Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 302 Unintentional intervention

It's early autumn in Nanau in November, and it's just a bit chilly.

On the Lepo River, there is a lot of mist every morning.

This vast misty scenery always reminded Colin of the scene on Blackstone Island.

Withdrawing his gaze, he walked back to the room from the balcony on the second floor.

"Good morning, Master."

Renee was waiting at the door as usual.

"Good morning." Colin smiled.

Renee paused and continued: "Mr. Hawthorne came to visit and is waiting outside the door."

"Hawthorn?" Colin was a little surprised.

"The girl last night was Mr. Hawthorn's daughter." Renee explained as if she could see Colin's doubts.

"I see." Colin nodded suddenly and said, "I came a little late."

"In fact, Lord Hawthorn should have arrived very early, but he didn't knock on the door until dawn." Renee added.

When she went to open the door this morning, she saw that Hawthorn's shoulders and hair were wet with mist. There was no doubt that he had been standing outside for a long time.

"Are you afraid of disturbing us?"

"should be."

"Yeah." Colin nodded noncommittally.

He was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the girl who delivered the newspaper yesterday would be Hawthorn's daughter...

After rescuing the girl and the knight and returning to the villa yesterday, he ordered Renee to briefly inquire about the other party's specific situation.

As for me, I was taking advantage of the darkness and couldn't wait to test the coercion with the materials delivered to my door.

It has to be said that the only drawback of this batch of experimental materials delivered to the door is that there are no wizards.

In addition, ordinary people, junior knights, intermediate knights, and senior knights are all available.

After one night of testing, he benefited a lot.

Because of this, he stayed busy until about four o'clock in the morning before returning to the bedroom to meditate. The two rescued Wen Qian had long been abandoned.

He also forgot to listen to Renee's story about the news she had found out.

Now that I think about it carefully, the knight last night was obviously responsible for protecting the girl... This has highlighted the special status of the girl.

Colin smiled and didn't think much about it.

For him, as a first-level wizard, the so-called "battle" last night was more like going out and picking up a courier delivered to his door.

"Let Hawthorn come directly." Colin thought for a while and ordered.

Normally, he would have met Hawthorne after breakfast as planned.

However, Hawthorn has been waiting outside for half the night after all. He is also a little curious about what happened last night, so he might as well meet Hawthorn first.

"Okay." Renee nodded in agreement, turned and walked downstairs.

A few minutes later.

Renee took Hawthorn outside the study.

Hawthorn stood in front of the study door and straightened his collar, his haggard expression slightly calmer.

When Renee opened the door this morning, he had actually confirmed from Renee that his daughter was fine, so he had put aside his worries for the time being.

Coming here now is more to express my gratitude to Colin.

Creaking, Hawthorn took a deep breath, pushed the door open and walked into the study.

The warm sunshine in the early autumn morning shone slantly through the glass window.

Behind the elegant dark brown desk, a handsome elf-like young man was sitting on a large leather chair, watching him calmly.

The warm yellow sunlight fell on him, as if a vivid oil painting had been framed.

Hawthorne was slightly distracted.

Logically speaking, this was not the first time he had seen Colin, and he was already prepared, so he shouldn't be so rude.

And no matter how outstanding Colin's appearance is, he is still just a handsome young man.

Except for some men with special quirks, he is a middle-aged man and should not be affected.

However, from Hawthorn's point of view, the feeling of coming to see Colin this time was completely different from the last time.

It's a feeling that's hard to describe.

Even Hawthorne felt that it was not due to Colin's handsome appearance.

It's more like...some kind of mysterious charm suddenly appeared.

He just felt that seeing Colin in front of him at this moment was like meeting the godfather from his hometown who was in awe from the bottom of his heart when he was still a young boy.

I didn’t even dare to look up!

"Sir Nader."

Hawthorne was stunned for a long time before finally reacting.

He paused, tried hard to eliminate the inexplicable feelings in his heart, and continued:

"Thank you for your helping hand yesterday evening. Otherwise, I simply can't imagine how desperate I must be to lose my precious Wen Qian."

Although Hawthorn tried hard to overcome the inexplicable feelings in his heart.

But he didn't realize that his words had unconsciously become more respectful, and some of his originally restrained emotions became more explicit.

"It's easy." Colin smiled.

He was not surprised at all by Hawthorn's current performance.

This is another wonderful use of coercion that he discovered yesterday.

When the level of coercion is low, the target who is under pressure can be filled with awe and an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

According to the description of the experimental material last night, it was like facing the person you respect the most.

Of course, this is just one of the wonderful things I discovered last night.

'Hmm... maybe this coercion can also be called the knight's halo. ’ Colin suddenly thought of it inexplicably.

Although this is not necessarily something that is necessarily brought about by advancing to a first-level knight, in any case, it is always something that is produced in the process of advancing to a knight.

So there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with calling it this way.

"Your Excellency Nader." Hawthorne paused, then suddenly took out a kraft paper document bag and continued:

"This is the property certificate for the villa you live in now."

"Although I know this is not worth mentioning to you, I still want to give it to you in return."

After speaking, Hawthorn hesitated for a moment, and then suddenly continued:

"Besides that, there's this -"

"This is the token of the Lanti School in Meredith City."

He took out a black coin from his body and handed it to Colin without changing his expression.

This token fell into his hands because of some chance.

Hawthorn understood what an opportunity this was.

However, he understood better that his children may not necessarily have wizard talents.

And those with wizard talent may not necessarily be able to successfully join the wizard school with the help of tokens.

Of course, none of this affects the value of the token.

But now that Colin had saved his most precious daughter, he was willing to give this precious token to Colin.

After all, apart from the token, he couldn't think of anything else that could catch Colin's eyes.

"Oh." Colin became interested.

He remembered that Hawthorn had told him before that there would be an auction of tokens of the wizarding school at that merchant gathering...

It seems to be called the Lanti School.

Seemingly sensing Colin's curiosity, Hawthorn took the lead in explaining:

"Because of some chance, this token fell into my hands now."

Colin nodded slightly. He could guess that there must be a bloody storm behind Hawthorne's words.

"Are you willing to give it to me?" He smiled and continued to ask.

Hawthorn nodded heavily and said in a deep voice:

"Give it up!"

"Every grudge must be repaid. This is the creed I have adhered to since I was an ordinary civilian."

Colin thought for a moment, then reached out and took the black coin.

Although the school token is useless to him now, it is still worth buying some magic stones.

Overall, better than nothing.

As for the possible crisis behind it, he didn't care.

The Lanti School is not really a university school, and those competing for it are obviously not going to be too powerful.

At least, it will not be more powerful than him, a formal member of the Tin Sage School. The fact that Hawthorn can get the token from it just proves this point.

Holding the coin in his hand, Colin used magic power to test it slightly.

A faint light suddenly appeared on the coin.

He put away the coins with his backhand and thought to himself:

‘It is indeed a token of the Lanti School.

However, the requirements are a bit harsh... Not only must they be under sixteen years old and have never practiced meditation, but they must also have a second-class qualification or above. ’

Hawthorn felt relieved when he saw Colin accepting the token.

He went on to add:

"The people who attacked Wen Qian last night were people from the Nat Chamber of Commerce, but the reason for the attack was not because of this token, but because of a business conflict."

"So sir, you can rest assured that no one knows that it was me who obtained this token of the Lanti School."

Colin raised his eyebrows, this was something he didn't expect.

He originally thought that besides thanking him, Hawthorn also wanted to get rid of a hot potato.

But he didn't mind, so he didn't mention it.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Hawthorn really gave himself the precious token that he had finally obtained.

Rubbing the coins in his hand, Colin thought for a while and asked:

"What is the specific conflict between the Nat Chamber of Commerce and you?"

Hawthorne was startled. He didn't expect Colin to ask this. Could it be that he wanted to...

"Don't think too much, I just want to know about the Nat Chamber of Commerce." Colin added, with no other meaning in his tone.

He did have the intention of helping Hawthorne, but he had to understand the situation first before making a decision.

Hawthorn gathered his thoughts, organized his speech and said:

“The Nat Chamber of Commerce is the same as the Thorne Chamber of Commerce that I run. Its main business is real estate.

It’s just that their main area of ​​activity in the past was on the east bank of the Lepo River, while mine was on the west bank of the Lepo River and some suburbs of Nanau. "

“Our two chambers of commerce have reached a consensus with each other before, so we don’t conflict with each other on weekdays.

But a few days ago, the Nat Chamber of Commerce found three great knights from nowhere, and then began an unreasonable and brutal expansion. "

"As people on the west bank of the Lepo River next door, we were naturally the first to bear the brunt...The conflict just broke out."

Hawthorn looked bitter... The three great knights were not like this in the first place.

He also took the initiative to cut off a lot of flesh and chose to give in.

Although the shopping mall is a battlefield, it is also a world.

He has already behaved like this. According to the rules, the Nat Chamber of Commerce should stop in moderation.

Especially after he announced that he was willing to transfer most of the properties on the West Bank to the Nat Chamber of Commerce at a low price.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you are unwilling to stop when enough is enough, at least you will not play dirty tricks again.

However, the Nat Chamber of Commerce was just the opposite. It seemed that because of the appearance of the three great knights, their methods not only became very ruthless, but also did not follow any rules.

"I see."

Are they just three knights? Colin nodded and was about to speak out.

But when he saw the coin in his hand, he suddenly had a new idea.

On the other side, Hawthorn looked at him carefully. Seeing that he was silent, his eyes were slightly disappointed, and he continued:

"Thank you very much, Lord Nader, I won't interrupt you further."

"Wait, go call Wen Qian over." Colin suddenly raised his head and said, black coins flying on the fingertips of his right hand.


Hawthorne was obviously stunned for a moment before he quickly got up and went out.

Not long after, there was a knock on the study door again.

"Please come in." Colin said calmly.

A quiet girl carefully opened the door and entered.

After looking at him, he immediately lowered his head.

Colin looked calm, looked at Wen Qian who came in and said slowly: "Come here, put your hand on the crystal."

After speaking, he continued to Hawthorne behind the door:

"You come in too."

"Okay...Okay." Hawthorne smiled awkwardly and walked in.

When he was going down the stairs, he weighed for a long time and finally chose to let Wen Qian enter the study alone.

However, after Wen Qian actually went in alone, he felt a little regretful.

He knew nothing about Colin.

But the businessman's experience makes him always willing to think about the worst.

Wen Qian walked up to Colin obediently, stretched out her palm and placed it on the transparent crystal ball.

However, she seemed a little nervous, and the white palms she extended were obviously trembling slightly.

"Relax." Colin said softly.

With the knight's halo, his words seemed to have some kind of magic power.

Wen Qian felt that her heart suddenly calmed down. She subconsciously closed her eyes and felt it seriously.

Hawthorn on the side watched this scene nervously, seeming to realize something.

After a while.

A dense mist gradually floated in the transparent crystal ball.

"Not bad, above second-class qualifications."

After observing carefully, Colin smiled and said.

Then he suddenly handed the black coin from his body to Hawthorne.

"Put the token away. Your daughter has the talent of a wizard and meets the conditions for the token."


Although he had some expectations in his mind, Hawthorn was still a little unbelievable.

Colin didn't think so much, he just felt that a token of Lanti School was not too precious.

It is better to do something that you are more happy to do.

In his opinion, saving Wen Qian last night was just a piece of cake.

He was already happy with the experimental materials delivered to his door. There was no need to get another token.

After all, he didn't lack these, but if he took them, he felt like he owed a favor.

It's better to return the property to its original owner and contribute to the growth of the wizard community.

"That's right." Colin suddenly thought of something again and said, "The Nate Chamber of Commerce is unscrupulous in its actions. I think the owner of Villa No. 6 next door should have been killed."

"They should be sanctioned to pass such information to the relevant supervision departments of Nanau... Well, in the name of my wizard."

This was not something he said casually.

While testing the Knight's Halo last night, he unexpectedly learned that Villa No. 6 was already a dead place.

The person living there seemed to be a wealthy businessman from outside.

He, his housekeeper, maid, and mistress had all been tortured to death.

Those knights from the Nate Chamber of Commerce are not good people.


Hawthorne replied quickly, looking excited.

With Colin's words, the Nat Chamber of Commerce has undoubtedly been declared dead!

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