Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 352 Rejection

"Truth Society?" In the igloo, Colin was slightly startled.

He knew about the Truth Society, but he had never heard of one with such a similar name...

But looking at Shelley's appearance, Colin also roughly understood what the so-called truth meeting was.

Shelley didn't explain much, just said:

"Pureblood families are supposed to be helping these people, but they're not doing that, and that's not the way they should be.

One of the goals of the Truth Society is to correct this error. "

Colin realized that although he had expected it, he was still surprised.

Shelley stared at him quietly, waiting for Colin's answer.

Neither of them are idiots, and there are some things that don't need to be said too clearly.

Feeling Shelley's gaze, Colin's heart wavered. At this moment, a middle-aged man with gray hair suddenly walked over.


He fell to the ground and said, "Thank you, the respected wizard, for treating these wounded people."

"Get up." Colin said to the middle-aged man, taking the opportunity to change the subject.

Looking at the gray-haired man lying on the ground with his forehead close to the ground, Colin felt a little emotional.

Perhaps because of their isolation from the outside world, the people in Gubei Village are extremely simple, and even thanking them seems to be the only thing they can think of: bowing to the ground.

And according to previous understanding, they are also exceptionally united.

Each household in Gubei Village is not independent. All food, clothing and other materials are distributed uniformly by the village chief according to needs, and the same goes for mining work.

Everyone eats and uses together, regardless of each other.

The gray-haired middle-aged man stood up slowly after hearing this. His face was full of fatigue, and there were mottled blood on his palms and clothes.

"Are you...the doctor here?" Colin asked curiously.

"Yes, sir." The gray-haired man replied.

His clothes were no different from the rest of the villagers. They were all wearing animal skin coats, and his blood-stained palms and clothes looked a bit unprofessional.

But in Gubei Village, the gray-haired man is already the best at healing.

The effect of the Ancient Tree Spring is very good. At this time, except for the wounded who were near death, the rest have basically recovered, and most of those who were near death have basically recovered.

After they stood up and thanked Colin, some of the impatient people couldn't wait to walk outside.

Although they were saved, many of their family members were still buried in the ruins.

"Sir, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll go with them to see if I can help." The gray-haired man said.

Although all the wounded have been cured by Colin, he, the only doctor in Gubei Village, cannot remain idle. He is still needed in the ruins.

"Go ahead." Colin nodded.

The igloo soon became empty, leaving only the two of them.

Colin looked at the doctor's retreating back, thought for a while and then sent a message to Shelley: "Why don't we go over together and take a look."

"Yes." Shelley nodded slowly without any objection and did not continue to bring up the topic just now.

Colin nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the door, but he thought softly in his heart:

"Will the truth..."

"Thank you for your help, Lord Dempsey!"

At the ruins, before Colin even landed, he heard cheers coming from below.

"No need to worry about it." Dempsey stood at the front of the crowd, waving his hands with a calm expression.

If it weren't for Colin's orders, he would definitely not care about the life and death of these people.

But since Colin gave the order, let’s do it honestly.

He exhaled softly and looked at the grateful crowd in front of him, still feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Have all the people been rescued?" Colin asked slowly as he landed on the ground.

"Yes, Sir Colin!" Dempsey turned around quickly.

After thinking about it, Dempsey flattered him again without showing any trace of it:

“Thanks to the shadow helpers you sent, they can pass through all the narrow gaps and come directly to the buried people, and then they will carve a passage out of the collapsed ruins.

If we had relied on digging from the outside, it would have been absolutely impossible to save so many people, and it was very likely that the digging would have caused a secondary collapse, ruining the lives of the people inside. "

After saying this, Dempsey stepped aside a little and said loudly to the person in front of him: "Why don't you thank Lord Colin for the shadow helper he sent!"

"Thank you, respected wizard Colin!"

The people who escaped death all turned their attention to Colin and thanked him with excited expressions. Many people seemed to want to kneel down and kowtow in thanks.

Dempsey curled his lips with satisfaction and walked aside, leaving the main seat to Colin alone.

However, Colin just waved his hand calmly and said: "It's a small effort, no need to thank me, and no need to kneel to me."

Dempsey was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Colin subconsciously, fearing that his flattery would hit the horse's leg.

"Well done."

Colin looked at the rescued villagers and saw that their injuries seemed to have been treated. He turned to Dempsey and said casually.

His mind was not on Dempsey, nor even on the villagers in front of him.

Shelley stood beside him calmly and suddenly said:

"Have you ever heard of wall-building?"

"No." Colin said, watching the villagers in front of him split into two parts.

Some of them walked towards the igloo with the wounded who had not yet fully recovered, while the other started to repair the ruins in front of them.

With a thought in his mind, he ordered Silent Shadow to go and help.

"If you had wall-building skills, all these dozen igloos could be rebuilt within half an hour."

"It's very practical. It's an amazing witchcraft." Colin nodded slightly and praised.

"Eighty percent of the buildings in Neustadt were built by mortals."

Colin was slightly startled, frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Because it's cheaper for mortals to build? Or is there some kind of flaw in the wall-building technique?"

Shelley shook her head. She looked at Colin and suddenly curved her lips: "You are indeed different from ordinary wizards. I am a little curious about your growing experience."

Colin said nothing, just looked at her.

Shelley did not continue to delve deeper, and suppressed his smile and continued: "Because I am used to it. For tens of thousands of years, wizards have left the matter of building houses to mortal slaves. Noble witchcraft will not be used in this kind of place. , they should be used in the pursuit of power.”

“The most valuable witchcraft on the market is always attack and defense, or witchcraft that assists attack and defense.

The True Knowledge Society finally bought out the wall-building technique for twenty magic stones. But it was still a loss-making business, because no one ever spent points to redeem this witchcraft again. "

Colin felt suddenly enlightened and a little regretful. His past life knowledge made it easy for him to see the value of this witchcraft.

It's a pity that in this stale world, just one word of habit can erase all new possibilities.

What's more, in this world, this witchcraft is really useless.

Very simple logic, without this urgent need, wizards would not need to build their own houses at all!

Even the most down-and-out wizard can easily find a place to live.

They have no reason to learn this witchcraft at all.

What do you want to study for? Are you going to build houses for ordinary people?

As for repairing wizards...are cheap slaves not useful enough? You know how much it costs to hire a wizard, but you can also buy several strong slaves.

The people who really need the wall-building technique are ordinary people, but ordinary people... cannot cast witchcraft.

Shelley smoothed the broken hair around his ears and said: "The Truth Society has two main goals. I just told you about one of them, and the wall-building technique is the other. We hope to develop more similar building techniques." The witchcraft of wall magic makes ordinary people richer and makes the world richer."

Hearing this, Colin was finally a little surprised.

He originally thought that the Truth Society was just a rebel organization that wanted to overthrow the pure-blood family rule and break the knowledge blockade.

But now it seems that this is clearly a greater liberation organization.

Their goal is far from overthrowing the pure-blood family, it is far more ambitious and exciting.

The so-called making ordinary people richer and making the world richer is clearly about making the world's cake bigger, so that after it is divided evenly, everyone can live a prosperous life.

In previous lives, such behavior had a more professional term - liberating productivity.

"So how are you thinking about it, Sir Colin, are you willing to join the Truth Society?"

Shelley stared at Colin, thought for a while, and then simply put the words in the open and asked.

The cold wind was blowing, and the silent shadow next to him was carrying the fragments of the house, seemingly effortlessly, as if he was carrying foam boards.

Colin was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"Sorry, Shelley."

Disappointment was evident on Shelley's face.

Colin paused and wanted to continue the mental transmission, but saw Robin walking in front of him.

After all, Shelley has always remained invisible, and the communication between the two is spiritual transmission.

So Colin seemed to be standing here alone and silently, and it was no wonder that someone came to disturb him.

"What's wrong?" Colin asked, looking at the young man in front of him.

Robin had a silent face, looked at the silent shadow next to him, suddenly knelt down and said solemnly:

"Lord Colin, I want to learn witchcraft from you!"

Although he had already been rejected ruthlessly by Dempsey once, Robin did not give up.

He still remembered that the wizard in front of him easily eliminated the ice and snow monster, and also remembered the fear that they had no way to fight back under such a monster and could only flee in panic.

There are also villagers with broken legs. They were all judged dead, but they were still saved by the wizard in front of them... And the shadow next to them, an ice block larger than several people can be easily lifted with one hand...

Robin thought to himself that if he could become a wizard, the village would no longer have to worry about anything.

And, maybe... He felt the severed fingers on his chest, and his heart was full of longing.

Maybe... maybe after becoming a wizard, she can resurrect her own Terri!

"Sorry..." However, Colin paused for a moment and shook his head.

Robin raised his head in shock. Although he had experienced this feeling not long ago, he still felt uncomfortable.

The strong longing in his heart made him extremely uncomfortable.

"I...I understand, thank you, sir." Robin lowered his head, his expression dull.

But what Robin didn't see was that at the moment he lowered his head, Colin suddenly turned his head slightly, with surprise in his eyes.

Then, as if repeating what someone said, he continued:

"If you can follow the instructions and cross the snowfield after the cold night arrives, you may have a chance to become a wizard."

While repeating Shelley's words, Colin handed Robin a brass compass handed by Shelley.

“It will guide you in the direction you want to go.”

Robin raised his head in confusion, but soon, crystal tears involuntarily overflowed from his eyes like a fountain, slid down his rough cheeks, and fell to the ground to form ice flowers.

Robin took the small brass compass with both hands and held it tightly in his hands. He was choked and unable to speak, so he leaned over and kowtowed heavily on the ground several times.

Colin moved away.

At the ruins not far away, the village chief Hunter was looking here with a complicated expression.

"I'm leaving, Colin." Shelley said suddenly.

"I'm leaving here too." Colin said, he looked at Shelley and smiled, "I wish you good luck."

Shelley's face also regained its calmness, and he smiled and said:

"I also wish you a safe journey. I should return to Neustadt City after the cold night is over.

Don’t forget our regular lunchtime communication. "

"Yeah." Colin smiled and watched Shelley's figure gradually disappear, so that he could no longer find it.

Shelley's dream was great, and the Truth Society was a great organization.

But Colin deeply understands that the wizarding world is, after all, a fantasy world where great power belongs to individuals.

Top-down reform is far more feasible than bottom-up reform.

If one day he can reach the top, everything he wants will come true.

"It's time for me to leave here." Looking back, Colin whispered to himself.

He glanced around. With the help of the Silent Shadow, the ruins of the igloo had been basically cleaned up, and the rest was reconstruction.

Young Robin has put away the brass compass, put it with Terri's severed finger, and then went back to help build the igloo.

Different from the previous dullness, the young man's steps were particularly brisk now, and his face was filled with a smile that couldn't be concealed.


"Thank you, Lord Wizard!"

Faintly, Colin could still hear the villagers who were repairing their houses exclaiming to the Silent Shadow. With the help of the latter, the entire reconstruction work was progressing rapidly.

"Such great power, all used for fighting and killing, cannot be said to be a waste, but it can indeed do more things..."

The misty aurora suddenly appeared in the sky, and the psychedelic light fell on Gubei Village, reflecting the dome-shaped snow houses like a fairy tale world.

Unfortunately, this is not a fairy tale.

Colin continued to stay here for a long time, using his newly acquired talents to help the villagers rebuild the igloo, and then embarked on his return journey.

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