Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 301 Delivered to the Door


The silver knight's sword was like a cold moon, swinging back the swung hand ax in a cold arc.

Bruno held the sword in his right hand, breathing heavily.

He looked at the crowd behind him who were also wearing workers' clothes and smiled bitterly in his heart.

I didn't expect that the short few hundred meters to Villa No. 5 would be so difficult to walk one day.

After Miss Wenxi made the decision to return to Villa No. 5, he and Vincent reacted almost immediately, covering Miss Wenxi's retreat.

However, the ambush on the opposite side is not so easy to break through.

Before they could take a few steps, a group of enemies also appeared behind them.

Although there are no knights among them, the current blockage is enough to completely surround the three of them.

Bruno turned around.

The first batch of enemies we just encountered were slowly surrounding them.

They and the new enemy behind them were sandwiched between the three of them like a sandwich.

He stepped forward, one behind the other with Vincent, protecting Miss Wenxi in the middle.


A hand ax suddenly struck from behind again.


Vincent blocked the attack with a swing of his sword.

Bruno in front took this opportunity, turned around and stabbed out.

However, another hand ax suddenly struck from the darkness. He sighed and had to turn around to block the new attack.

By the time he regained his strength, the worker who had swung the hand ax earlier and was probably a junior knight had already retreated into the crowd.

Bruno slowly raised his head and looked across the crowd. He looked at the three knights hidden behind the crowd, and his heart sank slightly.

By doing this, it seems that the other party not only wants to capture Miss Wen Qian, but also probably wants to capture himself and Vincent alive!

"We can't go on like this." Vincent whispered beside him, his blue eyes reflecting the firelight.

Although the two of them are senior knights, facing the siege of so many junior knights and three senior knights, the result will only be a dead end.

Bruno glanced at him, paused and said two words calmly:

"I come."

Vincent looked like Bruno, his lips moved, but in the end he remained silent.

At this time, there is no room for hesitation.

"Three...two..." Bruno whispered, and the muscles all over his body gradually became tense.

Vincent's expression on the side was solemn, and he moved his steps imperceptibly.

"Give up resistance, three of you."

However, at this moment, behind the crowd, the steward wearing a beret suddenly spoke up.

What just happened is a long story, but in reality the siege has just begun.

The beret steward had just walked over.

"Your Excellency Hawthorne is already a sick tiger who has lost his claws and his life is not long. Why should he continue to stay on a broken ship that is about to sink?"

The beret steward continued.

Their original purpose tonight was to capture these two senior knights. As for Hawthorn's daughter Wenxi, it was an unexpected surprise.

Of course, if Wen Qian can be caught as a bargaining chip, the effect will naturally be much better than that of two senior knights.

But since he is here tonight, he naturally wants to maximize the benefits.

Things like one can have too many.

"What Thorne Chamber of Commerce can give you is the same as that of Nate Chamber of Commerce..."

The beret steward smiled and continued to persuade him to surrender.

However, his words were suddenly interrupted by a low growl.

"Now!" Bruno roared, stepped forward, and slashed at the nearest enemy in front of him with his sword.

On the other side, without saying a word, Vincent quickly broke out toward the rear with his cold sword in hand!

But Wen Qian, who was originally panicked, suddenly calmed down at this moment.

She pursed her lips tightly and followed Vincent's instructions, following closely behind him.


Swish, swish, swish!

Countless hand axes came like meteors.

Vincent's expression remained unchanged and his steps suddenly stopped.

Those hand axes passed in front of him with a slight difference and failed to hurt him at all.

He stepped forward and pierced the heart of the first enemy in front of him with his sword.


Blood overflowed from the corners of the enemy's mouth, and due to the massive blood loss, his eyes instantly became dim.

Vincent raised his right foot and kicked hard!

However, the workers holding axes around him would not let him output so easily.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several sharp axes struck at him.


Vincent groaned.

Two fists were no match for four hands. Even though he quickly adjusted his posture to defend after kicking, his left shoulder was still grazed by a sharp axe, leaving a long and narrow gap.

Fortunately, with his powerful and heavy kick, the senior knight's power was transferred overwhelmingly, causing a gap to open in the defensive circle in front of him.

"Miss, follow me!" Vincent took a breath and fought forward.

As a senior knight, if the terrain were to change, the dozen or so junior knights holding axes behind him would never even think of hurting him!

However, if you want to break through in such an environment, you must pay some price.

Especially when he was only wearing a breastplate.

Clang! !

The sound of fierce fighting suddenly came from behind, and Vincent did not look back.

He knew that Bruno had already dealt with the three senior knights.

He also knew that with Bruno alone, there was no way he could stop him for too long.

Don't waste this precious time!


Vincent roared angrily and kicked the junior knight in front of him away again!

"Stop him!"

The beret steward roared angrily from behind.

He hated being interrupted when he was talking.

However, the two knights in front of them did it twice in a row!

Unfortunately, his orders were in vain.

The two Vincents didn't break out immediately before, but it wasn't because they couldn't break through.

But he knew that even if he broke through, he would still be easily caught up by the three senior knights behind him.

By that time, they were injured due to their hasty breakout, and they were obviously unable to deal with the three senior knights!

But now, with Bruno's delay, Vincent decisively abandoned most of his defenses and just focused on breaking out.

So in just thirty seconds, Wen Qian successfully broke through the siege!

The night is deep.

The sound of fighting woke up many fishermen who were sleeping on the boat, and the people living in several surrounding villas naturally woke up as well.

However, the night was still so deep that no other lights were on except the torches in the hands of the workers.

"Hold on, Miss Wenxi!"

Vincent grabbed Wenxi's arm with his left hand and tried his best to escape.

Behind him are enemies pursuing him.

Wen Qian gasped for breath. She felt as if her legs no longer belonged to her and could only move mechanically.

Vincent looked pale and blood had soaked his shirt.

There were seven or eight long or short, deep or shallow wounds on his upper body.

This is the price of a breakout.

Fortunately, he had deliberately protected his legs, so his movements were not greatly affected at this time.

‘It’s almost here! It’s almost here! ’ He looked at Villa No. 5, which was already less than 100 meters away, and felt happy.


But at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind.

Vincent's heart tightened, and he quickly threw Wen Qian aside.


A rotating iron ax was inserted where they were just now.

Vincent looked back and his pupils shrank slightly.

Three knights walked quickly towards them.

Wen Qian also raised her head at this time, a trace of despair welling up in her heart.

Thinking of the terrible experiences she might suffer after being caught, she looked at the Lepo River next to her and almost wanted to jump into it immediately.

However, before she could muster up enough courage, the three knights had already formed a glyph to surround the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, the junior knights also gathered around.

"Run, I want to know where you can run!"

The beret manager's voice sounded a little angry.

He pushed through the crowd and walked to the front, slightly out of breath.

He adjusted the gray beret on his head, coughed a few words, returned to his gentlemanly appearance, and was ready to continue talking.

"you know……"

However, the next second, the beret manager's throat seemed to be clogged with something foreign, and his voice suddenly stopped.

His expression suddenly became frightened and distorted, and a trembling sound could not be heard from his teeth.



Not only him, but almost everyone present, including the three senior knights, froze in place, their faces twisted with fear.

It's just like……

As if being stared at by some unknown monster, his body fell into a self-protective rigidity!

"This is……"

Wen Qian's eyes widened and she stared at the scene in front of her incomprehensibly.

Everyone present had fallen into an inexplicable state, but she was the only one who did not feel any strange.

Even Vincent on the side seemed unable to bear the fear and passed out.

In her opinion, such a scene was like the legendary ghost suddenly arriving and instantly dominating the enemy in front of her.

Wen Qian swallowed involuntarily.


Suddenly, a thinner enemy on the left fell down straight.

His face was blue, his eyes were blurred, and he had obviously lost his life!

A cold wind blew by.

Wen Qian's teeth chattered and her body trembled uncontrollably.

"never mind."

At this moment, a gentle female voice reached her ears.


Wen Qian subconsciously screamed.

After a moment, she mustered up the courage to carefully turn her head and look behind her, a little afraid that she would see something terrible.

However, what appeared in her field of vision was not a terrifying ghost, but a beautiful blond maid holding a lamp.

Next to the maid, there was a handsome man.

"Your Excellency Renee..." Wen Qian murmured subconsciously.

She knew the person coming, it was the maid from Villa No. 5 whom she had met not long ago.

If you put it that way, the handsome young man next to that Mr. Nader? !

Wen Qian was startled, and turned to look at Colin who was muttering to herself.

"The control is still a little inaccurate..."

Colin looked at Vincent who was unconscious on the ground, then looked at the fallen body next to him and sighed.

He only wanted to cast pressure on the surrounding enemies, but he didn't expect to accidentally brush against Vincent for a few seconds, causing him to fall into a coma from exhaustion.

As if he noticed something, Colin suddenly turned his head and shifted his gaze to Wen Qian.

As if she was electrocuted, Wen Qian quickly lowered her head, her heart beating unsatisfactorily.

Feeling Colin's gaze, she was a little at a loss.

Her father had never described Mr. Nader to her.

But since it might be a wizard, she always thought it should be a little old man with a black hood, um... maybe a hooked nose.

But I never thought that he was such a handsome young man.

'Obviously she looks about the same age as herself...' Wen Qian said in her heart. She suppressed her curiosity and continued to lower her head and remain silent.

Tonight's experience was too exciting. As Hawthorn's beloved daughter, she had been living a comfortable life for more than ten years.

The biggest worry every day is that I don’t know when another pimple appeared on my face. The most common thing I do is read by the window in the afternoon...

Wen Qian secretly raised her head and glanced at Colin, still a little unbelievable in her heart.

No matter how she looked at the Mr. Nader in front of her, he was just a teenager about the same age as herself.

It's just that... he looks a little handsome.

It's like - an elf!

Such a word suddenly popped into Wen Qian's mind.

Perhaps only the word elf can be used to describe the beauty of the young man in front of him.

Sensing the strange feeling in her heart, Wen Qian felt inexplicably ashamed, even though she was in such a critical situation...

On the other side, Colin looked at the girl's reaction and didn't care.

Perhaps because of that special Heart of Ancient Tree crystal, he is now much more handsome than before as he has advanced to a first-level knight.

If he was just an ordinary handsome guy among humans before, now his appearance is among the best among humans, comparable to that of an elf!

"I'm leaving these people behind, um... can tomorrow's newspaper still be delivered?"

After Colin pondered for a moment, he slowly spoke.

He has not yet put away the pressure on him.

Then another change happened that he didn't expect.


Another worker suddenly fell.

His face was also blue, his expression was ferocious and terrifying, and his body was stiff.

To people shrouded in coercion, his ordinary words sounded like roars from hell!

Seeing this, Colin nodded thoughtfully and slightly weakened his pressure.

These are rare experimental materials delivered to your doorstep and cannot be wasted.

"Okay!" Wen Qian replied quickly.

Colin didn't answer, he had a thought in his mind.

A simple mental shock was accurately shot towards the frozen crowd around him.

Thump thump——

Like wheat being cut, the figures in the surrounding circle fell to the ground one after another.

Wen Qian's pupils shrank, thinking that all these people were dead.

"Don't worry, they are just in a coma now." Colin smiled and added in his mind, "Of course, just now."

The Supreme Council expressly prohibits wizards from killing mortals for no reason, and also prohibits the misuse of human beings as experimental materials.

However, mortals like these who take the initiative to offend are not within the scope of restrictions.

'Well...offending the newsboy who is responsible for delivering newspapers to me every day is also an offense to myself. ’ Colin thought.

"Let's go back to the villa first." He said to Renee, then turned to look at Wen Qian, "You guys can come together for the time being."

As he spoke, he casually cast a natural healing spell on the unconscious Vincent.

This is a witchcraft given by Altbald. Its effect is to speed up wound healing, but it will consume its own energy reserves.

Under the light green light, the wounds on Vincent's body quickly closed and healed, and soon there was only a shallow scar left.

Gulu gulu——

The next moment, Vincent was awakened by the feeling of hunger in his stomach, and the shock was still on his face.

What was that just now?

Has some legendary monster arrived?

"Let's go."

Colin didn't explain, just said something calmly, then used the force field to lift up the unconscious trophies around him, and took the lead to walk forward.

Send Buddha to the West. Since Wen Qian and the others have been rescued, they will not be allowed to continue to take risks and return in the dark.

As for escorting them home, he didn't have the skills.

So it’s better to take it back to the villa temporarily and wait until daytime tomorrow.

"Let's go, Vincent." Wen Qian ordered in a low voice.

"...Okay." Vincent paused and replied silently.

Wen Qian followed his gaze in confusion, but was also stunned.

The body of Bruno, who had been cut off before, was not far from them.

He should have been brought here after being killed by those people.

Vincent moved forward silently and picked up Bruno's scarred body.

Wen Qian's lips moved, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she remained silent.

She turned to look at Colin's back next to the maid.

Clean and elegant, as if you just took a walk and casually cut grass.

But for her...

But he had just experienced a life-and-death escape.

'Is this a wizard...'

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