accompanying wizards in the Athios Society were all weaker wizards.

For these wizards, going to the southern seas to participate in the war is the ultimate goal, and hosting Athios is more of a incidental task.

"As for this contribution..." He frowned slightly.

After all, he has just advanced to the first-level wizard. Apart from his strength, most of the other information is still in the apprenticeship period.

He had heard about the contribution of the Supreme Council, but the detailed role was indeed unclear.

'I don't know which airship Senior Lilian is on...'

Thinking of this, Colin subconsciously thought about the credits... Last time he forgot to ask Lilian, as the accompanying wizard of the Alseus Society this time, in addition to the magic stone, whether the school had any reward credits.

If there are credits, if they are enough, they can be exchanged for some first-level witchcraft...

"Okay, it's almost time, it's our turn to board the boat."

Margaret approached the apprentices of the other nine sects and said to them.

Although the nine sects are generally not much different in strength.

But in terms of actual status, among the nine schools, the Ishtar School is recognized as the first school.

So Margaret walked at the forefront without hesitation, leading their group of wizards and the apprentices behind them towards a smaller gray-blue airship on the far left of the central square.

Entering the airship, the soft white light emitted by the bright crystal replaced the original yellowish bright sunlight.

Unlike the airship we rode last time, which was filled with cold steel corridors, this time the airship corridor was also long and narrow and extended in all directions, but it was wrapped in a layer of off-white leather soft furnishings, making it look much warmer and nobler.

Margaret led them all the way to the place where the accommodation rooms were assigned.

This is a cabin near the center with a set of tables and chairs outside.

An old wizard with gray hair was sitting on a chair at the door handing out keys. There were many wizards surrounding him.

Margaret led them forward.

"Are you the accompanying wizards participating in the Alseus Society?" the old wizard in charge of the key asked Margaret.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Margaret replied with some respect.

The airship is the property of the Supreme Council. Although the old wizard looks ugly, he is a second-level wizard.

"Well... come one by one, register your name and school, and then you can receive the key."

The old wizard picked up the white paper in front of him that had already registered a lot of wizard information and handed it to Margaret.

Margaret took a pen from the pen holder next to her, completed the registration, and after taking the key, she threw a sentence to the four of them——

"Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. I will come find you when I arrive."

Then disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Colin and others continued to line up behind him, and soon it was his turn.

Taking the white paper handed over by the old wizard with both hands, Colin quickly wrote down his message and then handed the white paper back.

While handing it back, he subconsciously glanced at the white paper and was slightly stunned.

"Your room is No. 108, Area B, on the second floor." The old wizard handed him a brass key that exuded magic fluctuations.

"Yes." Colin took the key, said calmly to Meier and others, and then walked towards his room alone.

After walking through the seemingly endless white corridors, he finally found his room after some effort.


Locking the steel hatch, Colin turned back and looked around the room assigned to him.

Just like the corridor, the main tone of the room is off-white, with light brown as embellishment. The size is not large. At a rough look, excluding a separate toilet, it should only be about eight or nine square meters at most.

But this size doesn't seem too crowded...because except for the white bed and a square small table, there is nothing else in the whole room.

'not bad. ’ Colin took a step and sat on the bed.

Although the space of the airship is limited, perhaps this world values ​​personal privacy more.

They, the official wizards, are still assigned independent single rooms...

The complicated thoughts gradually subsided.

Colin sat on the bed, his eyes gradually lost focus, the super brain began to operate, and the picture in his mind gradually settled on the scene where the white paper was handed back just now.

In the middle of the white paper, there is a line of name that he is familiar with - "Lillian Rudolph"

The words "Xisheng School" at the back also made him rule out the possibility of having the same name.

'But this is normal. Senior Sister Lilian seemed to have said before that she was on the same airship...'

Colin's eyes gradually recovered... It's a pity that there is no room location on the white paper, otherwise he could go to Senior Sister Lilian for some information now.


The whistle suddenly sounded, and then the airship shook slightly, and a slight feeling of weightlessness came.

As if thinking of something, Colin controlled his balance, got up from the bed, and came to a small public area connected to the corridor near the room.

There is an area like this every other corridor.

No one was there at this time.

Walking closer to the window, through the small circular window, Colin clearly saw that everything outside the window began to gradually become smaller.

He stared at the ground getting further and further away, watching as the originally huge central square slowly became as small as a coin... until a faint mist appeared at the window, the airship passed through the fog, and the gray and white ocean-like clouds completely obscured the ground. hour,

Colin let out a sigh of relief, turned around and returned to the room... The airship officially set off.

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