Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 300 Attack

The sun sets in the west.


The sky gradually darkened, and there were no stars or moon tonight.

However, the stars and moon lit up on the ground.

This is the headquarters of the National Federation of Chambers of Commerce belonging to the royal family in the center of Nanau.

Countless lamps of different shapes light up the place, most of which are made of luxurious bright crystals inside.

The Chamber of Commerce Alliance has a special device to convert magic stones into pure magic energy to power them.

At this moment, a grand party was being held in the banquet hall of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance General Administration.

And outside the tall outer doorway.

Hawthorne, wearing a black suit, stepped out of an elegant dark brown carriage.

With his wealth, he can actually afford a steam locomotive, but he has always been low-key and doesn't like the noisy sound of steam locomotives.

"Remember my instructions?" Hawthorn adjusted his collar and asked in a low voice to the tall figure next to him.

"Remember." The tall knight nodded with a stern expression.

However, when he saw the brightly lit Chamber of Commerce Headquarters, he became a little more worried.

So he paused and said with concern: "Sir, be careful."

"Well, I understand."

Hawthorn nodded and walked toward the front steps alone with an expressionless expression.

Go up the steps.

The guard at the door checked the invitation and stepped aside.

Hawthorn stepped into the doorway, as if entering another world.

Although the lights were bright, his figure could not be seen clearly, and he quickly disappeared from the knight's sight.

"What does it feel like now?"

"Well, it's a little fainter than before. It's basically undetectable. I just feel that the air is a little dull, like a heavy rain is coming."

Renee stood at the other end of the yard, felt it carefully, and answered to Colin in the distance.

"The lower limit of power and range... are already roughly known." Colin lowered his head and murmured, then raised his head and smiled at Renee, "It's over, go and do other things."

He restrained the faint coercion spreading on his body.

"Good Colin! Little Naxi thinks there is something different about you?"

The elf who was hiding in the grass and watching flew out excitedly.

Although it was a little frightened by the pressure, it felt more of awe and closeness.

Colin smiled at her and let it fall onto his shoulder.

After learning about the inexplicable coercion on his body, he found Sister Renee and Naxi to test it.

Now there is some new understanding of it.

Generally speaking, this was not much different from the pressure he knew existed on giant dragons and some teleporting creatures in the past, but it was slightly weaker.

However, for Naxi, who is an elf, it seems that in addition to the regular scary and stiff state, she also has some special attractions.

‘This is probably due to the influence of the crystallization of the remaining branches of the ancient tree of life. ’

Colin had some inexplicable doubts in his heart, but thinking of the gold paper, he felt reassured.

This situation should be some kind of normal doesn't seem like there is any hidden danger.

It's like using different raw materials to sculpt.

Even if the carving technique and appearance are exactly the same, the final result will show a different look.

The energy released by the heart crystal of the ancient tree transformed into the ancient tree of life has its own unique characteristics.

However, if you want to understand the characteristics of coercion, especially the upper limit of power and the reaction under high intensity.

I still need to find some people to try it out...

After all, he was reluctant to do these experiments on Naxi and the others.

It's a pity that this person... I don't know where he got it yet.

Perhaps, we have to return to the city of Neustadt and make long-term plans.

November 16th in the Aramaic calendar.

early morning.

Colin rarely walked out of the villa and came to the banks of the Lebo River.

Perhaps because of the season, misty white mist will cover the Lepo River every morning.

Fishermen wearing linen blouses slowly shuttled among them, which was quite poetic.

"Five days at most." Colin stared at the beautiful scenery in front of him and thought silently.

The pale golden particles gathered in front of him into an ancient golden paper.

Above, the progress of the wizard level column has reached 88/100!

After completely absorbing the crystallization of the Heart of the Ancient Tree, the enhancement of qualifications brought by the Heart of the Ancient Tree has also ended.

A few days ago, Colin took a qualification crystal ball test himself and found that his qualifications had indeed reached the first level.

And if nothing else, he is still the best among the first class.

It's just that due to the accuracy of the qualification crystal ball in my hand, I don't know exactly what it is.

But whether such data is clear or not will not change the current real qualifications, nor will it change the actual speed of cultivation, so there is no need to care too much.

After stopping by the Lepo River for a while, Colin prepared to return to the villa.

However, at this moment, a group of people suddenly arrived outside Villa No. 6 next door.

This group of people was mainly dressed as workers, and was led by a steward wearing a beret.

The housekeeper of Villa No. 6 noticed the movement and came out. He was a gray-haired gentleman.

"Good morning, old sir." The steward wearing a gray beret said politely.

The stronger hearing brought by the first-order knight allows Colin to easily hear conversations dozens of meters away.

"Who are you?" the steward asked doubtfully.

The beret manager smiled and said, "We are from the Nat Chamber of Commerce, and we are here to inform your owner that this villa has been transferred from the Thorne Chamber of Commerce to the name of our Nat Chamber of Commerce.

So in the future, someone will come to collect the rent. Well... as far as I know, it should be 20% higher than before. "

The beret steward took several contracts and property certificates from the workers behind him and handed them to the steward in front of him.

"These are some relevant documents. Sir, please go in and inform your master."

"Everyone, wait a moment, I'll report it to the master."

The old housekeeper took the document and hurried inside.

The beret steward seemed to be aware of this, and suddenly glanced towards the Lepo River not far away.

However, there was nothing in the field of vision, just an empty space.

Villa No. 5.

Colin walked slowly along the garden path, looking a little confused.

If I remember correctly, the villas along the Lebo River should all be owned by Hawthorne.

Unexpectedly, it didn’t take long for it to become someone else’s property...

'Some trouble...'

He frowned slightly. Although the leader of the group of workers had a polite tone, his approach was menacing.

It seems that besides coming to notify them of raising the rent, they have other plans.

Most of the houses in this world, especially villas, are mostly bought and sold. Those specially designed for rent like those under Hawthorne are actually relatively rare.

So, could it be that you came here to find a way to take back the villa?

Colin paused for a moment, then continued into the villa.

there is always a solution to a problem.

What is he, a first-level wizard, afraid of?

What's more, he will be on his way back in five days at most.

If it's troublesome, you can book a hotel to stay for a few days.

Time passed like water, and the mist on the Lepo River had dissipated.

The sun was shining brightly and it was already midday.

Colin walked out of the meditation room, ready to have lunch.

When going down the stairs, he seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly stopped in his steps and asked Renee next to him:

"Is there anyone coming to visit this morning?"

"No." Renee shook her head, "The knight who usually delivers newspapers didn't come today either."

She thought for a while and then said:

"Earlier in the morning, a group of people dressed as workers passed by. I saw it when I was going out to buy groceries."

"Didn't you come to Villa No. 5..." Colin muttered, shook his head and came to the restaurant without thinking too much.

Around five o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun gradually set in the west, and a knock on the door rang in Villa No. 5.

Renee went and opened the door.

Colin also walked out of the villa.

‘Could it be those workers? Why did they come so late? ’ he thought in his mind.

However, when Renee opened the door, what she saw was not the steward in the gray beret.

But a girl with a quiet temperament.

The girl's gentle oval face was full of haggard, and she was holding a brown paper bag in her hand.

"Hello, this is today's newspaper."

Seeing Renee opening the door, Wen Qian forced out a smile that was a little uncomfortable and handed over the paper bag in her hand.

Renee took a look and recognized that it was the same paper bag that the tall knight used to deliver newspapers every day.

So she reached out and took the paper bag, checked it briefly and took out a few magic stones. She handed it to the girl and asked curiously:

"Why didn't the tall knight come today?"

Wen Qian forced a smile and did not answer. She just said, "I should be the one here these days."

Renee nodded and prepared to close the door and say goodbye.

Wen Qian stared at the slowly closing door, her lips moving, as if she wanted to say something.

But remembering her father's warning, she suddenly hesitated.

Just with this hesitation, the black door has been completely closed.

Wen Qian stood stunned at the door for a moment, and finally turned around and left in silence.

The kingdom's annual business gatherings not only promote exchanges, but also mean re-dividing interests.

Everything was fine.

However, Hawthorn's old enemy used a dirty trick, causing the powerful knight around him to be seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Since then, everything has changed.

Shopping malls are like battlefields.

But Wenxi feels that the mall is more like a wilderness surrounded by wild beasts.

As soon as my father's Thorne Chamber of Commerce showed signs of decline at the party, it immediately attracted the prying eyes of many hyenas.

These days, my father is really exhausted.

She knew that there was a big shot living in Villa No. 5, possibly even a legendary wizard.

That's why she took the initiative to deliver newspapers this time.

I wanted to take this opportunity to see if I could get some help.

But in the end, because of his hesitation, he couldn't even say it.

‘Wen Qian, Wen Qian, you are such a useless thing! ’

Wenxi walked silently by the Lebo River, feeling a little annoyed.

She was accompanied by two knights who were escorting her.

The sunset gradually sets, and the sky and earth become dark.

The young girl couldn't help but quicken her pace. Even though there were guards around her, she was still a little scared.

But this is a famous villa area on the Lebo River.

Although deserted, the security is much better than those bustling alleys in the city at night.

There is no need to worry too much about the appearance of gangsters.

However, the next moment, Wen Qian suddenly stopped.

She stared at the group of men who suddenly walked out of the darkness in front of her, with a wary look on her face.

At first, Wen Qian was still confused that these people dressed as workers were just passing by, but the two knights guarding her immediately noticed something was wrong.

The two of them took a step forward, guarding Wen Qian on the left and right in the middle.


At this time, three knights in full body armor pushed aside the thugs dressed as workers, walked out, and stood next to the leader wearing a beret.

The middle-aged knight with a beard on the left shrank his pupils suddenly, pulled out the silver knight sword from his waist and said in a deep voice.

"Miss, the other side is invincible. Vincent and I will stop them later. Your only hope of escape is to jump into the Lepo River and get to the other side!"

He had watched Wen Qian grow up since he was a child, and he made the best choice almost instantly.

"Uncle Bruno." Wendy murmured in a low voice, with a bit of panic on her face. She realized the critical nature of the situation.

"Miss Wenxi, go to the other side and run to a crowded place as much as possible." Vincent on the right also drew his knight's sword and suggested in a low voice.

"What a beautiful girl."

At this time, the steward wearing a beret spoke.

He bowed slowly, and the white gloves on his hands were very conspicuous in the moonlight.

"It's now!"

Bruno gave a low drink, and stepped forward in tacit agreement with Vincent, without any intention of giving the steward in front of him time to speak.

"Impolite guy!"

The steward frowned and suddenly smiled strangely at Bruno and the two who rushed towards him:

"Let them see what's on the other side of the river."

As he finished speaking, several workers behind him raised several torches and made regular movements.

When Bruno and Vincent saw this, they were shocked and almost stopped subconsciously.

"Be alert." Bruno shouted to Vincent, and then turned to look across the river.

Sure enough, on the other side of the Lepo River, some echoes of fire could also be seen, and even in the middle of the river, there were two small fishing boats with fire lights on.

Bruno could clearly see the fishermen on the fishing boat that was slightly closer, also wearing workers' clothes.

Seeing him looking over, the fisherman raised the corner of his mouth, held up the torch in his hand, and smiled coldly.

Bruno felt a little desperate.

"How is it?" Vincent, who was on guard at the side, asked.

"Not very good." Bruno said calmly, clenching the knight's sword in his hand, ready to die here.


Vincent couldn't help but turn his head, and after seeing clearly, his pupils shrank slightly.

The next moment, the two of them retreated in tacit agreement and returned to Wen Qian's side.

At this time, Wen Qian was still standing where she was.

Seeing this, Bruno felt a little happy and a little helpless.

Miss Wen Qian is still too timid and has a soft temper.

If there were no ambushes on the other side or in the river, then it would have been the best opportunity to cross the river. Based on Miss Wen Qian's reaction, she might have missed it.

But now it seems that such a miss is actually a good thing.

Bruno took a breath and prepared for the battle.

"Uncle Bruno, we should return to Villa No. 5!"

However, at this time, Wen Qian suddenly spoke.

It was force majeure today and I had to go out for something. Sorry everyone, I will continue to work hard tomorrow!

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