Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 326 Don’t deceive me sincerely

As Ocasi said, the headquarters of the True Knowledge Society is very deserted.

Relying on Ocasi's identity certificate, they walked into the castle smoothly without meeting any other wizards along the way.

It wasn't until Ocasie took him to a study room on the top floor that he met the first wizard besides them here.

"Shelley, I didn't expect you to be on duty today." O'Cassie said in surprise.

White sunlight poured into the room through the circular glass window. In front of the brown desk, a petite witch sat.

The wizard has short white hair that is like falling snow, reaching just to the chin. It is shiny and smooth, like satin. It looks completely different from the old man's white hair, more like fluffy snow.

Underneath the white hair, there is also a matching young face, with fair skin and delicate facial features. He looks about sixteen or seventeen years old at most.

She seemed to be reading just now, holding a thick book with a black cover in her hand.

"Ocasi." Seeing someone enter, Shelley subconsciously raised his head and greeted, his eyes were a little blank, and then he looked back at the thick book in his hand.

The thick and huge black book almost completely covered her face, revealing only a pair of focused blue eyes, which seemed not to care at all why they came here.

Ocasie was used to her appearance, so she took Colin to the opposite side of the desk and sat down, then knocked on the table.

"Shelley, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have brought a wizard who wants to join the True Knowledge Society, and you need to take the entrance examination."

"Is there anyone new to join?" Shelley slowly closed the book and muttered to himself, as if a running machine was switching modes.

After a while, she put the thick book next to her right hand, her eyes became clear, she looked at Ocasie and asked again:

"Are there any new wizards who want to join the True Knowledge Society?"

"Yes." O'Cassie looked slightly flustered.

Shelley glanced at her, thought for a moment, then turned to Colin, and spoke slowly and calmly:

"Your Majesty the Wizard, are you sure you want to join the True Knowledge Society?"

"Shelley!" O'Cassie shouted hurriedly.

Shelley ignored her, looked at Colin with clear blue eyes and continued:

"I don't know how Ocasi told you, but there have been no new members joining Neustadt City's True Knowledge Society for about ten years."

As soon as her words fell, Ocasi wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost, and she hurriedly defended:

"It's not that exaggerated. This is not because the pure-blood family established a research association and diverted away some of the wizards who researched knowledge."

"'s not just that." Shelley shook his head, "The number of new wizards in the True Knowledge Society has been decreasing since hundreds of years ago. Those pure-blood families established are limited to a single or several pure-blood families. The research conference has only accelerated this process."

"The fundamental reason behind it is that studying witchcraft is too dangerous."

Ocasi opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing.

Studying witchcraft, or studying knowledge, is a very dangerous thing, and it is now a consensus among all wizards.

Shelley paused and continued to explain:

"So, there are some things I need to explain to you in advance."

"First of all, after joining the True Knowledge Society, although there are indeed no restrictions, if there is no new witchcraft or knowledge output within the first two years, then you will be forcibly removed from the membership of the True Knowledge Society.

This also means that after joining the True Knowledge Society, no matter what the purpose is, you must continue to study witchcraft for at least the first two years. You should consider the risks carefully. "

“Secondly, the fact that the True Knowledge Society has basically no restrictions also means that the True Knowledge Society basically has no benefits.

All knowledge needs to be exchanged with True Knowledge Society points, and researchers at each level are only allowed to exchange for knowledge that is one level higher than their own strength. "

Shelley spoke calmly, looking at Colin with no expression on her face.

"So, how can I improve my research level?" Colin thought for a while and asked her calm gaze.

"Create ten or more new witchcrafts equal to the research level, or discover five new knowledges of the same level, or create three new witchcrafts higher than your own research level."

Shelley calmly replied that such conditions were only difficult thousands of years ago when there was no dirty talk, but now they are considered harsh.

"As long as it is 30% different, it is considered a new witchcraft. In addition, talents have withered in recent years. Even if you have not successfully advanced after two years, there are still some ways to delay withdrawal..." Ocasi subconsciously said Colin added.

Colin smiled and didn't care. He turned to the white-haired wizard in front of him and said seriously: "Thank you for your explanation. I already understand the risks, but I still plan to join the True Knowledge Society."

After all, the risk of joining the True Knowledge Society is nothing more than the risk of researching knowledge.

For him, researching knowledge has always been an experience.

As the wizard's level increased and his spirit continued to sublimate, he became more and more aware of the nature of the gold paper.

At the beginning, he thought that the knowledge brought by the golden paper breaking the limit appeared out of thin air, but that was just because his original spirit was too weak.

Now it seems that the process of breaking the limit of gold paper is more like using the existing knowledge to continuously research, and then having a flash of inspiration, successfully creating a new witchcraft.

It's just that the golden paper compressed this process into an instant, and as if it were a mandatory rule, it guaranteed its inevitable success and guaranteed that the witchcraft after breaking the limit would be better than the previous witchcraft.

Colin can't interfere with this process yet, but he can barely feel it.

But no matter what, for Colin, the witchcraft that broke through the limitations in his mind was no different from the witchcraft that he studied in person.

This also means that as long as he uses gold paper to "study" witchcraft, he will not be affected by dirty words like other people who study witchcraft.

After Colin finished speaking, surprise appeared on Ocasie's face.

Perhaps because of her guilt over her original prejudice, or perhaps for some other reason, she really hoped that Colin could become a member of the True Knowledge Society like her.

"Let's take the assessment, Shelley." O'Casey stroked her glasses and urged impatiently. Then she paused and added, "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you, Mr. Colin is still the Golden Feather of our school. genius!"

"Yeah." Shelley didn't respond. He just nodded slightly, then stretched out his hand towards Colin and said, "Please give me your creation of initiation witchcraft."

"Okay." Colin handed over the bound booklet.

The subsequent process was similar to that at the General Affairs Castle. Shelley also signed a confidentiality contract and began to carefully read the steel temperature-resistant force field that broke the limit.

Colin waited patiently.

Not long after, Shelley put down the crystal ball and the witchcraft book in his hand, "It is indeed a brand new witchcraft that has not been included in the True Knowledge Society."

Just when Colin thought it was over, Shelley picked up the book again and asked:

"I would like to ask you what was your original research idea and why you chose the form of a composite force field."

Colin was startled, but he quickly came to his senses and replied calmly:

"The Steel Temperature Resistant Force Field is actually inspired by the Steel Armor, Hope Defense Force Field, and Secondary High Temperature Resistance. I want to create a witchcraft that takes into account the advantages of both. A single force field is obviously It couldn't meet my needs, so I finally chose the form of a composite force field."

"Yes." Shelley nodded slightly, her satin-like white hair swaying slightly, and the tips of her hair brushed across her young and smooth cheeks. She thought for a moment and asked again: "The temperature-resistant structure is not a force field. How can it be responsible for it?" Are the defensive force fields integrated with each other?"

Ocasi looked at Shelley with an expression of admiration.

You know, not everyone can be on duty in this least, she can't.

If Colin was a genius in wizard cultivation, then Shelley was a genius in witchcraft research.

Even if compared, her talent in witchcraft research is even more exaggerated than Colin's talent in cultivation!

"In fact, the temperature-resistant structure is not a fusion, but more like a covering, just like covering a wooden shield with a layer of iron. Of course, it can also be said to be covering an iron shield with a layer of wood."

Colin continued to answer, feeling a little surprised.

Unlike the old inspection wizard who did not understand his own witchcraft in the General Affairs Castle before, the young looking witch in front of him has already understood his own witchcraft in this short period of time.

It’s even very in-depth!

"Can you be more specific? How are they so closely integrated?" Shelley continued to ask, with a serious face and light blue eyes staring at him closely, full of curiosity and exploration.

After touching his nose, Colin suppressed the uncomfortable feeling of being looked at and continued to answer:

"The force field is not dense and smooth..."

At this time, Ocasi could not understand the conversation between the two.

Shelley and Colin were asking and answering questions, and the distance gradually got closer. Later, she even took out two pens and a stack of manuscript paper, and started writing and drawing with Colin on the spot.

"The steel force field exhibits properties similar to steel because of its special structure..."

"The reason why Hope's defensive force field is resistant to mental attacks..."

Looking at this scene, Ocasi felt that she was out of tune and became an outsider in the study.

She felt a little frustrated, and looking at Colin and the two sitting together, she felt a little uneasy.

Fortunately, this discomfort did not last long.

After half an hour, the assessment was over.

Shelley handed the book back to Colin, paused and said seriously: "This steel temperature-resistant force field is of excellent quality among first-level lower-level witchcraft."

‘First level lower level? ’ Ocasi was a little surprised. She thought that the witchcraft Colin said he created was just some zero-level witchcraft.

After all, she knew that Colin had only become a first-level wizard a few months ago...

However, it has already been a few months. I just created a first-level low-level witchcraft. It seems that there is no need to make too much fuss. Maybe I have been researching it during the apprenticeship stage.

Just like Shelley next to her, didn't she also create first-level witchcraft during her apprenticeship?

"So I passed the assessment?" Colin smiled and took the witchcraft book in no hurry.

"Passed." Shelley nodded vigorously and seriously, her chin-length white hair swaying, and continued to push the book forward with her white hands, signaling Colin to take it back.

Colin shook his head, held down a corner of the booklet, and pushed the book back, "Can this witchcraft be counted as one of the witchcrafts that improve the research level?"

Shelley shook his head.

"Can that be used to redeem Shinchikai points?"


"If I can come up with three first-level witchcrafts that I created right now, can I be promoted from a zero-level researcher to a first-level researcher?"


After hearing his satisfactory answer, Colin no longer hesitated, picked up the paper and pen provided by Shelley just now, and began to write quickly.

The first-order knight's speed made him write as fast as a printer, and large blocks of text quickly spread out on the white manuscript paper.

Shelley's calm expression gradually became turbulent. Ocasie beside her had adjusted her glasses several times, but she still couldn't hide the shock on her face!

There are also three first-level witchcrafts?

Colin has only been a first-level wizard for a few months, but how could he have already created three doors... No! Four first-level witchcraft? !

But not long after, Colin had written down the remaining three witchcrafts silently, and the facts were already in front of him.

Ocasi had to accept it and complained angrily in her heart.

Thinking about it now, I hope that Colin will join the True Knowledge Society. Maybe he also has the idea of ​​regaining face in what he is good at?

O'Casey was a little glad that she didn't tell Colin in advance whether he wanted to help with the study of witchcraft, or that she had an idea about witchcraft that she could provide him with... or something like that.

Otherwise, I would be embarrassed and want to crawl into the cracks of the ground now.

...I have to admit that although being a first-level researcher of the True Knowledge Society already represents her excellent talent in witchcraft.

But compared to the two perverts in front of him, the gap is still too far.

The next step was the same process as before. After Shelley signed the contract, he checked and inquired carefully.

After a long time, she ended her discussion with Colin, looked at him and said calmly:

"Congratulations on your promotion to first-level researcher."

With that said, she wanted to hand the witchcraft book to Colin again.

Promotion to the research level does not mean that the witchcraft created must be handed over to the True Knowledge Society, but just like the entrance examination, as long as it is confirmed to be a new witchcraft and created by oneself.

But Colin waved his hand again and asked: "I want to know how many points can be exchanged for these witchcrafts in total."

Shelley thought for a moment and said: "About eight hundred, the details need to be further identified."

Colin nodded and asked again: "I would like to know how many points are generally required to redeem knowledge in the True Knowledge Society, such as first-level witchcraft, meditation, etc."

Shelley paused, took out a crystal from the desk drawer, and handed it to Colin: "As a first-level researcher, you can use this crystal to check the exchange price of all knowledge at the second level and below."

Taking the crystal, without saying much, Colin quickly sunk his mind into it. After a moment, he used the search function to find the second stage of the Tin Saint Meditation Method in the vast knowledge base.

He focused his thoughts on the characters behind the Xisheng Meditation Method (Second Stage)——

【1000 points. 】

After seeing it clearly, Colin suddenly felt a sense of surprise in his heart!

Congressman Noyce, don’t lie to me!

It is indeed much more cost-effective to redeem the Xisheng Meditation Method (Level 2) at the True Knowledge Society!

Just four witchcrafts can already be exchanged for more than 800 points, which is only a little short of the Xisheng Meditation Method (Level 2)!

You must know that the old wizard at the General Affairs Castle previously gave only 300 contribution points for the steel temperature-resistant force field, but the contribution points required to redeem the Tin Saint Meditation Method at the school were a full 10,000!

The gap between the two has become so large that it is somewhat unreasonable.

However, considering the difficulty of joining the True Knowledge Society, it doesn't seem to be unacceptable if you think about it carefully.

In fact, what he was more confused about was——

How did this so-called Society of True Knowledge wrest so much power from those schools of thought?

Based on his current understanding of this question, he is destined to have no answer.

So Colin put it aside. After all, he was not very curious... There are some things where the more you know, the better.

"How can I redeem the knowledge in it?" he continued.

"Go to the big crystal on the underground floor!" Ocasi finally found something she could interrupt and said quickly.

Shelley nodded, holding the thick black book, and slowly stood up.

If she wasn't wearing a black witch robe, just looking at her holding books, she looked like a high school girl in her previous life, with a calm and bookish temperament.

Shelley walked towards the door and said, "Follow me. You have to get the identity badge of a first-level researcher before you can record and use points."

"Okay." Colin nodded, followed Shelley with Ocasie, and walked out.

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