Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 306 Crisis

Colin's voice was not loud, it could be considered a whisper.

The surrounding residents who were eavesdropping through a door could not even hear clearly.

However, in the eyes of the two wizards shrouded in the halo of knights, Colin's voice was so majestic and mysterious that it broke down their psychological defenses almost instantly.

"Spare...spare my life!"

The hoarse-voiced wizard on the left spoke first, but it was just some murmurs of fear and begging for mercy.

His remaining sense told him that he was obviously under some kind of witchcraft.

This kind of sobriety did not make him feel better, but made him even more frightened - the young boy in front of him turned out to be an official wizard!

Looking at their appearance, Colin frowned slightly, slightly reduced the intensity of the knight's halo, and at the same time waved his hand to cast Silence to cover up their voices.

"Are you sent by Ahi Hidos?" After doing this, he continued to ask.

At this time, after careful observation, I realized that the two wizards in front of me were more like two ordinary wizards than pure-blood wizards from the Hitos family.

Except for the two incompatible emblems representing the Hitos family, there is no trace of the temperament of a big family.

It's not like he was a specially trained subordinate. His literacy and knowledge were so poor that he didn't even recognize the badge of the Tin Saint on his chest, which represented a first-level wizard.

As for strength, judging from the super-sensory state, they are only two high-level wizard apprentices...

As the strength of the knight's aura weakened, the two wizards shuddered in unison, and then breathed heavily for a moment.

The hoarse wizard hurriedly shouted:

"Sir, we just collect money to do things, and we don't know Axi Hitoshi at all!"

Another wizard next to him finally reacted and quickly echoed:

"We have no malicious intent, we are just following the employer's request to question everyone who has been to the room in the corner."

His body was still trembling slightly, and he was extremely upset!

If he knew that the apprentice living in such a cheap building actually knew an official wizard, he would never accept this business at all!

It’s all because the people of the Hitoshi family are too domineering and gave too many magic stones!

‘A hired wizard? ’

"Tell me everything you know in detail." Colin asked again.

"Sir, we really don't know anything. We only know that the wizard who contacted us is indeed a genuine member of the Hitos family. He used his badge to prove his identity.

But his name was not revealed, and his appearance was also hidden. "

"Our mission is to capture Marjorie Alex."

"However, he only gave us this location and said he wanted us to stay here.

If Marjorie comes back, catch him. If anyone else comes, stop him and question him. "

Speaking of this, the hoarse-voiced apprentice said aggrievedly: "Sir, you also know that pure-blood families are the nobles among wizards.

They gave us a lot of magic stones, and even gave us two emblems of the Hitos family. The task was only to deal with an ordinary high-level wizard apprentice. "

"Think about it - there is a prestigious pure-blood wizard family, but they just come to arrest an ordinary wizard apprentice. What is the difference between this and giving us magic stones, so..."

The two apprentices tried their best to smile and laughed.

These days, they have used the power of the Hitos family to harass the residents on this floor.

The reason why the atmosphere in the building is so strange now is because of this - the residents are waiting to see which unlucky guy will provoke these two people.

Is it the newsboy delivering newspapers, or some unlucky guy who walked into the wrong door?

Unfortunately, this time the two apprentices kicked a particularly hard iron plate.

After Colin listened, he didn't answer for the time being.

The identity of the two apprentices in front of them is already very clear - they are two stupid people who are forced by the reputation of the Hitos family and cannot restrain their own greed.

If a generous reward corresponds to a simple task, then there must be a hidden price.

I don’t know why Aki would find these two apprentices to deal with Senior Marjorie.

Could it be that... there is no suitable person available?

Colin thought silently.

He actually didn't know much about the grievances between Atbald and the Hiddos family.

On the one hand, I didn't ask carefully, and on the other hand, it was because those grievances were already a thing of the past.

It didn't matter who was right or wrong, he just needed to know that the Hitos family, or Ahi Hitos, was now an enemy.

Having said that, he still learned something after communicating with Marjorie before leaving Neustadt.

Marjorie told him——

The grudge between the Hitos family and Atbald actually came to an end decades ago after the fall of Pulan, who was a golden feather.

The Xisheng School specifically came forward to mediate the contradiction between the two.

He said that although he didn't know the specific details, the hatred between the two had basically been eliminated after that.

Except for one person - Ahi Hitoshi.

At that time, the entire Hitos family had basically ignored Atbold, ignoring this second-level wizard who could only stay in the manor and was suffering from injuries.

Ahi Hidos never let go of his hatred.

The first ten or twenty years were uneventful, and Attebold stayed in the manor to retire.

But later, it seemed that Aki had done something.

Marjorie had not yet joined the Mentor Faction at that time. The only thing he knew was that the size of the faction led by Altbald had shrunk rapidly in a very short period of time, and the number of people dropped rapidly.

Needless to say, Aki's purpose was to force Atbold to take action.

The instructor did seem to take action.

However, the final result was obviously unsatisfactory. When Marjorie joined, only Atbold and Lillian were left.

Marjorie also mentioned something -

Originally, Master Atbold didn't actually have a rule about not seeing each other after noon, but after that incident, he had such a rule... Maybe the old illness in his body was left behind at that time.

Colin shook his head, his thoughts wandering a little.

But no matter what, if the Hidos family no longer supports Ahi Hidos against his mentor, then it seems that it can be explained by the fact that he has no one available?

Colin still had some doubts in his heart. He turned his head and stared at the two apprentices in front of him, thinking about how to deal with them.


At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly came from the stairs.

Someone is going upstairs.

Colin felt a chill in his heart and turned around.

However, the next moment, a familiar and hesitant voice came over:

"Junior Colin, is that you?"

"Senior Marjorie?" Colin raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

Marjorie looked pale and looked tired. He reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth and continued:

"Actually, I've been around all the time. When I saw you going in, I thought I was dazzled, but I didn't expect it to be... careful!"

Before she finished speaking, Marjorie's expression suddenly became shocked and horrified.

Colin's heart skipped a beat and he turned his head suddenly following Marjorie's gaze.

I saw that the two apprentices suddenly fell into some strange state.

Their faces were ferocious, their mouths opened wide and they roared, as if they were in great pain.

However, no matter how hard they tried, no sound came out.

Streams of light black mist quickly spread out from the emblem representing the Hitos family on their witch robes, pouring into their open mouths and noses!

While isolating the sound, it also instantly turned the two apprentices into two dark monsters!


After the black mist completely covered their bodies, the two monsters turned into ruthless and cold killing machines and attacked Colin quickly and silently.

Just looking at the strength and speed, it almost goes beyond the scope of apprenticeship!

Marjorie on the side stared at all this nervously with her eyes widened.

In his understanding, junior Colin has just advanced to the first-level wizard, and he may not even have time to learn a few witchcraft.

In contrast, although the two monsters in front of them have not yet reached the first level, they are obviously good at close combat.

At this moment, the distance between Junior Colin and them is so close, and the comparison between the two is really unfavorable!

"No, no!"

The anxiety in her heart made Marjorie step forward without hesitation, ready to step forward to help.

However, the next moment, before he even had time to take a step, a scene that shocked him suddenly happened.

Colin was not seen making any moves.

The two terrifying pitch-black monsters that were rushing towards them seemed to have been struck by lightning, their forward movements stagnant, and they stood frozen in place.

If you look closely, you can still see that their bodies shrouded in dark mist are constantly shaking.

"Colin... Junior..." Marjorie murmured in shock and walked up slowly.

"This is a new level one control witchcraft that I learned." Colin explained without changing his expression.

‘First-level witchcraft… still seems to be instantaneous. ’ Marjorie still couldn’t hide her surprise.

There was some admiration in his heart. After a pause, he said sincerely: "With such a fast advancement speed, you can still guarantee the learning of witchcraft... Junior Colin, you are indeed a genius."

"The school has given you the silver feather nameplate, which is well deserved."

Colin smiled and did not answer.

In fact, according to his current advancement speed, if he went to the Black Castle to register, he would probably be able to get a Golden Feather nameplate.

However, these external honors are just illusions after all. As long as one's own essence is excellent, they will naturally come one after another.

No need to pay too much attention.

He turned his head and shifted his gaze to the two wizards who had turned into monsters.

At this moment, he has increased the intensity of the knight's halo to the maximum.

The result was that these two dark monsters, which were between the apprentice level and the first level, were firmly fixed in place, unable to move, and could only be slaughtered by him.

This is probably the upper limit of simply using the knight's halo.

It is still not possible to rely solely on the knight's aura to make the dark monster die of fear like the previous knights.

However, the real purpose of the knight's halo is to assist.

These two monsters that were beyond the apprentice level were unable to move under the knight's aura, like fish on a chopping board.

Then the stronger first-level wizards, and even the second-level wizards, when faced with the knight's aura, even if they are not completely unable to move, they will still have some influence.

This is equivalent to imposing a continuous negative state on the enemy, and it hardly consumes one's own energy!

The dark monster was still trembling.

"I'm afraid they are dead." Marjorie said suddenly.

Colin nodded.

The ‘they’ Marjorie refers to obviously refers to the two apprentices just now.

Those two emblems of the Hitos family obviously contained extremely evil witchcraft, which instantly took away the lives of the two apprentices and transformed them into two terrifying monsters.

He could feel the polluted decaying soul hidden in the dark monster's body.

How to deal with these two monsters?

‘Are you going to hand it over to the law enforcement team? ’ He hesitated in his heart.

At this time, Marjorie on the side finally recovered from the unexpected incident and remembered why she took the risk of returning here.

His expression became a little flustered and irritable, and he quickly turned to Colin and said in a deep voice:

"Junior Colin, Master Atbold may be in danger now!"

Colin couldn't care less about the two monsters and looked at him doubtfully.

Marjorie continued to explain:

"You may have left Neustadt City during this period, and you may not know it, but after the day you came to see me, I would go to the school every morning to try to meet with Master Atbold.

However, Naduo kept blocking me and refused to let me in. I guessed that the instructor didn't want to involve me anymore. "

At this point, Marjorie's voice became a little deeper and her eyes were slightly red. He took a breath and continued:

"But just this morning, Naduo was uncharacteristic and didn't stop me anymore. At first, I was very happy, thinking that the instructor had changed his mind and even almost exposed his whereabouts."

Marjorie paused, then suddenly took out a very familiar necklace - the Fountain of Ancient Trees and handed it to him, then continued with some dejection:

"But I failed to enter the study room, and the instructor handed me the necklace through the door.

He told me to change schools of thought as soon as possible and return the necklace to you when I have the chance, and then expelled me from the manor again. "

After taking the ancient tree fountain and stroking the gold-like wood necklace, Colin's heart slowly sank.

Marjorie's words continued.

"I can't re-enter the Master's courtyard, but I know where Ahi Hitoshi lives."

"I had a premonition that something might happen, so I waited outside Aki's villa."

Marjorie paused and lowered her head. The tone of this tall and strong man, who was almost two meters tall, was actually choked:

"Not long ago, I saw Yaxi's carriage going out. I followed it and found that his destination was the Xisheng School!"

"Moreover, at the same time, the location of the mentor's courtyard was temporarily blocked by Steward Field of the school for the reason of changing the ban on the witch formation."

Although Marjorie didn't say it explicitly, everything was already coming out.

Colin said solemnly: "You mean, Axi is planning to attack his mentor personally?"

"Yes." Marjorie paused and replied.

He looked at Colin, his lips moving.

He wanted to persuade Colin to rescue Mentor Atbold, but how could this be possible?

After all, Colin is just a first-level wizard, and reason tells him that he should save his life and think about it for the long term...

Marjorie's face was full of dejection.

However, the next moment, the dejection on his face turned into confusion.


Colin took a gentle step forward, stretched out his arm, and easily broke the necks of the two dark monsters like breaking dead wood.

Then without hesitation, he turned back to him and said:

"Let's go, the mentor needs us."

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