Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 341 Strange changes

True Knowledge Castle, in the second-level laboratory.

All the visions had disappeared, leaving only Colin sitting quietly at the silver experimental table.

He looked calm and did not get up in a hurry. He did not even check his new talent. He just felt himself quietly.

Before advancing, whether it was from the relevant knowledge or the words of mentor Atbold, what Colin was most looking forward to was the second talent he would get at the second level.

This is also the biggest difference recognized by the public between first-order and second-order wizards.

However, when Colin experienced it firsthand and truly advanced to the second level, he suddenly realized that it was different.

Obtaining a new true talent is certainly the biggest change.

But at this moment, Colin, who had just broken through the limit, was the first to feel the changes in his soul!

In the past apprenticeship, the soul was just a mist, with no shape.

Even after he advanced to a first-level wizard, he only had a vague shape.

But now, the vague shape gradually became clearer in the golden light overflowing from the spiritual sea.

However, this is not what surprises Colin. After all, after advancing to the second level wizard, the outline of the soul will become clear, with a rough human shape.

What surprised him most was that the little bits of golden light that were supposed to gradually disappear after the spiritual outer wall was restored to stability, showed no signs of disappearing at this time!

There is a new power that comes from nowhere. At the moment when it is about to decline, it surges into it, once again giving birth to an almost continuous stream of golden light, which continues to nourish the soul.

Not long after, under a steady stream of golden light.

The soul that was originally supposed to have only a clear outline now looks almost the same as a real person, except for the subtleties that are a bit fuzzy!

And the ambiguities above are quickly becoming clear.

Colin concentrated his attention, and while the mysterious power had not dissipated, he followed the direction in which it came.

After a moment, he opened his eyes in surprise!

The source of that power comes from the lower abdomen, or rather - from the body.

At some point, the green gold fighting energy in his body started to move spontaneously.

They dispersed from the lower abdomen into countless thin streams of lapis lazuli, quickly circulated through the body, and then met at the center of the eyebrows.

Then, a mist of light that is different from magic, fighting spirit, and blood, but born out of the body, envelopes the soul, nourishing the little golden light, growing and strengthening the soul.

The whole process is a long story, but in reality it only lasted a few minutes.

When Colin's soul became completely clear, leaving only a faint sense of illusion, Dou Qi also stopped moving spontaneously.

Colin sat cross-legged quietly, with a look of shock on his face.

This sudden change made him feel a little confused.

If it weren't for the genuine improvement in spirit and magic power after breaking the limit, I wouldn't feel the slightest bit uncomfortable.

He would think that he had failed to break the limit.

After feeling it carefully again, he confirmed that there was indeed nothing wrong with his body and that there was indeed nothing wrong with his soul.

But Colin was still worried, and subconsciously summoned the gold paper.

The gold paper was summoned as usual.

In the top wizard level column, black characters clearly say - [Wizard Level: Second Level Junior Wizard (0/100)]

Seeing this, Colin felt relieved.

Although this is indeed a change, it seems to be at least a good change now.

He clearly felt that his now completely clear soul was more than one point stronger than the previous soul that only had a clear outline.

Nothing pleases a wizard more than having his soul strengthened.

As for the special energy that comes from fighting spirit, Colin has never seen anything similar in any wizard books or crystals.

Not even a similar concept has appeared.

The essence of wizard training is the continuous sublimation of the spirit... This is something Colin has understood since he came to this world.

But that mysterious energy obviously comes from the physical body and has nothing to do with the spirit.

Colin didn't know if he was the only first-order knight in the world.

But at least among his side and the knowledge he has learned, no other knights of the first level or higher have been found.

If he is really the only first-order knight in the world, that mysterious energy may only appear in his body.

Colin's brows suddenly frowned, and he secretly raised the importance of the Knight's Breathing Technique a few levels higher.

If it simply improves physical strength, then the Knight's Breathing Technique is not a precious thing.

After all, this is a world ruled by wizards.

But now the knight's power can actually strengthen the wizard's most important soul, which is also the core of power...

When his thoughts reached this point, Colin suddenly had a thought in his mind and carefully felt the fighting spirit in his lower abdomen.

After a while, he was surprised to find that not only had his soul been strengthened during the process, but his fighting spirit also seemed to have been greatly improved.

Because I had suspended my knight training for a period of time before, before I advanced to the second-level wizard just now, my progress in the knight column was only 3/100.

But now it has become 5/100, an increase of 2 points.

At this moment, what popped into Colin's mind was not the knowledge of wizards or knights learned in this world.

It is a concept often heard in previous lives, the dual cultivation of life and life.

Sex refers to the spirit, and life refers to the body.

Of course, this world is a world with real extraordinary power, and the knowledge from previous lives may not be correct.

But this word couldn't be more appropriate to describe the changes Colin was feeling now.

The essence of wizard training lies in the continuous sublimation of the spirit... But now it seems that the improvement of the physical body is also helpful to the spiritual progress, and vice versa.

The mind and body seem to complement each other and promote each other.

But this point was not shown at all before he advanced to the second-level wizard and the first-level knight. It was not recorded in the classics, and he was not aware of it at all.

There is no unnecessary sound in the silver and tidy laboratory, and it is extremely quiet.

Colin let out a soft breath and looked down at his raised palm.

In the dark, he realized that he seemed to have embarked on a path that deviated somewhat from the orthodox wizard path in this world...or perhaps it was a deserted wilderness.

The road ahead is unknown.

Maybe there are thorns, maybe there are cliffs.

Colin stood up slowly, but he was not ready to change.

Anyway, according to the current situation, there is no conflict between the training of knights and the training of wizards, and they can completely take care of both.

Moreover, the effect of taking both into account now is also good.

Colin had no reason to change, not to mention... he still had gold paper.

He stood up, took out his pocket watch and took a look. Unknowingly, eight hours had passed since he came to break the limit!

Snap, buckle the pocket watch, and Colin was about to leave the laboratory.

However, before taking two steps, he patted his head——

I almost forgot to pick the new fruit of true talent.

Closing his eyes, Colin focused his energy on the new fruit he touched at the top of the talent tree, planning to leave after digesting the talent.

However, what he didn't expect was that another two hours would pass after this digestion.

Two hours later, Colin opened his eyes and summoned the gold paper.

His eyes quickly moved down, finally stopping on the newly added characters in the real talent column.

[True Talent: Strong Life (0/100)]

Yes, the originally ordinary physical talent has been upgraded to a real talent after this advancement, and the subsequent progress has also been reset.

As for the biggest difference from before, in addition to the enhanced self-healing ability, it is now also possible to restore the damage to the soul.

From the time he came to this world to now, strictly speaking, Colin has never suffered any mental injury.

But some of the old wounds suffered by Mentor Altbould were mental injuries.

It is precisely this part of the damage that ultimately leads to the injury being out of control and only becoming more and more serious.

However, potions, witchcraft and even witchcraft tools that can treat mental injuries are extremely rare on the market.

Putting the gold paper away, Colin nodded with satisfaction.

You can never have too much to save your life at any time.

Next, while he was still in the second-level laboratory, Colin tested the witchcraft he had mastered one by one.

He was delighted with the end result.

It can only be said that the improvement that the soul can bring to the wizard after being strengthened is still underestimated.

It can be said that although he has only entered the second level now, he only casts the second level lower summon fire element.

But in fact, the power displayed has almost touched the edge of the second-level intermediate level!

It is equivalent to a constant witchcraft power increase buff!

If the fireball technique in hand can be broken down into a second-level witchcraft by then, and it can be used as a casting material to summon the fire element, it will probably directly reach the power of the second-level intermediate level!

There is also the steel defensive force field, which is an excellent witchcraft that has been broken down to the second-level lower level. Now it is being used... Colin can only say that most of the second-level lower level witchcraft can't break his own defense!

After doing this, it was already around ten o'clock in the evening, Colin left the True Knowledge Society and returned home.

The next day.

The sky is bright and clear, and it can be seen from the sparse clouds that it is another good weather today.

"Naxi, please stay at home. I will be back within three months at the latest, and it may not take more than half a month at the earliest."

On Lieu Saint Street, Colin stood in front of his house, saying goodbye softly to the elf who looked reluctant to leave.

"...Okay, good Colin, you must remember to come back early." Naxi flew to his left cheek and hugged him hard, and said slowly.

"I will." Colin nodded seriously, turned around and told Renee:

"If you encounter any problems, don't hesitate to contact my mentor Atbold directly through the crystal left for you. He will help you."

"I know, Master." Renee nodded heavily, with reluctance in her eyes.

She paused, then suddenly stepped forward to hug Colin, and it was just a matter of touch.

"Have a good journey, Master." Renee said silently, her cheeks slightly red.

Seeing this, Demi also came over and hugged his thigh, raised her head and blessed: "Master, have a good journey."

"Yeah." Colin smiled and rubbed Demi's head.

"By the way, remember not to give too many sugar gems to Naxi at one time."

After Colin whispered another instruction to Renee, he took a breath and turned around to leave.

However, before leaving Neustadt, Colin first came to Attbold's residence.

In the study.

"Are you leaving today?" Atbold asked.

"Yes." Colin nodded, paused and then said: "Teacher, there is something I have always wanted to ask - why can't I see the third level of the Xisheng Meditation Method in the exchange list in the General Affairs Building? stage?"

"Is it because the authority is not enough, or do you need to go through other channels if you want to redeem the third-level Xisheng meditation method?"

Now that we have reached the second level, it is time to make early plans for the third level. This time I came to say goodbye to my mentor, and it was a good time to ask.

Atbold shook his head and replied: "It's just that the authority is not enough. When you advance to the second level, you can see the third-level Tin Saint Meditation Method in the redemption list.

Well, if I remember correctly, the required school contribution points are one million. "

"Just need to contribute?"

"Yes, just contribution points," Altbold replied.

Colin felt a little relieved. Although one million contribution points were a lot, as long as there were no other conditions attached, he could redeem them sooner or later as long as he was willing to take the time.

It's just... he's a little worried about those pure-blood families.

Atbold looked at Colin's calm face and seemed to notice something. He paused and continued: "Since you have not joined the faction, I guess you may have felt the pressure exerted by the pure-blood family."

"But the Xisheng School is a school after all, so there is no need to worry about exchanging witchcraft or meditation methods."

Atbold smiled and said, "You must know that you are Jin Yu."

Colin was silent for a moment and nodded slowly: "I understand, mentor."

As if to completely dispel Colin's concerns, Atbold continued,

"Since you have chosen not to join any faction, it is natural that those factions will put pressure on you...but that's all. You are always a member of the school and a Jinyu.

Unless those pure-blood families are crazy or have a personal grudge against you, they won't do anything to you - of course, except for mandatory tasks like these, which are within the rules and you can only get used to them. "

Altbald smiled, "Maybe this is the price of freedom."

The Rudolf family has been in the Xisheng School for thousands of years. Although it has declined a lot in the past few hundred years, he has a clear understanding of the rules of the school.

This also gave Colin peace of mind.

"I understand, thank you, mentor."

"Well, go do the mission. With your strength, you should be able to solve the mandatory mission of ordinary first-level wizards. But you still have to pay attention to safety and return safely." Atbold finally gave instructions.

"I will." Colin nodded, said goodbye and left.

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