Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 327 Consideration

Under her leadership, the three of them arrived at the top of the castle.

Walking up the stairs, you will see a small front desk, with deep corridors to the left and right, connecting about seven or eight rooms.

"Wait for me here for a moment." Shelley said softly, then turned and walked into a room at the far end of the corridor.

Colin looked at her retreating back and suddenly thought of something. He turned to Ocasie behind him and asked:

"Ocasi, do I join the True Knowledge Society just like this? Don't I need to be reviewed by other members?"

"No need." O'Cassie shook her head, "If another researcher is on duty today, another person may be needed to review, but Shelley is a third-level researcher, and she has such authority."

Colin raised his eyebrows slightly, then nodded.

If Shelley's real age is similar to what her appearance suggests, then she is undoubtedly a super genius, at least in terms of witchcraft.

I just don’t know what the strength is...should it be level one or level two?

It shouldn't be the third level anyway.

The third level is a hurdle. As long as you reach the third level, you can be called a high-level wizard. If you don't hide it deliberately, you can feel it directly from the outside.

As for first-level and second-level wizards, it is not easy to distinguish them without using their mental power or detection methods.

They didn't have to wait long before Shelley returned with a brass badge in the form of a book.

"Here, enter the spiritual and magic binding at the same time."

Colin took the badge and did as he was told.

Like the school badges and the brass badges of the True Knowledge Society, the binding process is basically the same.

Although simple, it is extremely reliable.

Everyone's spirit has unique fluctuations, and so does the magic power. The two are combined as the basis for judgment, making it extremely difficult to disguise.

After binding the True Knowledge Society badge, Shelley took him to the front desk next to him.

"Are you sure you want to exchange these witchcraft skills for Zhenzhihui points?" Shelley confirmed.

"Yes." Colin nodded, thought for a while and then said: "Colin Leonard, just call me Colin."

"Shelley Anastasia." Shelley replied lightly and then began to carefully estimate the specific points value of the four first-level witchcraft in his hand.

This process didn't last long. It took more than three hours before Shelley finished comparing a series of regulations one by one.

Of course, the reason it took so long was because Colin came up with a new first-level witchcraft in the middle.

O'Casey was already numb to this. She found a chair and sat down with a normal expression. She adjusted her glasses quietly, took out the topic she had recently studied and started reading.

Due to instructor Jonah's instructions and out of politeness, she had no intention of leaving first.

Even though she wanted to do it.

The total points redeemed for the last five witchcrafts are 1040 points.

Seeing Shelley record it into the True Knowledge Society badge, Colin let out a breath, feeling a surge of anticipation in his heart.

The second-level cultivation method is always solved!

The official name of the large crystal on the underground floor is actually the Library of True Knowledge.

However, it is not wrong to call it a large crystal. After all, from the appearance, the True Knowledge Library looks like a spindle-shaped amethyst standing in a special device on the ground.

Under the dim purple light, Colin quickly retrieved the Tin Saint Meditation Method (second stage) as before in the study, and after signing the contract, he chose to redeem it without hesitation!

According to what Shelley said, he let go of his spirit, and the purple light suddenly poured into the center of his eyebrows like running water, condensing illusory crystals between his eyebrows.

This is the second stage of the Xisheng meditation method. You can read it by contacting it with your spiritual power until the crystal disappears completely.

After redeeming the meditation method, Colin did not rush to quit, but continued to check what the remaining 40 points could be exchanged for.

However, after looking around, I found that basically what can be redeemed is knowledge below the first level, or some very popular first-level witchcraft, such as exploding fireballs, etc.

The points of the True Knowledge Society are precious, and it is naturally not cost-effective to redeem them for this knowledge.

This time it seemed easy to get thousands of points, but behind it was at least half a year of hard work.

Colin thought for a moment, disconnected the spiritual link, turned around and walked outside.

Shelley at the door saw him coming out and waved his hand to close the secret room door.

"Do you have any other needs? Colin...Your Excellency." As if he was not used to it, Shelley paused when calling his name.

"No, thank you." Colin replied politely.

Shelley said nothing more, nodded, and walked upstairs with the thick black book in his arms.

Colin didn't care at all. He could see that Shelley was obviously the type of person who didn't like to socialize.

"Thank you too, O'Cassie, for bringing me to join the True Knowledge Society." He turned back and continued to thank O'Cassie.

This was a sincere thank you. Now he really didn't care much about the witch's previous prejudice against him.

"'re welcome." Ocasie was startled for a moment, then smoothed her hair beside her ears and said softly.

"Where else are you planning to go next, Sir Colin?"

O'Casey asked, walking side by side towards the ground.

"Well... I plan to go to the mentor's place." Colin paused and replied.

"Does your mentor live in the school?"


Ocasi nodded, she also wanted to go back to the school, so it was a good idea.

The two walked out of the Zhenzhihui station, and Colin glanced back subconsciously.

The gray-black old castle, rough trails, dilapidated and dry pools... Although the Shinchikai is indeed very strong in terms of experience, this picture really doesn't sell well.

If the doors and windows were not in good condition, and there were no major broken or dirty parts, he would have thought that this place was an abandoned building.

Hmm... there's also a white-haired witch inside.

"Is there only one person on duty from the Zhenzhihui?" Colin thought for a while and asked aloud.

"Not necessarily." Ocasi shook her head, "It mainly depends on whether anyone comes here to do experiments."

"Today, it looks like there shouldn't be any."

"Is there a laboratory here?" Colin asked doubtfully.

"In fact, the two auxiliary forts on the left and right are laboratories and can be rented based on the corresponding research level."

"The laboratory levels increase from top to bottom. There are a total of twelve first-level laboratories, six second-level laboratories, and two third-level laboratories... Well, there is also a fourth-level standard laboratory underground."

Colin was a little stunned. A first- and second-order laboratory was nothing, but a fourth-order standard laboratory!

What does a Level 4 laboratory mean?

Not to mention the precious auxiliary research tools that should be equipped in it, as far as the internal defense is concerned, it must be able to withstand at least a fourth-level attack!

The True Knowledge Society really cannot be judged by its appearance!

However, what Ocasi said the next second quickly shattered the excitement in his heart.

"It's just that most of these laboratories have lost their proper functions due to their age and disrepair. The higher the level, the more so."

"The tools in the third- and fourth-level laboratories are basically unusable. There are only two intact second-level laboratories left. The first-level laboratories are better, but only half of them are left."

No wonder no wizards turned out to be basically broken.

Colin was a little speechless, but to him, it didn't make much difference whether these laboratories were good or bad.

The way he studies witchcraft is different from ordinary people.

But soon, as if thinking of something, Colin asked again:

"What is the specific price for renting a laboratory? Do I need to use points?"

If you want to rent it with points, it is really not cost-effective, but if you can rent it with magic stones and the price is more reasonable, it will be of great use to you!

With the gold paper, he wanted to improve the level of witchcraft or create new witchcraft without spending a lot of energy to understand the principles of calculation like a normal wizard.

The only thing he needs to do is practice, practice with all his strength.

Other witchcraft are okay, but if you want to practice attack witchcraft, you have to practice it with all your strength.

With the improvement of strength, the requirements for the practice environment are also getting higher and higher.

Although the basement of the residence has been strengthened, every time the witchcraft is cast, the power is carefully focused on the target.

But with his current strength, even if it is just some aftermath, the basement is gradually unable to bear it.

If you don’t want to waste a lot of time going out of the city to find a secluded wasteland to practice every day, then it is urgent to find a reliable practice venue in Neustadt.

After all, outside the city of Neustadt is the Kingdom of Neustadt. If you really want to find a hidden and uninhabited wasteland, you will have to fly for at least half a day.

Now it seems that the True Knowledge Society's laboratory seems to be a good choice. Close to home...and quiet and private.

There must be more practice venues for wizards in the school or other outside schools than here.

"Both points and magic stones are fine." Ocasi replied, "The price is very cheap, usually monthly rent. For a first-level laboratory, the best one has 150 magic stones per month, and the lowest one has 150 magic stones per month. Hundred magic stones.

Those scrapped laboratories can also be rented, which is very good for testing the power of witchcraft. You can rent them on a per-time basis for 2 magic stones each time. If you pay a monthly subscription, it will be 50 magic stones. "

The price is not bad, Colin nodded slightly.

If you want to be more secluded, you may be able to rent it intermittently, and occasionally rent the scrapped ones for a few days, which can also reduce some expenses.

It's already past four in the afternoon.

The weather was a bit gloomy. The warm sunshine at noon suddenly disappeared after a few hours. Thick clouds covered the blue sky, as if snow had piled up in the sky.

Ocasie and Colin walked side by side. Although they were side by side, there was at least one meter between them.

After all, it’s not very familiar.

After the previous topic ended, the atmosphere became a little awkward again. Ocasie adjusted her glasses, thought for a while and asked:

"Sir Colin, are you from Neustadt?"

"No, I come from a small island in the southern sea... Well, from a small kingdom in the south of the Siya continent. When I was a child, I was taken to a small island by a wizard from the southern sea and became a wizard's apprentice.

Later, the island was destroyed by the gods, so it moved to the Siya continent..."

Ocasi was startled for a moment. She thought that Colin would have nothing to surprise her.

But Colin actually had such a fantastic experience. He was born in a small kingdom without wizards?

"...That must be very difficult." After a long silence, Ocasi murmured.


"?!" Ocasie pursed her lips and decided to remain silent, no longer trying to ease the silent atmosphere.

But the relationship between people is so wonderful.

When she stopped trying to ease the awkward atmosphere, Ocasie gradually discovered that there seemed to be no awkward atmosphere at all.

The two walked the rest of the way quietly and parted ways at the gate of the school.

Ocasi returned to Black Castle, while Colin came to Atbold's residence.

A building has already risen on the ruins of the original villa.

But compared with the previous villas, this new building seems a bit crude.

It is just a single-story wooden house and does not occupy a large area.

However, when Colin walked in, he realized that the space inside the wooden house was larger than he had imagined.

At least it still divides the living room and study room, and there are several other rooms in addition.

Atbold knew it when he entered.

Following Nado's instructions, Colin walked through the living room and came to the study.

Pushing open the thick wooden door, you will see the same furnishings as before.

The thick brown desk, the huge force field floor-to-ceiling window, and the tall bookshelf on the left.

Everything seems to be the same as the study room on the second floor of the original villa...except for the view outside the window.

Through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows of the force field, a patch of swaying flowers came into view in the vast snow.

In a special protective cover, they avoid the fate of withering, and they are still blooming brilliantly in this ice and snow.

"Good afternoon, mentor." Looking back, Colin greeted Atbold who was sitting behind the desk.

"Good afternoon, Colin, do you need me for anything?" Atbald said with a gentle smile.

"Yes." Colin nodded, "I want to ask the instructor some questions about advancing to the second level."

Altbold's expression did not change, and he patiently answered Colin's questions in detail.

He didn't think that Colin was about to advance to the second level, he just thought it was an ordinary inquiry.

After all, Colin has not been an official wizard for a long time, and his understanding of second-level wizards is obviously limited.

About an hour later, the sun set in the west and the sky gradually dimmed.

The conversation between the two was basically over.

Sitting on the chair, Colin was thoughtful, and he benefited a lot from the conversation.

As a second-level wizard, Atbold can give him practical demonstrations in many places, which is more vivid than the knowledge in books.

"Did you get the Golden Feather nameplate?" Atbold suddenly asked.

"I got it, I just got it today." Colin came to his senses, took out his golden feather nameplate, and pretended to hand it to Atbold.

Atbold waved his hand and stared at the Golden Feather nameplate with reminiscence in his eyes.

He looked at Colin, and the figure of the student in front of him gradually blurred, seeming to overlap with his son who died young.

"Teacher Atbold, it's getting late, so I should go back first?" Colin asked aloud.

Atbold came back to his senses, was startled, nodded and said:

"Well, you can go back. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time."

"Okay, goodbye, mentor."

Colin slowly stood up and walked towards the door.


However, as soon as he reached the door, Atbold suddenly stopped him again.

"After you obtain the Golden Feather Nameplate, countless factions in the school will offer you olive branches. If you have someone you like... I hope you don't care about me or Lilian.

With your talent, I'm afraid you'll be able to advance to the level of a second-level wizard in a few years. By then, I won't be able to help you much with your wizard practice. "

"And there are more benefits to being a big faction. At least... you don't have to worry about meeting the next Hitos family."

"No matter how much struggle there is in the school, it is still an internal struggle. As long as you are not backed by a small force, Jin Yu will be your talisman, so there is no need to worry too much..."

Perhaps in order to make up for his past regrets, Atbold talked a lot.

Colin didn't say much, just listened silently. After a long time, he nodded and said slowly:

"I will consider it, Mentor Atbold."

The wooden door slowly closed, and Colin stepped out of Atbold's residence. It was already dark outside.

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