Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 303 Embark on the return journey (4.6k)

"catch him!"

In a narrow alley on the east bank of the Lepo River, a law enforcement team in black uniforms was chasing a knight who was in a panic.

"What's going on here?"

A woman who was about to go to the Lepo River to do laundry watched the group of people disappear menacingly at the end of the alley, and then cautiously poked her head out.

"I heard that the Nate Chamber of Commerce did bad things." The companion replied.

"Bad things...those people will not be caught if they do bad things. How could it happen this time?" the woman continued to ask.

"..." The companion was silent for a moment and shook his head, "I don't know either."

"Not to mention this, the price of chicken has increased recently in the market, have you noticed?"

"Alas... I have discovered a long time ago that not only the chicken, but also the fish meat has increased a lot!"

"I don't know what's going on, but the price of everything is going up..."

The two women sighed and continued walking towards the Lepo River together carrying the dirty clothes basket.

The chase they had seen earlier had been forgotten by them.

Food, rice, oil and salt are more important to them.


"Run? Let me see where else you can run!"

In a dead end, the middle-aged captain of the law enforcement team took the lead and pushed the knight who had an arrow in his right foot to the ground.


The knight's head made a dull collision sound when it came into contact with the hard ground, causing him to groan again and feel dizzy.

Click, click!

The team members beside him took this opportunity and skillfully took out the anklets and handcuffs to restrain the knight tightly.

Seeing this, the middle-aged captain relaxed his tense body slightly, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and slowly stood up.

This kind of chase happened almost every day these days, and it was really tiring.

"Captain, this must be the last one." The young team member next to him asked breathlessly.

He was just a junior knight, and he was very tired after all the chasing.

"It should be. This is the last target our team is responsible for capturing. The progress of the other teams should be not much different from ours." The captain replied.

"Uh~uh!" The restrained knight suddenly struggled for some reason.

"Be quiet!"

The captain frowned and kicked him without hesitation.


Judging from the sound, it must be an extremely powerful and heavy kick.

The young team member next to him was startled.

"No mercy is needed for these scum, don't forget what we saw during the previous search."

The captain looked at him and emphasized in a deep voice.

"Yes!" the young team member said seriously.

He could never forget the cruel scene he saw in the Nat Chamber of Commerce that day.

The Nate Chamber of Commerce has the faint shadow of a cult!

In this world full of filthy nonsense, even ordinary people protected by mental fog are by no means safe and sound.

The influence of those indescribable existence moistens things silently.

Maybe you just looked in the mirror once in the middle of the night, maybe you caught a glimpse of a rotting corpse...

In short, the change occurred.

This is the beginning of alienation and depravity and the beginning of a cult.

"Let's go." The captain breathed out and ordered.

The early autumn breeze slowly came towards us, picking up the clothes of the law enforcement team, and their backs gradually disappeared in the corner of the alley.

"It's officially autumn."

On the balcony on the second floor of Villa No. 5, Colin felt the unique autumn coolness carried by the breeze and tightened his clothes.

With the strength of his body now, he is naturally not afraid of the cold.

But this does not mean that he cannot feel the cold. On the contrary, he is far more sensitive to changes in ambient temperature and even humidity than ordinary people.


Regular knocks on the door sounded, followed by Renee's gentle voice:

"Master, the luggage has been packed."

Withdrawing his gaze, Colin walked back into the room.

Today is already November 20th in the Yharan calendar.

Just last night, he successfully advanced to a first-level advanced wizard.

Throughout the first-level wizard stage, for him now as a first-level qualification, the biggest difference between junior, middle, and senior is the difference in magic power.

There is no so-called bottleneck, if the time is in place, everything else will fall into place.

Strengthening the foundation of the body has also met the requirements.

So at this point, the purpose of his outing has been basically completed.

It's time to make the return journey.

"The royal family came to visit again this morning, this time with a princess."

Opening the door, Renee greeted him and continued.

"Yeah." Colin nodded to indicate that he understood.

Since he ordered Hawthorne to deal with the Nut Chamber of Commerce a few days ago, the royal family quickly learned the identity of his wizard, and someone took the initiative to visit him the next day.

At first he was just an ordinary official.

Later, perhaps because he discovered his strength as a first-level wizard, he switched to a member of the royal family to visit him personally.

"Still rejecting?" Renee continued to ask.

"Well, time is precious. When I finish my meditation later, we will set off back to Neustadt. There is no need to delay any further."

"Okay Master." Renee nodded, as if she had thought of something, and continued, "Earlier today, Mr. Hawthorne and Wincy came to visit."

"Are you still waiting outside now?" Colin asked.

"They're still here, do you want me to let them in?" Renee asked, stroking her hair beside her ear.

Colin thought for a while and finally shook his head.

"No need."

"Okay Master." Renee nodded, "Then I will inform them."


Watching Renee turn around and walk down the stairs, Colin paused and returned to the bedroom, ready to start meditating.

Generally speaking, his daily meditation is mainly arranged at night.

But today he will be on his way in a little while, and there will be no time for him to meditate on the way.

So in order not to waste any time, he planned to meditate in advance now.

The wizard's daily meditation time is limited, and he needs to rest for a certain amount of time after each meditation before he can continue to meditate.

However, the specific length of rest required is not fixed.

It's like sports.

Originally, it might take a day between each training session to fully recover, but occasionally I only have half a day off on a certain day, and I can barely continue training.

Of course, meditation is even more extreme than that.

"Sister, are we leaving today?"

Demi asked as soon as Renee walked down the stairs, with the elf Nasi at her side.

Over the past few days, despite Demi's tireless approach, Naxi still looked resistant on the surface.

But in fact, the two little guys have undoubtedly become close playmates.

"Yes." Renee smiled and touched Demi's head.

"Renee, where is Colin? Why hasn't he come down?" Naxi asked, looking at the stairs.

"The master is meditating. We will leave after he finishes his meditation."

"Oh..." The elf nodded somewhat disappointedly.

But soon, she looked up at Renee and asked, "Renee, can you make flower cakes for lunch today?"

"Sure," Renee replied gently.

The elf Naxi also ignored her at first, but later she still couldn't resist the temptation of her delicious food.

"Oh! Then I'll go pick flowers for you!" Naxi said excitedly when she heard Renee's affirmative answer, and then looked at Demi and urged: "Come on, Demi, let's go pick flowers!"

After the two little ones finished speaking, they ran out in a hurry.

Renee smiled and walked slowly behind.

After walking out of the villa, passing through the flowerbeds and lawns that had regained life, she came to the gate and opened it.

"Good morning, ma'am."

A well-dressed girl gracefully bowed as a lady, and the unknown fragrance from her body filled her nostrils.

Next to her stood two guard knights wearing royal steel armor. The agate decoration on their shoulders made the ordinary steel armor look extravagantly luxurious.

"Good morning, Your Highness Tavel." Renee greeted politely.

"Mr. Nader, are you willing to see me?" Princess Taweil asked impatiently.

"I'm sorry." Renee shook her head, "Master is busy practicing and really doesn't have time to accept visits."

Hearing this, Tavel's face clearly showed a trace of disappointment.

As an ordinary princess in the royal family, she knew that if she wanted to change her fate of becoming a marriage tool, she must seize the opportunity like today to meet a genuine first-order wizard.

Moreover, according to her inquiries, Mr. Nader is said to be a rare and beautiful boy.

However, she never thought that she would not even be able to see Mr. Nader's face.

Naturally, there is no way to use all your kung fu.

'The days are long...' Taweil pursed her lips, put on a smile, and said politely:

"In that case, I'll take my leave and come back to visit you in a few days."

After saying that, Taweil took the escort knight and prepared to return home.

But when she saw the Hawthorne father and daughter standing behind her, something suddenly moved in her heart.

She was certainly no stranger to Hawthorne, a lucky real estate developer, and even had a deep memory of him.

After all, these days, with the approval of the royal family, most of the assets left by the Nat Chamber of Commerce have been proactively sent to this person.

However, Hawthorn did not accept it all as the outside world thought. Instead, he basically rejected most of it and only took back the part that once belonged to him.

This was still fresh in Taweil’s memory.

"Your Highness Princess." When Hawthorn saw her stop, he pulled Wenxi beside him and bowed respectfully.

"No need to be polite." Tavel smiled and carefully looked at Wen Qian next to Hawthorne.

This quiet girl didn't seem to have the habit of wearing makeup. She wore a plain face and an ordinary white pleated skirt.

But even so, it does not appear rustic or shabby, but rather sets off its quiet and elegant temperament, just like daisies in summer.

‘It’s a rival. ’

Tavel quietly retracted her gaze and said, "You are also here to visit Mr. Nader. Come over quickly, otherwise the maid will go back again."

Hawthorn did not refuse, saluted her again and quickly walked forward with Wenxi.

"Good morning, ma'am," Hawthorn greeted as usual.

"Good morning." Renee nodded, then said straight to the point, "Please come back, Mr. Hawthorne, Miss Wincy, the master does not intend to see guests."

Hawthorne was startled and glanced at Tavel behind him calmly. He seemed to understand something and said,

"Then I'll come and visit again tomorrow."

It would not be good if Mr. Nader did not see the princess but was biased against him.

"You misunderstood." Renee understood Hawthorne's reaction, shook her head and said, "We are leaving later today."

"Leave?!" The girl Wen Qian beside her lost her tranquility and asked in a hurry, "Are you leaving Nanao?"

Renee shook her head.

But before Wen Qian could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard Renee continue:

"To be precise, I want to leave the Farbados Kingdom."

Hawthorne was slightly shocked, but he had actually expected it.

After all, he has discovered in recent times that Colin is different from the wandering wizards he has seen and learned about.

Especially the familiar appearance of the school's tokens made him vaguely infer.

Wizard Nader is probably an orthodox school wizard.

I just don’t know why I chose to come to Nanau to live temporarily.

Therefore, Hawthorne speculated that Nader's temporary stay could not last long, so when accepting the inheritance from the Nat Chamber of Commerce, he rationally chose to restrain his greed.

Now it seems that I have indeed made the most correct choice.

However, Hawthorn still felt a little emotional——

I didn't expect the day of departure to come so quickly.

"Ms. Renee, can I ask where you plan to go?" Wenxi spoke again.

Hawthorn glanced at her and sighed inexplicably.

"I have no comment." Renee shook her head and said, "Goodbye you two."

The black iron door slowly closed.

Hawthorn looked solemn, thinking about his next plan.

Wizard Nader left, which meant that his backer disappeared once again.

Fortunately, Ford has recovered from his injuries, and with a great knight here, he can at least hold on to the assets he already has...

After all, even if Mr. Nader leaves, his reputation will still remain for a while...

‘When you finish sorting out the work at hand and everything is on track, then send Wenxi to Meredith City. ’

After a while, Hawthorn arranged the plan and felt calm again.

He silently saluted the door with thanks again, then turned to Wen Qian and said:

"Let's go."

However, Wen Qian still stood there in shock.

"Let's go, Wincy." Hawthorne sighed and shouted again.

Although he was very grateful to Colin, he still felt a little unhappy when he saw his precious daughter in this state.

"Oh...ok, Father."

Wen Qian finally reacted, quickly calmed down her emotions and answered.

Hawthorn shook his head silently in his heart and continued walking forward.

Wen Qian thought for a moment and suddenly called Hawthorne again:

"Dad, Ms. Renee said that Mr. Nader will be leaving soon, so why don't we continue to wait outside and say goodbye to him later."

Hawthorne paused, and after a moment, nodded slowly.

Wenxi's reminder was obviously correct, and he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

However, as a father, his daughter's appearance really made him feel a little heartbroken.

Having said that, he was not surprised by Wen Qian's reaction.

After all, there's nothing wrong with Wizard Nader's appearance or gentle attitude.

Especially that handsome appearance... If I were also a girl, I would probably be captured by it as well.

It's just... Wizard Nader is a first-level wizard, and he is very likely from the orthodox wizard school.

Hawthorn looked at his daughter who was jumping for joy because he nodded, and couldn't help but sigh again.

"Let's go and wait by the river." He shouted softly, turned around and walked towards the river.

As for the royal princess.

After seeing that Hawthorne and his wife were also turned away, she left with her escort.

The coldness of early autumn was not something she could withstand for a long time despite her thin clothing.

Wow - Wow -

The Lepo River flows slowly, with waves rising from time to time.

The time soon came to noon.


The door of Villa No. 5 slowly opened.

Colin walked out immediately.

He saw the two Hawthornes on the riverside at a glance, and was a little surprised.

"Lord Nader, we are here to say goodbye to you." Hawthorne stepped forward with a smile and took the initiative to explain.

"Mr. Nader." Wen Qian greeted in a low voice from the side.

"Thank you." Colin smiled, paused and said:

"It's a long journey, so there won't be much time to say goodbye. Goodbye.

Mr. Hawthorne, thank you for the newspaper. It was a great help. "

After saying that, Colin nodded to Hawthorne and Wenxi, and strode away with Renee.

Wen Qian stared at Colin's back and moved her lips.

However, it only took a moment for her to find Colin and the others disappearing around the corner of the street.

The warm autumn sunshine fell, and Wen Qian blinked hard subconsciously.

"What a mysterious wizard." Hawthorn looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh.

Wen Qian subconsciously pursed her lips and searched around with her eyes wide open.

However, the young man's figure could not be seen in the field of vision, it was just empty.

That handsome young man was like a bubble in a dream.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Father," Wen Qian suddenly said after a long silence, "When will you send me to Meredith City?"

"About half a month later, what happened?"


As the two walked along, their figures gradually disappeared by the Lepo River.

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