Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 307 Snow

Marjorie raised her head blankly, thinking she was hallucinating.

But looking at Colin's serious look, he knew that he was not hallucinating, and he murmured movedly:

"Junior Colin..."

"Without further ado, Senior Marjorie." Colin urged in a deep voice.

He held the Heart of the Ancient Tree Necklace in his palm, a cold light flashing in his blue eyes.

As if thinking of something, Colin turned around again, preparing to put away the corpses of the two dark monsters he had dealt with earlier.

There is order in the city of Neustadt, and the act of wantonly killing an apprentice, transforming him, and attacking a wizard apprentice like this cannot be done openly.

Of course, for the superior school and pure-blood family, such behavior is not painful even if it is exposed.

This is also the reason why Marjorie speculated that Ashe was going to be harmful to Altbald, but never thought of reporting it to the school.

Those pure-blood families control most of the power of the school, and they are closely intertwined with each other. If a mere apprentice reports it, the most likely result will be to disappear quietly.

It's just that they are helpless in the huge city of Neustadt. Who can they rely on except themselves?

So even if you can just add a little bit of bargaining chip, you should hold it tightly in your hands.

However, before Colin could reach out his palm.


The two dark monsters on the ground suddenly turned into fine dust, and then turned into black mist and dissipated into the air at an extremely fast speed.

"What a cruel method." Marjorie was shocked.

Not only does it turn people into half-dead monsters, but it doesn't even leave a body behind after death, it just crushes the bones and spreads ashes!

"Let's go." Colin paused with his outstretched arm, retracted his gaze, and was about to walk downstairs.

"Wait, Junior Colin!" However, Marjorie grabbed him at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Colin turned around and asked in confusion.

He glanced around.

Thanks to the silent witchcraft cast previously, all movements were hidden. The corridor was very quiet at the moment, and no one came out to check the situation.

"We can't go," Marjorie said, taking a deep breath. His face was still sad, but now he changed his mind.

"Yashi Hidos is a second-level wizard. Although he is only a second-level junior, with our power, we can only attack him with an egg against a stone - not even with the mentor. You should know the mentor's status better than me. "

"Junior Colin—" Marjorie looked at him with reddish eyes and tried to keep her tone calm, "With your talent, your future is bright, and you shouldn't die tonight."

"If...if you are willing to remember your mentor's hatred, then as long as you live, one day in the future you will be able to surpass the second level!

One day, I will be able to avenge my mentor! "

He clenched his teeth, and the sound seemed to come out from between the teeth.

"But the mentor won't be resurrected, right?" Colin said.

Marjorie's expression of hatred froze, her eyebrows lowered, and her face gradually turned gloomy.

"Senior Marjorie—" Colin looked at him, paused and said calmly:

"Mentor Atbald will not die."

"At least tonight, he won't die."

Marjorie looked up again.

He looked at Colin.

The young man in front of him spoke calmly, as if he was talking about the most ordinary thing.

Yet it brought a great sense of peace of mind.

Marjorie's almost despairing heart suddenly gave birth to the radiance of hope again, and his eyes gradually lit up.

Colin said no more, turned around and walked quickly downstairs.

He heard Marjorie's footsteps, and his heart moved.

But the next moment, he gave up the idea he just had.

He wanted to let Marjorie stay here and wait for the news. After all, he was just an ordinary senior wizard apprentice.

But obviously, this is the same as Marjorie's words to persuade herself - they are meaningless.

Not all decisions in this world can be persuaded by logic, even if they are more correct intellectually...

After walking out of the low-rent building, Colin took a deep breath.

The city of Neustadt also has street lights, but they are not powered by electricity, but are some specially modified luminous plants.

They absorb sunlight during the day and emit light at night.

At this moment, under their dim light, he keenly caught the specks of crystals floating in the sky.

Colin was slightly startled.

"It's snowing." Marjorie raised her head and said softly from behind.


Withdrawing his gaze, he took Marjorie with him and flew towards the direction of the school.

A cold wind howled through the streets, and snowflakes flew in the dim light.

If he remembers correctly, this was the first snow he encountered in this world.

The crystal snowflakes kept hitting the invisible shield during the flight, which was no different from the snowflakes hitting the windshield when driving in the previous life.

Colin glanced up at the dark sky.

In fact, in his previous life, he was not an indifferent person, at least... not a bad person.

Although he is not keen on socializing, he still retains the most basic kindness in his heart.

But after coming to this dangerous world, everything around him forced him to remain indifferent and distant.

This is indeed correct, and it is precisely because of this that he was able to escape from Blackstone Island and survive McIntosh's experiment.

However, even so, there are always some bottom lines that cannot be compromised.

All grudges must be repaid.

This is his bottom line.

Just as he had carried Erica's body across thousands of miles of ocean, he would not choose to watch Atbold die tonight.

Colin silently shook his fist.

Green-gold fighting energy surged in his lower abdomen.

After advancing to a first-level wizard and completely transforming his body, it was almost impossible for him to estimate how many times the bronze fighting spirit in his body was equivalent to that of the previous great knight.

All he knew was that he was much stronger than before.

The blood armor, which was originally unable to keep up with the zero-level defensive witchcraft, now has almost half the strength of the steel temperature-resistant force field.

The life-strong talent has once again exceeded the limit, and there is also a knight aura that consumes nothing but can bring powerful negative status to the enemy...

Of course, he still wasn't completely sure.

After all, that is a second-level wizard. Even if he is a second-level elementary wizard, he is still a second-level wizard!

There are deep gaps between each level of wizards.

Colin let out a soft breath.

The Xisheng School is already close at hand.

He thought for a while, took out the silver feather nameplate and hung it around his neck.

Five minutes later, he and Marjorie arrived near Altbould's residence.

A hundred meters away from Atbold's residence, a gray shield appeared, with light golden characters flashing above it——

[The wizard array is under maintenance, please do not enter. 】

"This is a temporary shield that was put in place only in the evening. The steward in charge of Field is a member of the Hiddos family." Marjorie said, he almost forgot about this.

Field is obviously also a second-level wizard, but I don't know if he is around at the moment.

Perhaps after flying for a while, reason took over again.

At this time, she thought that there was still Field Steward, Marjorie opened her mouth slightly, and wanted to persuade Colin again.

However, before he could speak, he heard Colin say softly: "Follow!"

The next moment, he saw Colin taking a step forward and swinging his right fist. Green-gold light lit up from his right arm, mysterious and magnificent.


A big hole was immediately punched out of the mist-like gray shield. Colin didn't stop and drove straight in.

Marjorie followed quickly, but she was surprised in her heart what kind of witchcraft this was and why she didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of magic power.

He thought carefully for a moment and secretly speculated:

‘Could it be the power of blood? ’


At this moment, when Colin was about to reach the entrance of Atbold's residence, a figure with a powerful aura suddenly rose into the sky and came to them.

"Field is in charge," Marjorie exclaimed.

Field is a thin, middle-aged man with a mustache and slightly small eyes.

Wearing a gray witch robe with gold patterns, he asked angrily:

"Why did you break into the witch formation maintenance place without permission?!"

Colin glanced at Field with squinted eyes.

The steward's expression was genuine and his brows were furrowed, as if he didn't know anything and was just doing business.

Marjorie next to her looked a little pale due to the other party's power.

After all, he is just a senior wizard apprentice.

Colin withdrew his gaze, did not answer, and turned a blind eye and continued walking forward silently with Marjorie.

Looking at his actions, the anger on Field's face didn't get any worse. On the contrary, it suddenly disappeared like a cloud of smoke, just like a face change in a Sichuan opera.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Colin carefully.

Her eyes especially stayed on the silver feather nameplate hanging on his chest for a moment.

Colin had already walked to Field's side at this time, without stopping at all, still looking straight ahead and walking straight forward.

As she got closer to Field, Marjorie felt her heart was so high that she could hardly breathe.

However, this feeling only lasted for a moment. Before he could react, Colin passed by Field and came to the entrance of Atbold's residence.


A faint glow of witchcraft lit up.

This is a little trick to open the door.

However, there was no response from Nado in front of the door.

Colin tried to take a step forward, but the repulsive resistance that should have been there disappeared at this moment.

His heart sank, knowing that the battle inside might have reached a fever pitch.

"Let's go." He whispered, preparing to move faster.

As if thinking of something, before taking a step, he glanced back subconsciously.

Steward Field, who was originally standing behind, had disappeared.

"Junior Colin, how do you know that Field will let us come directly?" Marjorie looked at him and murmured in surprise.

"I don't know." Colin shook his head and walked forward quickly.

He told the truth.

Although he speculated that Steward Field would most likely not stop him, he was not sure.

From the attitude when he came out of Field, and the attitude of the Hidos family, it was easy to know that Field's manager was probably brought in by Aki for help through his own connections.

And this favor is probably just to help him create an environment where he can deal with his mentor without being disturbed.

As for other things, such as helping to deal with Altbould, Field would most likely be unwilling to do so.

In the same way, when facing these two Altbould students, Field might try to stop them in the name of repairing the witch formation.

But there is a high chance that he will not take action to deal with them personally.

After all, this matter now is just a grudge between Axi Hidos and Atbald, not between the Hidos family and Atbald.

If he intervenes rashly, he can easily get himself into unnecessary trouble.

On the contrary, if you just follow the rules and repair the witch formation, you can get rid of it if something goes wrong.

However, no matter how you speculate, it is still just speculation.

It is still unknown what the relationship between Field and Aki is, and whether the Hidos family will readily help Aki deal with the old and seriously injured Altbald.

Of course, he was not entirely sure whether Field would stop them.

He just felt that no matter whether Field stopped him or not, he would pass by, so it would be more beneficial to him to close the distance.

So there was no need to think too much. I just silently prepared for the battle and continued walking forward.

The instructor's residence is not small. It is surrounded by a circle of tall trees. Under them are dense shrubs, which completely blocks the view of the outside world.

Passing through this "wall" from the main entrance is a huge botanical garden, filled with flowers and other shrubs, and even a few fruit trees.

To get to the villa in the center, you need to walk through the path across the botanical garden.

Of course, for Colin, he could also fly directly over - but he tried just now, and flying was prohibited by some force.

But it doesn't matter, after all, the running speed of the first-order knight is not bad.

Stepping onto the path in the courtyard, the dense vegetation makes everything around you seem a little quieter.

The snow is still falling, and it seems to be getting heavier, gradually covering the entire botanical garden with a layer of white gauze.

As we went deeper, the light that could still be vaguely revealed by the street lights outside was gradually blocked by the dense vegetation behind us.

The silent night enveloped the surroundings.

Colin and Marjorie looked at each other with some doubts in their hearts——

The mentor's manor was too quiet, and there was no sound of fighting at all.

Colin pursed his lips and suddenly remembered the slight sneer he had seen when he passed by Field just now.

A faint uneasiness enveloped the surroundings.

He accelerated his progress again.

A moment later, they were crossing the garden path and emerging from the lush vegetation.

It was at this time that the two of them discovered something strange.

A black hemispherical fog barrier came into view.

Its size is not that big, but it will cover Altbald's villa and part of the surrounding open space.

'Well, there's also the area in the backyard with a huge old tree. ’

Colin observed it carefully.

The gray-black mist on the surface of the shield, which was similar to the previous pitch-black monster's body, was churning and oscillating at this moment.

There are faint energy fluctuations coming from it.

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