Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 198 Calling a Party

The next day.

The sky was slightly dim, dawn poked out a small corner, and the gray sea of ​​clouds below was instantly coated with a layer of gold foil.

There was a public rest area in the corridor on the second floor. Colin, who had just finished breakfast in the restaurant, stopped by the circular window.

A ray of golden light shone through the glass, hitting his angular face and illuminating his deep blue pupils.

The sea of ​​clouds below is continuous, with distinct layers and boundless scale, like an endless ice field or a magnificent sea.

After leaving Blackstone Island, I haven't seen such beautiful scenery for a long time.

As if thinking of something, Colin suddenly had a thought in his mind, moved close to the window, and then looked up.

The blue sky comes into view, boundless, clear and profound... Outside the atmosphere above our heads, is it the same as in the previous life?

Colin watched this scene with great curiosity in his heart.

The blue sky was reflected in his pupils, making his already dark blue eyes appear even deeper, like a pool of faint spring water.

"Your Excellency Colin is very interested." Sowok's voice came from behind.

"Just take a look at the scenery." Colin retracted his gaze, turned around and replied concisely.

Perhaps because they lined up very close to each other when getting the keys, the rooms assigned to Sovok, Meyer, and Milu were also very close to each other.

In fact, he had seen Sovok when he went to the restaurant for breakfast just now, but he was far away and did not say hello.

Unexpectedly, I met him on the way back now.

"Looking at these scenery was interesting at first, but after a while, it just felt the same." Sowok turned his head and looked out the window, murmuring as if talking to himself.

Then he suddenly turned around with a smile and said, "I really wish time would pass faster and I could get to Gupil Island earlier!"

"It's almost there, there are still nine days left." Colin agreed.

Gupil Island is the destination of this airship. It is a large island located about a hundred nautical miles behind the front line of the war.

They will first arrive at Gupil Island, and then set off to the corresponding positions on the war front according to their respective tasks.

Sowok smiled, didn't say anything more, walked towards another round window next to him, and stopped to take a look.

Colin was so disturbed by him that he lost the mood to continue watching the scenery and stepped back to the room.

But he just closed the door and sat down on the bed.


The sound of knocking on the door suddenly sounded.

‘Could it be Sovok? ’ Colin frowned slightly, stood up and opened the door.

"Is this Lord Colin Leonard?"

A tall man dressed as a servant asked him respectfully. The information he sensed told Colin that the man in front of him should be a great knight.

"Yeah." Colin nodded.

The knight man did not doubt that he was there. He took out a badge of the Xisheng School with two golden feathers and continued:

"Lord Colin, Lord Eugene summoned all the members of the Tin Sage School in this airship to gather in the central restaurant on the third floor at noon today."

"I know." Colin carefully looked at the school badge in the knight's hand, and then responded in a deep voice.

He was not too confused as to why there were servants of the Grand Knight on the airship.

After all, if he wanted to, he could take Renee with him...

It's just that the place he is going to this time is not peaceful. If he encounters danger, he may not be able to take care of himself.

Furthermore, he is different from most of the other accompanying wizards. If nothing else happens, he will return with the apprentices after the Athos meeting ends.

The Athios Conference does not last long. If we go by the past time, it usually lasts for a month at most.

‘But… that’s not necessarily the case. ’ Colin suddenly changed his mind and said, ‘This Athios Conference is different from previous ones in terms of location and tasks...perhaps it will also be different from previous ones in terms of duration. ’

"Lord Colin, the party will issue subsidies for this trip to the Southern Sea School. Please be sure to arrive on time."

The tall knight added something after seeing him respond, and then hurriedly left and rushed to the next place.

‘Distribute magic stones? ’ Colin stared at the tall knight’s retreating back, feeling suddenly enlightened and a little happy.

Since yesterday, he has been wondering when and how the school's magic stone subsidy will be distributed?

Today, I wanted to try to find Lilian's room after a while and ask her for relevant information... Unexpectedly, the apprentice came to the door first.

'Are you having a party at noon...'

Colin closed the door and thought to himself.

‘I don’t know who this Lord Eugene is? But from the tone of the disciple who conveyed the news, could it be that he was the leading wizard of the school heading to the southern sea this time? ’

Although he had been a member of the school for a long time, he basically spent all his time practicing in seclusion. When he finally broke through as a formal wizard, he was assigned to go to the southern sea without stopping.

In addition, the faction to which the mentor belongs has always been independent of the world, and he really doesn't know much about other factions in the Xisheng School.

Time flies.

Colin tidied himself up in the room and was shocked to realize that it was almost noon.

I took out my pocket watch and took a look. It was exactly 11 o' was almost time.


He closed the pocket watch and thought at the same time, closed the gold paper, got out of bed and walked towards the party restaurant.

Taking an airship actually had a great impact on his practice of witchcraft.

Although Jin Zhi will definitely make progress with practice, the standard for practicing once is that he needs to use all his strength, which means that he has no way to practice attack witchcraft such as fireball in an environment like an airship.

Fortunately, the fireball technique has just broken through the limit, so there is no need to rush to practice it for the time being.

And other witchcraft, such as Sisippi elimination.

Its function is to eliminate or blur the signs and traces left after the use of witchcraft, including the traces of the explosion of the fireball technique, the remains of the vines left by the thorn vine technique, etc... The movement caused by it is relatively small, and you can continue to practice.

It is worth mentioning that with the help of Super Brain, although he has not practiced many times, the zero-level witchcraft and soaring skills are almost reaching their limits and will soon be able to break through them.

Just yesterday morning, before going to gather at the Ishtar School's headquarters, he went to return Lilian's magic stone.

The number of magic stones he borrowed from Lilian had reached five thousand before he knew it. Therefore, even if he accidentally obtained Mulan's magic stones, he still had very few magic stones left.

Only about six hundred...

With this in mind, he kept walking, and after walking through several long white corridors and ascending several flights of stairs, he finally arrived at the restaurant, the destination of the party.

The first thing that caught his eye was the knight standing next to the restaurant. Judging from his appearance, he was the great knight who came to inform him this morning... except that there were not one knight, but two knights.

The two knights looked almost like the same mold.

They should be twins... Colin thought to himself and walked towards them.

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