Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 319 Visitors from the Hidos family

After bidding farewell to Lillian, Colin walked towards home.

He looked back at Lillian's white residence and touched his chin.

‘I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I feel like my senior has become more lively. ’

Colin shook his head and didn't take it to heart.

Maybe it's because the relationship is better.

However, Lilian's appearance made him feel more natural to get along with her.

After all, the senior sister looks like she is no more than thirteen or fourteen years old in her normal state. She is petite and barely reaches her chest when she stands next to him.

Although he has always maintained a cold appearance in the past, but just looking at his appearance, he looks more like a child who is pretending to be serious.

Even in another form, she only changed into the appearance of a girl of about sixteen or seventeen years old.

So many times, it was hard for him to imagine that the petite girl in front of him was several times his age.

Collining his thoughts, Colin walked quickly.

Although the party is over tonight, his arrangements are not over yet.

About ten minutes later, he returned home.

The house remains largely as it was when it was left.

Of course, if you look carefully, you can also see some signs of intrusion from some subtle details.

Colin even guessed that there might have been a wizard staying here some time ago, just like Senior Marjorie's residence.

However, at least when he came back today, the place was empty, and the things inside were basically in their original condition without damage.

I just don't know if the Hidos family took the initiative to withdraw their personnel, or if the wizards who were guarding here left on their own because of Aki's death.

After briefly saying hello to Renee and Naxi who were waiting for him, he quickly walked to the meditation room.

As for Demi, the young girl couldn't hold on and fell asleep due to sleepiness.

After closing the door of the meditation room, the noise is blocked out, and the bright crystal on the wall slowly emits a soft white light.

Colin did not stop, he took out the magic release ring without stopping, and then began to practice the crimson mark technique on the empty space.

He is going to see Congressman Noyce tomorrow, and he plans to use this time tonight to break the limit of the Crimson Mark Technique.

Time passed quickly while immersed in practice, and before I knew it, the east had turned pale.

The yellowish morning light penetrated the mist and dispelled the darkness.

In the meditation room, Colin, who had not slept all night, was still in high spirits.

He continued to practice.

About an hour later, as the number of magic stones on his body dropped sharply, an additional I symbol appeared behind the characters representing the crimson marking technique on the gold paper.

However, what is unexpected is that after the Crimson Marking Technique was upgraded, it was still a zero-level witchcraft and did not increase in level.

This is quite similar to the witchcraft of the Heart of the Ancient Tree. After the Heart of the Ancient Tree broke the limit, it was not classified as a first-level witchcraft by the golden paper.

However, the level of witchcraft is not entirely determined by the quality of its effects.

Especially for auxiliary witchcraft, they are not like offensive witchcraft. Clear boundaries can be drawn through detailed data issued by the Supreme Council and observation of the damage caused to the target after the attack.

Auxiliary witchcraft is divided into levels based more on the restrictions on spell casting—that is, under normal circumstances, the minimum wizard strength required for successful spell casting.

The markings on the gold paper were based on his knowledge, so the method of judging the level of witchcraft was roughly the same as the outside world.

In other words, the crimson mark technique after breaking the limit is still a witchcraft that can be used by a senior apprentice.

Putting away the gold paper, Colin walked out of the meditation room.

The mist outside has basically disappeared, and only some traces of water mist can be seen on the ice edges of the eaves.

He planned to have a simple breakfast before going to see Noyce.

But before Colin could finish his breakfast, people from the Hiddos family came to the door first.

There were three people in total, led by an intellectual witch with beautiful appearance and slim figure.

As for the purpose, there is no doubt that it is to make amends...or to ease relations.

Most of these pure-blood families have a history of thousands of years, so each one is more cautious than the other.

Before being completely sure, people are basically more inclined to choose to resolve conflicts rather than making the situation worse.

After the senior leaders of the Hidos family learned about Colin yesterday, they immediately launched further investigation.

After discovering that the person in Black Castle was unwilling to say anything and the identity of Colin Jinyu, he decisively chose to send someone to visit him today.

In the study, Colin leaned against the large chair, reached out and took the wooden box handed over by the wizard in front of him, and placed it on the desk beside him.

Seeing Colin's gentle expression, he also accepted the apology.

Feeling that she had gotten off to a good start, the wizard smiled softly, smoothed her hair, revealed her fair and tender cheeks and said:

"The family is not aware of Axi Hidos's plan, otherwise they would have stopped this blatant violation of the school's rules!

But now that Aki is dead, all the grudges have disappeared. I hope you will not let these things affect your mood again. "

"Yeah." Colin responded noncommittally.

It would be great if the hatred could be eliminated so easily. Although Aki is dead, Marjorie will never be able to live again.

What's more, at this point, for him, this is not just about Aki.

"Where is the steward who is inspecting the witch formation?" Colin continued to ask softly.

He stared at the beautiful sorcerer in front of him without any disturbance in his heart.

They were responsible for this incident from beginning to end.

But the rules obviously cannot restrain a behemoth like the Hitos family.

So before, even though they had done nothing wrong, they were still taken to the Black Castle and almost became the guilty party.

But at this time, he has a stronger power behind him to judge justice, so he who is reasonable will regain the upper hand.

The beautiful witch smiled calmly, and replied with a hint of just the right amount of doubt:

"Are you saying that Field is in charge? He didn't know about Axi's plan. Axi went to your mentor before he went to repair the witch formation. He was just unlucky enough to cover for Axi. .

There are also the supervisors of Black Castle. According to the investigation, they were misled by one of them. That person had been favored by Axi and acted like that out of his own will and wanted to avenge Axi. "

The sorcerer's tone was sincere and her words were well-founded. It seemed that the facts were really what she said.

Colin's face was calm. He straightened up slightly, left the soft back of the chair, and put his elbows on the desk.

Silence fell in the study room, and the atmosphere gradually became solemn.

But the wizard didn't seem to notice, and just looked at him with a smile, her posture was elegant and intellectual.

The perfect amount of whiteness exposed on the neck and collarbone is very attractive.

Colin stared at the wizard for a long time without squinting, and then said without emotion:

"Is this the attitude of the Hitos family?"

It seems that there was a plan before coming.

Seeing his attitude, the sorceress sighed slightly in her heart, gradually stopped smiling, and said in a serious voice:

"I understand, Your Excellency."

"You will see the sincerity of the Hitos family."

She waved her hand, and the wizard on the right behind her immediately took out a piece of white paper and began to speak:

"Field Hidos collaborated with Ash Hidos in an attempt to kill members of the school sect. The circumstances were so egregious that they will be sentenced to death by Black Castle today.

Inspector Moore, Inspector Reese, Captain Ralph...Inspector Charles, these inspectors will also be punished according to the rules of Black Castle for their respective crimes, the minimum of which is to cancel the status of inspector. "

The beautiful witch took the white paper from the wizard behind her and handed it to Colin, and then quietly waited for Colin's answer.

There was still a smile on her face, but the arc was slightly smaller.

This was the bottom line set by the family when he arrived. If Colin continued to persist and wanted to continue to explore who behind Supervisory Reese was instigating the forgery of evidence.

——The retreat at this moment will become a backlash.

Colin held up his hands, put the white paper aside, paused for a few seconds, and said slowly:

"I accept the attitude of the Hitos family."

Although I hate these wizard nobles in my heart, I also remember the injustice of being taken to the Black Castle despite being the victim...

But at this moment, he didn't have the strength to turn the table over.

The beautiful witch smiled and continued to gesture to the accompanying wizard standing next to her.

The accompanying wizard stepped forward with understanding, took out a wooden box again, and handed it to the wizard.

"I almost forgot. The family also asked me to congratulate you on getting the Golden Feather Nameplate." The wizard took the wooden box and handed it to Colin.

Colin raised his eyebrows in his mind, thinking that if he hadn't reached a consensus for the time being, this congratulatory gift might not have been given.

But thinking this way, he still smiled and reached out to take the wooden box.

You can't extrapolate the free gifts. You are not rich, especially after the limit-breaking Crimson Mark spell last night consumed a large amount of magic stones.

"If your guess is correct, Sir Colin should start planning to advance to the second level." Sorcerer Xiuli continued to talk, "I wonder if you have redeemed the relevant knowledge for advancing to the second level?"

This is the second plan of the Hidos family.

"Not yet." Colin replied simply.

After a brief interaction, Sorcerer Xiuli also judged that Colin was not the kind of wizard who liked to beat around the bush, so she got straight to the point and asked:

"Then I wonder if you have ever considered changing factions. The Hitos family welcomes a Jin Yu to join at any time.

If you choose to join the Hidos family, it will be easy to obtain the second level of advancement, and you do not need to spend energy to complete a large number of school tasks. "

"Oh, can the Hidos family directly teach me how to advance to the second level?" Colin asked with some interest.

During this period of time, he had gained a deeper understanding of the Xisheng School, and knew that except for a few solitary wizards, most of the upper echelons of the school were members of powerful factions and pure-blood families.

And the majority of them are mainly members of pure-blood families.

In order to continue to ensure such dominance, pure-blood families obviously need to continue to attract talented wizards from the outside world through methods such as recruiting sons-in-law and wives, as well as cultivating their own bloodline.

They believe that all the gifted wizards in the world are scattered pure bloods.

Recruiting husbands and wives for these wizards, or allowing them to join the family directly, will not pollute the noble pure blood, but will only reacknowledge their ancestors and return to the clan.

In their opinion, all pure-blood wizards in the world are from the same origin.

So he had already expected that the Hidos family would recruit him, especially this time they specially sent a beautiful and intellectual witch.

What he really wondered about was how the Hidos family could give him the second-level advancement method.

In the Xisheng School, only the family that truly controls the core of the Xisheng School, Xisheng, has the power to teach core knowledge about meditation methods such as wizard advancement.

The Hidos family... did not.

The beautiful witch understood his doubts and said meaningfully:

“Although contribution points cannot be transferred to each other, sometimes the tasks of the school do not necessarily need to be done by oneself.

For the school, all they need is that the task is completed. As for how it is completed, they don't care. "

"That's it." Colin suddenly understood, then shook his head politely and said:

"But I have just advanced to the first level of advanced wizard. What I need now is to consolidate myself, and I am not in a hurry to find a way to advance to the second level.

So I won’t consider changing factions for now. "

The beautiful witch nodded and didn't bother much. She knew that once people like Colin made a decision, it would be difficult to change it easily.

It’s better to try to leave a good impression now and make plans later.

However, this time, through observing the maid and combining it with previous intelligence, it can be concluded that Colin seems to prefer young girls.

It seems that next time, another person in the family will have to contact him.

Jin Yu in the school has always been the best candidate for marriage in the eyes of their pure-blood family!

The beautiful witch smoothed her hair, smiled and said goodbye:

"Then I won't disturb you anymore."

After the visitors from the Hidos family left, Colin looked at the sky and opened the gift in no hurry. After receiving the storage ring, he hurried to the center of Neustadt.

Passing through the familiar corridor, he came to Noyce's laboratory again.

Noyce was the same as last time, still standing in front of the silver high table with his back to him, writing and drawing.

The only difference was the neatly stacked tall piles of manuscript paper stacked next to him.

"Lord of Neuss." Colin walked into the laboratory and greeted him respectfully.

"Wait for me for a while. You can look around as you like, but don't touch anything." Noyce ordered lightly without raising his head, staring at the manuscript paper in his hand.

As if he thought of something, he paused his writing hand and added: "Well... except for the manuscript paper next to me, if you are bored, you can look at the manuscript paper next to me - if you can understand it.

Also, don’t tell other people about the above content, and remember to put it back neatly in order after reading it. Remember, put it away neatly! "

"Okay, Lord Neuss."

"Just call me Mr. Noyes."

"Okay." Colin nodded and walked over.

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