Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 346 Potion of Mercy

The continuous freezing blizzard caused the embers of the fireball spell to quickly extinguish, and darkness gradually returned.

Colin stared at the uninvited guest in front of him, feeling a little confused.

Judging from the previous witchcraft, this wizard is undoubtedly a powerful second-level wizard...

Why would a second-level wizard suddenly attack me here?

Without thinking much, Colin waved his hand and summoned the second-level fire element.

The dark vision was brightened.

Joyce looked at Colin with a cold face.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked slowly, the hatred in his words difficult to conceal.

However, what answered him were blazing white fireballs, followed by fire elements.

This is the first time Colin has used the five-time limit-breaking fireball technique as a material to summon the fire element.

The final effect speaks for itself.

The power displayed by the fire element in front of him seems to have reached the second-level intermediate level!

The blazing white fire was intimidating, and the falling snow instantly turned into white mist and rolled up again!

Suddenly, an upside-down white waterfall seemed to appear in the dark night sky!

Unfortunately, the blizzard environment has an impact on the fire element after all.

The strength of the fire element at this moment can only be said to have barely reached the second-level intermediate level. If it were in a normal environment, the strength should be even higher!

"Ignorant wild wizard." Joyce watched the blazing white fireball coming, frowned, and cursed coldly.

He waved his hand and released a ball of ice, blocking the ball of blazing white fire.

The fire element that followed did not pause and rushed towards Joyce fiercely!

Joyce cursed angrily:

"A miscellaneous blood is a miscellaneous blood. Even if you have the talent of Jin Yu, you can't change the lowliness engraved in your bones!"

Colin didn't pay any attention to Joyce's words. Joyce's attack just now was obviously aimed at killing him.

With such an enemy, there is not much to say.

However, Colin still keenly captured a word in Joyce's words - golden feather.

"Are you a wizard from the Xisheng School?" Colin asked aloud.

Joyce was dodging the fire element attack in a somewhat embarrassed manner at the moment. It could be seen that he was not very strong.

If I have to say it, it is almost the same as the Aki who was solved before... Aki?

"Are you from the Hidos family? Do you know Axi?" Colin suddenly thought of the wizard who had been killed by him.

If he had a grudge with anyone in the Xisheng School, it would probably only be the Hitoshi family, or Axi.


Joyce waved his hand to prop up a huge ice shield, temporarily driving back the pursuing fire elemental.

"If I had known that that night, I should have followed Axi to kill you and your mentor personally, instead of just asking Field!" He looked at Colin not far away with an ugly expression, and the fire elemental who was watching eagerly next to him. He gritted his teeth.

‘Please Field? ’

Colin Fulin asked with a sincere heart: "Are you Axi's uncle?"

Blackburg later informed him of the personnel involved in the entire incident, the corresponding punishments, and the causes and consequences of the investigation.

According to the Black Fort investigation, the reason why the Field steward helped Aki temporarily seal off the vicinity of his mentor's residence was because Aki forged a letter from his biological uncle, Joyce.

Steward Field had a good relationship with Joyce, so he helped.

Colin was already doubtful about the findings of Black Castle.

After all, forging letters is somewhat untenable.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Black Castle’s investigation is totally unreliable!

The uncle of Axi in front of him has already chased him to the far north, so there is no need for Axi to forge letters.

Joyce obviously took the initiative to help Field!

Although the suspicion in his mind was confirmed, Colin did not have any disturbance in his heart. After all, he had expected it... these pure-blood families should not think too much of them!

Joyce did not answer Colin's question, but continued to deal with the fire element that struck again.

He didn't expect that not long after that, Colin's strength had improved again. The fireball witchcraft just now had obviously reached the second level.

And the strength of the fire element in front of him cannot be underestimated. He has almost the strength of the second-level intermediate level!

You must know that this is not what Manager Field described to him. Colin's ability to kill Aki that night was more just luck.

After all, Colin can only summon a second-level primary fire element.

And it is absolutely impossible for a second-level primary fire element to deal with a wizard of the same level!

At that time, Aki probably died accidentally because of underestimating the enemy and being in poor condition.

But this time, he came fully armed.

Joyce thought that if he wanted to deal with Colin, it would be easy.

But now, not only can Colin cast another second-level witchcraft, but the fire element he summoned has suddenly become a second-level intermediate level!

Although he is just entering the second-level intermediate level, it is still a bit tricky for Joyce, who is only a second-level beginner.

Joyce subconsciously used detection witchcraft.

"Are you still a first-level senior?"

Joyce relaxed slightly, but his tone could not hide his surprise.

Colin admired the disguise witchcraft blessed by him in his heart. He did not answer Joyce's question, but just launched another attack.

Joyce's face turned cold, he no longer hesitated, and took out something specially prepared for this trip - a bottle of magic potion that could temporarily increase his level one strength.

Colin frowned slightly, and the fireball shot towards Joyce like a meteor.

Joyce held the potion indifferently and raised his head. The light black liquid in the glass test tube suddenly fell into his throat.


Then the fireball exploded, and the shock wave created a brief vacuum in the middle of the snowstorm.

Colin did not stop attacking, controlling the fire element to rush towards Joyce, and the subsequent fireballs also covered and struck one after another as if they were free.

For a moment, the fire was blazing and explosions continued, almost completely covering Joyce's figure.

However, a moment later, a figure with a strange green light all over his body suddenly flew out of the fire.


The fire element quickly stepped forward to intercept.


Whoosh whoosh!

Several ice cones shrouded in green light flew towards it. When they hit the fire element, they suddenly exploded, and ice flowers with gleaming green appeared. The flying figure of the fire element couldn't help but stagnated, staying in the air. In place.

'What on earth is that potion? ! ’ Colin’s expression changed slightly.

The strength shown by Joyce at this moment has completely reached the second-level intermediate level, and is almost approaching the second-level advanced level!

He had never heard of any magic potion that could bring such a great improvement to a wizard!

"I want you to pay for my only son!" Joyce felt the surging power coming from his body, looked ferocious, and rushed towards Colin with a wild smile!

'son? Isn't it his nephew? ’ Colin was slightly startled, feeling the twists and turns of the complex story behind Joyce’s short words.

Joyce exudes amazing momentum.

For this revenge, he almost spent all the wealth he had accumulated over hundreds of years.

And that mysterious bottle of potion just cost him nearly half of his budget!

The potion is called mercy, and it is the work of a potion master who has appeared on the black market in Neustadt recently.

As you can see, the effect is to increase the strength of the wizard, strengthen the spirit and magic power at the same time, and the cost is only some gibbering and a period of weakness for about ten days.


Joyce had already come to Colin, and he pounced fiercely towards Colin.

The expanded power of taking the potion made him want to kill Colin in the most violent way to soothe the hatred in his heart!

"You may be happy too early."

With a thought in his mind, Colin used a new witchcraft - elemental life enhancement - on the re-summoned fire element beside him.

This is the customized witchcraft that earned him 250,000 magic stones!

Since it is a witchcraft created by myself, after mastering it, the progress on the gold paper will be 70, and it can be cast instantly.

Teng! !

The originally blazing fire element gradually took on a hint of cyan, and the already raging flames on the body once again increased by an inch out of thin air!

Astonishing heat hit his face, and Colin felt that the hair on his forehead seemed to be slightly curled.


The fire element opened its mouth wide, and a flame ray as thick as a washbasin shot towards Joyce!

"What?!" Joyce's expression changed drastically.

He did not expect that this fire element, which had already reached the second-level intermediate level, could be strengthened again at this moment!

"Aren't you a first-level senior wizard?!" Joyce waved his hand to block the attack of the fire element, the expression on his face changing.

After a moment, as if he had figured out something, Joyce stared at Colin and shouted angrily:

"You are a spy planted by the gods in the city of Neustadt!"

Colin looked calm and said slowly:

“I take it as your compliment to me.

But, unfortunately, you still have to die here. "

"Haha, do you think you can turn defeat into victory with just a second-level advanced fire element?!" Joyce snorted coldly.

He admitted that the fire element was indeed very strong, but with the mercy potion, he barely managed to step into the second-level advanced fire element, and there was nothing he could do about it!

Joyce didn't bother much with the fire element, adhering to the principle of catching the thief first, and went straight to Colin.

Colin did not dodge, and recited a spell quickly in his mouth. After a while, the witchcraft took shape.

"Temple Ring Binding·For Flesh and Blood Binding!"

A lightning-like arc of blue light suddenly shot out from his fingertips, forming a flashing circle of light and falling on Joyce.

The latter's forward figure paused and stopped in place.

Colin did not miss this opportunity, and waved his hand with a five-time limit-breaking fireball.

boom! !

Although Joyce's body was restrained, the defensive magic on his body was still working.

With his current strength, the second-level basic fireball technique can only cause painless damage, and at most consume some magic power.

But that's enough.

Two seconds later, Joyce was freed from his restraints, gritting his teeth.

"It's another second-level witchcraft. You are definitely a spy on the side of the gods! It's impossible for an ordinary wizard to have such progress as you!"

"Not only for Aki, but also for the wizard, I will torture you to death!"


Joyce shot at Colin.

However, the next second, the green fire element blocked him again.

The fire elemental, which was originally left behind by Joyce, caught up with him again when he was restrained!

"Get away!" Joyce finally realized Colin's intention.

The mercy potion has a time limit, which depends on the intensity of the battle. Based on the current intensity, he can probably hold on for another twenty to thirty minutes.

If he waits until the potion of mercy wears off, let alone avenging Axi, he may not be able to protect himself!

Unfortunately, Colin's plan is a complete conspiracy.

If Colin is just a first-level advanced wizard who can summon the second-level primary fire element.

So even if Joyce refuses to accept mercy, his winning rate is at least 70%.

If you surrender to mercy, it will be 100%, 100%... The gap in absolute strength eliminates the possibility of any miracle.

However, Colin is a second-level wizard.

At least a second-level junior wizard.

Otherwise, if he had cast so many cross-level witchcrafts, the magic power in his body would have been exhausted long ago, instead of being able to look at ease like he is now!

Moreover, Colin can actually summon an almost second-level advanced fire element.

In this way, the gap in strength between them was immediately reduced to a negligible amount.

Therefore, even though Joyce discovered Colin's plan at this moment, he had no power to resist at all.

He tried his best to eliminate the fire element, and he succeeded.

But before attacking Colin, the latter had already summoned a new fire element and strengthened it.

If he gets rid of the fire element for a short time, Colin will use the control witchcraft again.

Strengthened by the mercy potion, Joyce was able to break free in just a second or two.

But one or two seconds were enough for the fire element to catch up with him again.

Just like that, twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the effect of mercy ended.

The strange green light on Joyce extinguished like a candle in the wind.

He stopped in place in despair, and in the end could only watch as the fire element turned his palm into a knife and chopped off his head.

The remaining green flames spread along the broken part of the neck towards the head and body.

Colin exhaled lightly, landed on the ground, and slowly approached Joyce's body.

The surrounding blizzard, which was disturbed by the fluctuations of the battle, quickly returned to its raging appearance after the battle. Colin summoned a fireball to disperse the darkness again and maintain his vision.


However, at this moment, a slight sound like air leakage suddenly came from the direction of Joyce's body.

At the same time, the green flame that was constantly burning on Joyce's body gradually extinguished, whether due to the impact of the snowstorm or something else.

Colin stopped and carefully controlled the fire element to approach Joyce's body.

After some testing, no danger was found, so Colin applied his defensive witchcraft and stepped forward to check.

At first glance, there was nothing strange about Joyce's headless body illuminated by the firelight.

Before the fire elemental attack was extinguished, the remaining flames had spread along the neck to the corpse's chest, almost charring most of it.

With such an injury, even if it were Colin, who had the gift of strong life, it would probably be enough.

After all, Joyce's head was still on the other side.

With this in mind, Colin walked to Joyce's head again.

After seeing it clearly, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

There is nothing shocking about a dead man's head, but the expression on Joyce's head is extremely strange.

Joyce opened his eyes, pursed his lips slightly, and showed a trace of compassion in his calm eyes.

Just like those compassionate Buddha statues seen in temples in previous lives!

They are also like this, their expressions are neither sad nor happy, as if they are showing mercy to all living beings.

Colin frowned.

This strange expression was obviously not made by Joyce on his own initiative, and must have been influenced by outside forces.

But just as Colin was deep in thought, a silent shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, reporting something.

Colin raised his eyebrows and confirmed:

"You mean Gubei Village is being attacked by ice and snow monsters?!"

After receiving the confirmed reply from Silent Shadow, Colin didn't think much more.

He quickly packed Joyce's valuable things and returned to Gubei Village!

That ice and snow monster actually dared to come back!

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