Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 342 The Far North


White light flashed on the silver teleportation array, and dozens of wizards suddenly emerged.

‘The city of Kalalli has arrived. ’ Colin walked down from the teleportation array, walked out of the teleportation office, and breathed out gently. White mist formed, clearly visible in the air.

Turning around and looking around, all I could see was a vast expanse of white.

Thick snow covers the streets, and the undulating roofs are all white.

People on the street were wrapped in heavy coats, wearing various cotton hats and gloves, with almost no skin exposed.

Many of them wear special snow boots with wide soles to prevent themselves from sinking into the snow and to walk faster.

It's much colder here than Neustadt.

This city called Kalalli, like the city of Neustadt, is also a wizard city located in the center of the kingdom, but it does not belong to the nine wizard cities.

The geographical location is in the far north of Neustadt City, and the overall area is much smaller, only about one-twentieth of Neustadt City.

This is also Colin's first stopover on this trip.

"Go to Gubei Village to eliminate the incoming first-order ice and snow monsters."

The Gubei Village mentioned in the school's mandatory mission is almost located at the northernmost tip of the Siya continent. It can be said to be the northernmost village and town on the Siya continent.

It's a long way from Neustadt.

But fortunately, there is a teleportation array, which saves a lot of effort.

In fact, it has only been a few minutes since Colin left the city of Neustadt, but in terms of distance, he has actually walked a full two-thirds of the way.

However, going forward, it is not so relaxed and pleasant.

According to Colin's estimation, it would take at least half a day to get to Gubei Village.

If Gubei Village is the northernmost inhabited place on the Siya continent, then Kalalli City is the northernmost wizard city.

Further forward, there are only some small gatherings of wizards, usually three or two schools that rely on the existence of the kingdom.

Those places can support the existence of the teleportation array.

So Colin needs to find a way to get there on his own.

Due to the harsh climate, there are no fixed modes of transportation such as airships further north, only some caravans will travel back and forth from time to time.

An ordinary wizard apprentice would probably have to wait for the caravan to move together.

But for Colin, who is a second-level wizard, there is no need to be so troublesome.

He found the sign on the street, briefly determined the direction, and then walked non-stop towards the North City Gate, intending to fly directly to Gubei Village in one go.

The required arrival time for the school mission is two days, which means that they must arrive at Gubei Village by tomorrow at the latest, otherwise the mission will be considered a failure.

Such a requirement is not harsh. After all, at the speed of a normal first-level wizard, he can reach Gubei Village this evening if he is fast, let alone Colin, who is a second-level wizard.

It stands to reason that Colin does not need to be in such a hurry and can take a walk around Kalalli City.

However, there were long nights and many dreams. After all, this mission was a long way away. He didn't plan to delay, so it would be better to arrive early.

You must know that if the mission fails, in addition to deducting the school's contribution points, he will also have to complete two mandatory missions as compensation.

However, if you succeed, you will also receive a reward of 200 school contribution points and 8,000 magic stones.

Eight thousand magic stones are just an added bonus for Colin now, but two hundred contribution points are not a small amount in a first-level wizard difficulty mission.

Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the contribution points required by the third-level meditation method, at least it is not a waste of time.

Along the way, Colin put on a full black cotton hat like a pedestrian on the road, and then wrapped his face with a scarf, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

Although he felt somewhat reassured after listening to Mentor Atbold's words, he still had to be cautious.

This forced mission had a strange aura inside and out, and Colin was a little worried that the pure-blood family would secretly stumble upon it.

As he walked along, he soon arrived at the north gate of Kalalli.

The black city gate made of fine iron is tall and majestic, but it is tightly closed, as is the smaller side door next to it.

There are four guards wearing special blue armor standing guard at the door.

Colin's heart sank slightly, and he pondered for a moment before preparing to step forward to ask about the situation.

"Are you leaving the city?" The leading guard came over and asked politely.

Colin was alone in front of him, walking vigorously. Besides, only wizards could go out of the city alone in this cold season, so the guards did not dare to be disrespectful.

"Yes." Colin nodded slightly.

"Okay, please show me your pass, and we will open the city gate for you." The guard continued to say respectfully,

Colin felt slightly relieved and reached out to take out the school badge.

The emblem of the wizarding school ranked first among the nine wizarding cities can be used as a pass in almost all wizarding cities in the Siya continent.

The Xisheng School is naturally one of them.

However, at this moment, Colin suddenly frowned and turned his head to look behind him.

But there were only gray houses covered with snow and a few ordinary pedestrians in coats in the field of vision.

"What's the matter, sir?" the guard asked hurriedly.

"Nothing..." Colin slowly looked back, shook his head and handed the badge to the guard.

The guard quickly checked the badge, then quickly called his companions to open the side door, and Colin stepped out with a calm expression.

In the shadows behind a house.

"Let's go, follow the target, we have been guarding it for several days." Barr said to his companion Gener next to him, "If you create some trouble for this Golden Feather and make him fail the mission, then quickly return to Neustadt City. This city of Kalalli is really not interesting.”

"Yeah." Gena nodded and prepared to walk forward.

"I don't know what Jin Yu is thinking... he doesn't plan to join the faction."

"I heard that he doesn't have a relationship with Black Castle?" Genna said suddenly out of curiosity.

"Who knows, anyway, our family asked me to handle it as usual. As before, don't worry too much. Isn't that what your Hidos family also requires?"

Barr didn't care. He just wanted to complete the task quickly and then return to Neustadt City.

"That's right...You have to let this young Jin Yu suffer a little before he knows what the right path is." Gena nodded and didn't think any more.

After all, the unspoken rules in the school have always been like this. This is what everyone has agreed upon, without exception.

"Not necessarily. If he is unwilling to join, there will be nothing we can do about it then.

After all, it was Jin Yu, and the family would only try this method a few times at most. "

Barr shook his head, but he didn't think it would necessarily be the case. "You know, this kind of thing has never happened before."

"This is none of our business." Gena shook his head and walked forward with concentration.

However, the next second, the two stopped together.

"Joyce, why are you here?" Genna raised his head and stared at the wizard who suddenly appeared in front of him in confusion.

"...Is this also a member of your Hidos family?" Barr glanced at Joyce who was standing in front of him, a little confused, and then urged:

"Gner, we are on a mission and there is no extra time to catch up on old times."

Gena nodded and continued to walk forward while saying to Joyce in front of him: "Sorry, Joyce, we are in a hurry. We will talk about it next time."

However, the next moment, Joyce stretched out his hand to stop them.

"Gner, how is my relationship with you?" He asked slowly and expressionlessly.

"...Of course we are friends." Genna paused and said politely with a somewhat confused smile.

"Then you stay here, do nothing, and just treat it as a failure to intercept Colin."

"Your Excellency, what do you mean by this?" The smile on Balke's face gradually disappeared and he asked coldly.

Gener also slowly frowned, but he didn't wonder why Joyce knew the contents of their mission.

After all, Joyce is also a second-level wizard, and he still has some connections in the family, so it is easy to find out.

It's just that although he and Joyce are from the same family, their relationship can only be described as acquaintance at best, and what they just said was just polite.

Why is this Joyce so rude?

Thinking of this, Gena's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered something - not long ago, that Jin Yu seemed to have killed a second-level idiot in the family as a first-level person...

In fact, this is also the reason why two of their second-level wizards were sent to intercept Colin this time.

If I remember correctly, that fool's name was Aki, and the Joyce in front of him seemed to be his uncle?

Gena had a vague suspicion in his mind, but he thought it was impossible. He was a Jin Yu.

So he was silent for a moment and said patiently:

"Joyce, if I don't succeed in stopping Colin this time and causing his mission to fail, the family will deduct my resources for two months."

"I'm afraid the same is true for my friend from the Harold family... I don't think our relationship has reached this point yet.

Besides, even if I am willing to sell you this favor, what about the friends around me? "

Joyce remained silent and did not answer, but motioned for Gener to come forward.

Genna leaned closer in confusion, and Joyce whispered in his ear.

The latter's eyes kept flickering along with Joyce's words, and his expression changed again and again...shocked, hesitant, and greedy.

Caralli, outside the north city gate.

The white snow is vast.

In the bad weather, few people were outside. Looking around, all they saw was an empty snowfield.

Snowflakes fall quietly, making the scene even more desolate.

In this way, about two hours passed.

A section of snow suddenly twisted, revealing the figure of a wizard.

Colin raised his head and frowned at the tall and majestic north gate of Kalalli City not far away.

The black city gate has been closed since he came out and has never been opened again.

This means that no one will come out again.

But the gaze I felt in the city at that time... was definitely not an illusion.

Colin was silent for a moment, silently raising his guard in his heart, covering his figure again, and activated his magic to fly forward.

I still have a mission. If I can't arrive at the mission location on time, it will be considered a mission failure.

The rest of the journey went smoothly without any further surprises.

They also passed many kingdoms and gathering places for wizards along the way, but Colin did not stop at any of them. Instead, stay away from them, bypass them and go straight to your destination.

Finally, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, Colin arrived at Gubei Camp.

This is the reporting location given in the school quest.

The camp was built on a low ice and snow hill. The power of witchcraft hollowed out the entire inside of the hill, where the wizard was stationed.

In front of the small black iron door, a senior wizard apprentice came out to receive him.

This male apprentice is about thirty years old, with some wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He wears a thick black cotton hat on his head, with some brown hair exposed at the temples, and his face is silent and dull.

He looks like a middle-aged man who is not good at words.

Colin looked him up and down, and his eyes suddenly stopped on the man's chest. He looked at the familiar school badge and asked in surprise:

"Are you also a member of the Xisheng School?"

‘Yes, my lord, you can call me Dempsey. ’ Dempsey nodded, his voice a little hard, as if he hadn’t spoken to anyone for a long time.

He paused and explained a little more: "I took over the mission of the school and stayed here for half a year."

"My name is Colin." Colin responded.

He was a little surprised. He paused for a moment and then subconsciously asked: "Why does the school still have a stronghold here?"

When he first arrived, he was a little surprised to see such a wizard stronghold here.

Because in the last hour of the nearly six-hour flight, the concentration of magic energy in the surrounding environment dropped to a level that could be called thin.

It's a bit difficult for an apprentice to practice here, let alone a formal wizard like him. If he wants to practice, he must use magic stones to assist him.

Once the magic power in the body is completely consumed, it will take at least half a day to recover it just by absorbing the magic energy in the environment.

By the last half hour or so of the journey, there were no traces of human beings in sight, let alone the wizard.

Colin's curiosity about this place suddenly arose in his heart.

The school did not mention any of these in the mission details given to him. Even the description of the ice and snow monster was very vague. He only knew that it was at most first-level strength.

"To be precise, this is not the stronghold of the school, Lord Colin." Dempsey listened to Colin's inquiry, but shook his head.

Colin was slightly startled.

Demps went on to explain:

"In fact, this place is jointly managed by the nine sects of Neustadt City. However, due to the remote location and the harsh environment, members of the nine sects are basically unwilling to come here."

Therefore, most of the time, the tasks on duty are subcontracted to affiliated schools like our Xisheng School. On weekdays, members of the affiliated schools like us are also on duty. "

Colin nodded slightly, still having many doubts in his stomach.

But he paused, but did not ask in a hurry, but said: "Take me in first to report to the school."

Reporting is’s not too late to talk about other things after reporting.

"Okay, Sir Colin."

Dempsey respectfully led him into the cave camp in the hills.

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