Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 318 The party is over

Because he was at a party, Colin didn't look at it in too much detail. He just glanced at it briefly and put the knowledge crystal away.

There is not much knowledge in the crystal. After all, not all knowledge can be imprinted at will. The wizarding world attaches great importance to the confidentiality of knowledge.

Generally speaking, witchcraft rubbings purchased from bookstores and other places will have relevant prevention methods.

Although it is not unbreakable.

But Atbold definitely didn't have the time at that time, so he only made some rubbings that could be directly made in a hurry.

However, there is no strong connection between the availability of preventive measures and the value of knowledge.

Therefore, although Altbold's rubbing knowledge is not much, the quality is generally high.

Especially when he was browsing briefly, he saw a set of witchcraft called the Web of Black Mist.

If my guess is correct, this witchcraft is probably the series of witchcraft that Aki used on that snowy night!

At that time, Aki's armor that could bless him and his ability to control black mist monsters left a very deep impression on him!

"Have you finished reading?" Atbold asked aloud when he saw him opening his eyes.

"Yeah." Colin nodded.

Altbold thought for a while and warned cautiously: "Witchcraft is never good or bad, but the way of practicing the Black Mist Net in the crystal is not humane. It needs to be treated with caution to avoid losing humanity."

"I understand, mentor." Colin paused and nodded seriously.

He didn't know the specific method and principle of the Black Mist Web before he had time to check it out, but Altbold specifically emphasized that it was obviously on target.

It seems that if you want to learn this witchcraft in the future, you need to be more cautious.

I don’t know if I can circumvent their inhumane practice methods by breaking the limit through gold paper?

"Come, try this toilet bar. This is a rare treasure. Only such a small bottle can be brewed every five years." Altbold picked up the wine glass and pointed to the slender wine bottle on the table, which was at most the size of a palm.

Colin picked up the wine glass as he was told. The clear wine had a light pink color like cherry blossoms, and a special fragrance faintly spread and reached the tip of his nose.

This was somewhat different from the wine he had seen in his previous life.

Of course, he didn't like drinking in his previous life, and he usually refused to attend gatherings with colleagues on the grounds of alcohol allergy, so he didn't drink a few types of wine.

Seriously speaking, I only tasted it a few times out of curiosity when I was a teenager. I only heard about the sauce-flavored and strong-flavored types, and I couldn't tell them apart at all.

But the glass of toilet wine in front of him made him a little more interested.

Colin raised the glass and took a sip. The wine slowly bloomed on the tip of his tongue. It was consistent with the fragrance that came from the tip of his nose just now, but the more complex taste spread to the entire mouth in an instant, making people feel like they were in a sea of ​​spring flowers. The fragrance of flowers hits my face.

"How is it?" Atbold put down the wine glass, used a knife and fork to remove a piece of roast duck leg, and asked while putting it into his mouth.

Colin smacked his lips lightly and said sincerely: "This is the best wine I have ever drunk."

Lilian, who was quiet at the side, slightly curved her mouth.

"Haha, you are discerning." Atbold laughed, "If you like it, Lilian will give you a bottle later."

Since he recovered from his injury, he no longer looks old and twilight, and he looks full of energy.

It's a pity that the rough wrinkles on his face, like tree bark, still show his age.

"Then thank your mentor and senior sister in advance." Colin looked at the two of them, raised his hand and smiled.

In fact, if wizard apprentices drink toilet wine, it can have a certain effect on physical and mental enhancement, but for formal wizards like them, it is not very useful.

However, for toilet wine, its deliciousness is enough to make people remember it.

Then the three of them chatted endlessly for a while.

Mainly Altbold tells stories about some of his early adventures around the world.

"...If you keep walking westward, crossing the Nuolan Continent and walking tens of thousands of nautical miles, until you encounter an obvious and solid edge like a thin film, it means that you have reached the end of the world."

“Legend has it that there are many mysterious treasures buried there and countless knowledge.

But when I actually got there, there was nothing. "

"The only thing there is is a piece of sea water and a huge lonely reef. Well... there are many traces left by boring people like me on the reef."

"All in all, it was one of my most disappointing adventures..."

Lilian also said some things about herself and the Rudolph family that she didn't know.

"...I was born after my father died, so I never really met my father. As for my mother, she left quietly when I was about twelve years old. I was basically raised by my grandfather."

"Ottakweir is a very mysterious high elf." Atbold interrupted, he raised his head slightly and his eyes were full of memories,

"No one knows where she came from, why she came to Neustadt alone, and no one knows why she suddenly left again, or even how she left - just after one night, she stayed Lillian disappeared like a ghost."

As for Colin, he briefly talked about his past.

From the Holy Flame Kingdom that the original owner had experienced to Blackstone Island, to the Blackstone Island that he had experienced himself, to returning to the Holy Flame Kingdom, and then to Neustadt City... I briefly talked about it, and there was nothing that needed to be kept secret anyway.

Both Atbold and Atbold were a little emotional after hearing this.

"I didn't expect you to come from a mortal kingdom in the south of Siya continent."

If it weren't for the first-level wizard who came to a small country to select apprentices with no wizard background in order to achieve the so-called McIntosh experiment and avoid attracting attention, I am afraid that the gods would have already reached the Siya continent!

After a chat, the relationship between the three of them became obviously closer and they became more relaxed when getting along.

Atbold thought for a while and got to the point and asked: "According to your current progress, how long will it take to reach the standard of a second-level wizard?"

"About a month or two?" Colin said with some uncertainty.

Atbold was a little stunned, and after a moment he said humorously: "I'm wondering if the school is considering giving you a higher-end nameplate than the Golden Feather."

"Maybe." Colin smiled.

Of course Altbold was exaggerating. Colin's current advancement speed is indeed very fast, but throughout the history of wizards, there are also geniuses who are even more exaggerated than this.

"Where's Lillian, how's your current progress?" Atbold turned around and asked.

Lilian thought for a moment and said, "It will probably take another month or two."

Atbold nodded without any surprise.

Lilian has been a first-level wizard for almost fifty years, and has stayed at the first-level advanced wizard stage for about twenty years. This time, her bloodline was purified in the secret vault of the Elf Kingdom, which also filled the final corner for her.

Wizards with elven blood are born with a higher starting point than others, but blood is both a benefit and a shackle.

"Then tomorrow, I will explain the situation of the two of you to the school and apply for the qualification to redeem the second-level advanced method."

"Is Lilian's current contribution enough?" Atbold asked.

"It's still a little worse." Lilian shook her head.

The school contribution points required to redeem the advanced knowledge of a second-level wizard are 10,000.

Generally speaking, a first-level senior wizard can obtain from one hundred to several hundred contribution points by completing tasks corresponding to his own strength, depending on the difficulty.

Only very few difficult tasks can generate an income of thousands of contribution points.

Of course, in addition to tasks, you can also get variable contribution points by contributing new witchcraft, treasures, etc. to the school.

"Yeah." Atbold nodded slightly.

Without asking Colin, this wizard who had just arrived at the school obviously didn't have enough contribution points.

He raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows. Unlike the first-level advanced method, which could even be purchased at outside auctions, he also had the power to teach it directly.

The advanced knowledge of the second level is firmly in the hands of the school.

The only way to obtain it is through the exchange of contribution points, which is an unavoidable path.

So Altbold could only say in the end:

"Then it seems that in the next period of time, you will have to do some tasks...especially you, Colin, and the contribution points each member of the school has cannot be transferred to each other."

"However, if I remember correctly, there is a discount for the Golden Feather Nameplate when redeemed for advanced knowledge. It seems to be half or 60%." Atbold added.

"I understand, mentor." Colin nodded.

At about one o'clock in the morning, the party ended, and Colin and Lillian stood up.

"Teacher, I'll go back first." Colin said with a smile, holding the toilet wine that Lilian gave him.

"Well, concentrate on training, and it's not too late to seek contribution points when you really reach your limit. In addition to level, witchcraft also needs..."

Speaking of this, Atbold thought of the second-level witchcraft used by Colin that night. He paused and shook his head and said: "I almost forgot that not only did you improve your level very quickly, but you also don't know much about witchcraft." not bad."

"Okay, if you have any questions, whether it's about cultivation or anything else, you can come to me at any time.

The morning dew that Lilian brought back has helped me recover more than half. Although there is still some permanent damage that cannot be undone, at least the presence or absence of sunlight has no effect on me now. "

"Okay, mentor."

After listening, Colin nodded seriously and left the vine house with Lilian.

As he closed the door, he saw Altbould turn around and walk to the small sea of ​​flowers that Marjorie had transformed into.

After closing the door, the orange light was replaced by darkness, leaving only a faint light shining through the weak spots of the vines.

He and Lillian walked side by side, the surroundings were silent except for the rustling of the snow under their feet.

There is no moon tonight, and there are lead-like thick clouds overhead, with tiny snowflakes falling.

The two walked quietly for a while.

Lillian suddenly said: "Thank you, Colin."

Colin paused for a moment and shook his head, "You're welcome, senior. Saying too much thank you will seem inappropriate."

Lilian nodded slightly and pursed her lips.

She turned her head slightly and glanced at Colin next to her. The darkness could not obscure her vision as a high elf.

The young man in front of him had a clear profile, handsome features, and his expression was as calm as ever.

In my memory, I rarely see him having too strong emotions. Even on that cold snowy night a few days ago, he always looked silent and calm in the face of such a desperate situation.

However, beneath this seemingly indifferent appearance, there is deep kindness and bravery buried.

Lilian felt a little emotional. Although she was several times older than Colin, walking next to Colin at this moment, she seemed to feel that he was the more mature existence.

The calm and even cold appearance in the past was just a habit she had developed since childhood.

After all, when she was young, she often heard the dirty words said behind her back by those around her——

Dirty elf hybrids and mongrels... On the one hand, they are jealous that they became first-level wizards in their teens, and on the other hand, they despise their mixed-race status.

Ever since she learned this, she had minimized unnecessary social interactions and spent nearly fifty years alone.

But this kind of coldness is not true indifference and calmness after all. The body of an elf mixed with very little social interaction also makes Lilian's mind not mature enough for her nearly seventy years old.

Therefore, in the Elf Kingdom, or when encountering major events, she is always prone to showing her emotions, and she is not as calm and cold as before...

"Junior Colin, did you cook tonight's roast duck yourself?" Lilian suddenly asked.

"No, it was my maid Renee who did it." Colin shook his head, a little surprised that Lillian would be interested in roast duck.

"Actually, I was in a hurry today and couldn't find a suitable fat goose. Otherwise, the roasted goose would be more delicious than the roasted duck."

"Is this... is the toilet wine delicious?" Lilian continued to ask.

"It's delicious. It's indeed the best wine I've ever had." Colin smacked his lips, still having some aftertaste.

"Then can I use the method of making toilet wine in exchange for the method of making roast goose and duck?" Lilian pursed her lips and looked at Colin and asked casually.

Colin paused for a moment, turned his head unexpectedly, and said, "Of course, it's just a recipe for a delicacy. If you want to learn how to make it, you can come directly. There is no need to exchange something as precious as the recipe for making toilet wine."

Lilian smiled, smoothed the hair beside her ears, and did not answer. Instead, she changed the subject and continued: "What are you going to do in exchange for the contribution points for the advanced method? Do you want to do a mission together?"

Colin paused and said, "I can do either, but I want to ask the Lord of Neuss first. After all, it will take at least half a year to accumulate enough contribution points by completing tasks... I shouldn't be able to wait that long. "

"Yes, the Lord of Neuss City might be able to help you. After all, you are a heroic wizard!" Lilian nodded and said in a serious tone.

"Haha..." Colin laughed awkwardly and awkwardly.

"When are you going to see Congressman Noyce?"

"Probably tomorrow morning."

"Then I'll come find you tomorrow afternoon!"


"Come and learn how to cook roast duck and goose!"


The cold wind gradually covered up the voices of the two of them, and they just walked side by side and drifted away.

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