Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 345 Attacked

In the polar night when the sun does not rise, it seems that the concept of time has been lost.

Colin could only rely on the pocket watch on his body to determine the time...almost five days had passed.

The crystal hourglass at the village chief's house in Khante has also cycled five times.

It’s noon this day.

Colin walked out from under the Palearctic Iceberg.

While waiting for the ice and snow monster to attack again, he was not idle, and his daily schedule was also full.

"Have you discovered anything, Sir Colin?" Dempsey asked at the side.

They had just come out of the Blue Cold Crystal Mine.

"No." Colin shook his head.

In the morning of this period, he and Demps started from the location of the attack and carefully investigated and searched, trying to find something that might exist——

For example, the reason why ice and snow monsters attacked Gubei Village.

However, at least from the current situation, they have gained nothing.

That ice and snow monster was probably just enjoying the killing, and did not come with any purpose.

At this time, the village chief of Hante sighed and added:

"Gubei Village will be attacked by ice and snow monsters almost every once in a while. The interval can be as short as one or two years, and as long as it can be as long as twenty or thirty years.

If I remember correctly, it has been almost fifteen years since the last time an ice and snow monster attacked. "

"Didn't the previous wizards completely kill the snow monster?" Dempsey couldn't help but ask.

Hunter shook his head, "A wizard has said before that those ice and snow monsters are natural products of the extreme north. As long as the source cannot be found and destroyed, the ice and snow monsters cannot be completely eliminated."

Colin turned his head and looked at the ice field hidden in the darkness in the distance, with an incomprehensible expression.

In the afternoon.


In an open space next to Gubei Village, Colin was practicing four limit-breaking fireball techniques.

It has to be said that the far north is quite suitable for practicing witchcraft.

It's sparsely populated and the terrain is open, so you can take action as much as you like.

The only drawback is probably that the magic power is poor, and some magic stones need to be consumed to help restore the magic power.

But it doesn't matter. Compared with time, some magic stones are not that important to him now.

While recovering his magic power, Colin summoned the golden paper.

On the pale golden old paper, the progress of the four limit-breaking fireball spells has reached 99/100, and it is only one point away from breaking the limit.

Colin cheered up and started practicing again after regaining his magic power.

The place he chose was not far from Gubei Village. It was behind a low slope and had a wide view. If someone was peeping secretly, they could spot it at a glance.

But in fact, Colin didn't hide his whereabouts too deliberately.

Dempsey was on a temporary watchtower built in Gubei Village not far away, guarding the surroundings. From his position, he could clearly see Colin practicing.

But the latter didn't think much about it. He just watched the surroundings vigilantly, ready to wait for the ice and snow monster to come and ask Colin for help.

On the one hand, this was because Colin had told him in advance that he would practice some witchcraft, and on the other hand, it was because the fireball technique that broke the limit four times was only a first-level advanced witchcraft, and it would not be strange to use it.

As long as Dempsey didn't see the exaggerated improvement that practicing witchcraft brought to Colin, he wouldn't think anything of it.

About three hours passed like this. Colin's heart moved and he opened the gold paper again.

Sure enough, he had successfully practiced the fireball technique that broke the limit four times to its limit.

The progress of this 99 has been stuck for a few days, and today I finally reached 100!

After dispelling the magic power brewing in his hands, Colin put away the gold paper, exhaled slightly, and prepared to go back to find a secluded room to break the limit of the fireball technique.

The village chief, White, placed the two of them in an igloo near his residence.

According to Dempsey, the igloo was specially built to accommodate wizards like them on duty.

The interior decoration is more exquisite than that of the village chief's house, and it can be regarded as a "luxury house".

Of course, this is only a relative term. The real living experience can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

In the far north, conditions are still too harsh.

After saying hello to Dempsey on the watchtower, Colin returned to his room in the igloo, sat down cross-legged, and took out the magic stone.

As the characters behind the limit-breaking point on the gold paper kept beating, the magic stone in his hand kept turning into powder.

When the ↑ symbol behind the four limit-breaking fireballs lit up, Colin did not pause at all, and concentrated a little more skillfully.

Black characters are distorted and blurred.

The gold paper begins to break the limit!

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly slipped in from the gap under the door and turned into a dark figure in front of Colin.

This is the shadow of silence.

The black mist covering its body kept vibrating, seeming to remind Colin of something.

Colin frowned slightly and opened his eyes.

at the same time.


Suddenly there was a scream of magic arrows outside, followed by a bang, and a red firework lit up in the sky over Gubei Village.

"Lord Colin, the ice and snow monster is here!"

On the watchtower, Dempsey fired the signal arrow and quickly flew towards Colin's house, shouting subconsciously.

Red fireworks spread slowly in the dark sky.

The villagers of Gubei Village who were originally active outside looked up and saw the fireworks in the sky. They suddenly looked panicked when they remembered the village chief's recent instructions.

Then, like a hare encountering an approaching goshawk, he dropped what he was holding without hesitation and quickly headed for the nearest igloo!


A ball of light blue ice mist suddenly appeared in the dark night sky. It quickly fell towards the ground and transformed into a human-shaped ice crystal monster in the blink of an eye.

The monster has a vivid human face on its head. It is looking at the fleeing villagers, grinning wildly!


The ice and snow monster fell to the ground, and countless ice flowers flew away in a ring from where it stepped.

The impact on the surrounding dome houses caused marks like knife cuts.

The two dome houses that were slightly closer were shaved off on the spot, revealing their gray inner walls.

Dempsey looked away and was slightly shocked when he saw this scene.

The movement caused by the landing of this ice and snow monster can already catch up with him casting a spell with all his strength!

"not good!"

At this time, Dempsey's face suddenly turned pale.

It seemed that he was aware of the prying eyes, or maybe it was because of his identity as a wizard that was different from that of the surrounding villagers.

The snow monster turned its head and met Dempsey's eyes!

The snow monster tilted its head, grinned, and flew towards Dempsey.

Dempsey's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly withdrew his gaze and ran towards the dome house next to Colin where Colin was.


Before Dempsey could take two steps, he bumped into Colin who was walking out.

"Lord Colin, that ice and snow monster is coming!" Dempsey said quickly with a happy face, looking a little panicked.

"I understand, don't be afraid." Colin nodded slightly.

He felt the snow monster flying towards here.

Colin waved gently.


A figure burning with flames suddenly appeared at the door of the igloo.

The blazing white flame kept beating, bringing amazing heat.

The heat wave was rolling, and the ice and snow beside him instantly melted into liquid. Dempsey subconsciously took a step back.

Although the fire elemental in front of me is not very tall, it seems to be no less powerful than the snow monster outside... No, it seems to be even stronger!

Demps couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, watching Colin put on a steel temperature-resistant force field and black mist armor, and shot menacingly at the snow monster not far away.

The snow monster that was charging here saw Colin and the fire elemental who were not running away but were heading towards him. He was stunned for a moment, paused slightly, and then suddenly shouted in anger and continued towards Kolin. Lin came running towards him with big strides.

Bang, bang, bang!

As the snow monster stepped out step by step, its figure also swelled in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it expanded into a snow monster nearly five meters high!

Through the translucent blue shell, you can see white snowflakes swirling continuously inside its body.


The snow monster opened its mouth wide, and a light blue frost-like light brewed deep in its huge mouth.

However, before it could launch this attack, a blazing white fireball followed by a figure burning with flames had already arrived in front of it!

There was some panic on the face of the snow monster, and it accelerated the preparation of the attack, and a dark blue frost ray shot out from its mouth.

boom! !

The fire element nimbly dodged the frost ray, clenched his fist and pierced the ice and snow monster's chest like a drill!


The five-meter-tall snow monster let out a hoarse cry of pain. In comparison, the fire element, which was smaller in body, was like a pointed cone, directly passing through its chest and shooting out from the back.

Then, the blazing white fireball that followed exploded in front of the snow monster!

boom! !

The high-temperature flames spread out in all directions and came into contact with the cold ice and snow. A large amount of white mist suddenly rose up and obscured the vision.

Colin subconsciously released the third detection ability, and the scene in front of him was only filled with fluctuations of magic energy, and there was no more life breath.

"That monster was solved like this?" Dempsey in the distance opened his mouth wide and looked at this scene in shock.

Just two witchcrafts, and the snow monster couldn't even touch the corner of Colin's clothes!

Demps couldn't help but wonder if the Colin in front of him was really just a first-level wizard?

But soon, he shook his head again, how could a second-level wizard do such a task?

Besides, school badges cannot be faked.

Moreover, the fire element that Colin summoned just now is indeed beyond the first-level power category, but the fireball behind it is still within the first-level category.

Dempsey calmed down, but he was still a little shocked.

No matter what, the Colin in front of him is definitely a powerful wizard who stands at the top of the first level, and he is very likely to be a wizard genius!

the other side.

Colin did not take it lightly and controlled the fire element to explore again.

After a while, feedback from the fire element came over - there was no longer any living thing in the white mist.


The cold wind around him suddenly became stronger, blowing away the steaming white mist in front of him.

Looking at the ice and snow monster at his feet that was torn apart and obviously lifeless, Colin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This ice and snow monster has only an advanced level of strength.

Facing him as a second-level wizard, it is normal to have no power to fight back - even if he does not use all his strength.

Colin slowly lowered his body, preparing to take a closer look at the snow monster.

"Sir Colin, is the snow monster dead?" Dempsey walked slowly not far away.

He walked with some difficulty, and the biting cold wind kept howling.

"Yes." Colin turned around and said.

However, the next second, Dempsey's pupils shrank slightly and he hurriedly shouted: "Be careful!"

Colin pushed the defensive witchcraft on his body to the limit and turned his head quickly, only to see a light blue ice crystal suddenly emerge from the remains of the snow monster's body on the ground, and quickly fled away into the distance.


Colin's expression changed slightly, and he quickly dispersed the fire element, which was not flying as fast as him, and chased towards the ice crystal.


Just a few seconds after flying out, the surrounding cold wind became more violent visibly to the naked eye, and goose-feather-like flying snow flew down from the dark sky.

A blizzard is coming!

Colin frowned slightly, this snowstorm came by such a coincidence. was just such a coincidence that the snow monster came.

He couldn't help but think that the last time a snow monster attacked was on the eve of a snowstorm... There might still be some pattern to the attacks of these snow monsters.

At the same time, Colin also used the three detection abilities again.

However, the feedback result from this detection witchcraft that can detect life, magic energy, and evil at the same time is nothing.

It was as if the flying blue ice crystal in front of him was just an ordinary stone.

‘Looks like I need to find some time to add some detection witchcraft. ’ Colin thought subconsciously.

But that will happen later. What he needs to do now is to catch up with the ice crystals in front of him!

This blue ice crystal is probably the core of the snow monster.

That snow monster should also be an elemental creature in nature. If its core cannot be completely eliminated, it will only be a matter of time before it returns to its full glory.

Cold snowflakes were flying randomly in the air, and Colin felt as if he was walking through a room full of feathers, and his vision quickly became blurry.

The snowstorm in the far north not only comes without warning, but also becomes overwhelming in just ten seconds.

At this time, the core of the snow monster gradually converged on the light it emitted, trying to disappear in the falling snow in the sky.

Colin frowned slightly.

Although his flying speed is indeed faster than the core of the snow monster.

But the vision under the polar night was not good. With the snow falling all over the sky and the ice crystals gradually converging in their light, he could hardly see the ice crystals now.

This cannot go on.


Colin thought, and two blazing white fireballs suddenly appeared beside him, like two suns, instantly dispelling the darkness and melting some of the annoying snowflakes in front of him.

'found it! ’ Colin glanced quickly, and his eyes quickly caught the core of the snow monster.


However, just when he was about to catch up to the core of the snow monster, a dark claw suddenly poked out from the side.

Colin's expression changed slightly, and a blazing fireball suddenly hit the claws and exploded.

Following the shock wave of the explosion, Colin quickly retreated, adjusted his body shape, and stared at the uninvited guest in front of him.

"Colin Leonard, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Joyce Siddosh looked at Colin and said coldly.

The afterglow of the exploding fireball cast a shadow on his face.

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