Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 353 Inspection

The snowfield is vast and the goose feathers are falling like a curtain.

In an ice cave, Colin raised his hand and looked at the harvest - a transparent flower that looked like an ice sculpture.

He raised his eyes and looked at the gold paper that appeared in front of him. In the column called Strange Skills below, the progress behind Anandu's Dice had reached 36/100.

Since acquiring this magic, Colin has waited for it to cool down every week, and if there are no accidents, he will cast it as soon as possible.

Most of the time before, he was either in the city of Neustadt or in other inconvenient places. In addition, he did not deliberately search for treasures, so he always gained little.

However, when he came to the Far North this time, Colin planned from the beginning to try using Anandu's Dice after the mission was over to see if he could harvest something good.

After all, today is different from the past. He is short of magic stones. If he can find some treasures, even if he can't use them, he can at least exchange them for some magic stones.

After temporarily placing the ice flower on the stone platform where it grew, Colin took out a cold round bead from his hand. This was a treasure taken out from the belly of a strange transparent fish.

This time the result of Ananduo's die was very good, four points.

Unfortunately, Colin only got three of them in the end. In addition to the two he took out now, there was also a tiny strange snowflake.

Colin recognized the snowflake, which was called the Extremely Cold Crystal. It was an excellent material for demonization and could be sold for at least 100,000 magic stones in the city of Neustadt.

As for the fourth one, deep in the far north, after flying forward for a certain distance, the frost talent faintly reminded him of the danger ahead.

After weighing it, Colin finally chose to give up.

In any case, the treasure is just the icing on the cake for him now, and there is no need to take too big risks for it.

He picked up the cold ball and looked at it, then put it down and picked up the ice sculpture next to it. Colin hesitated, followed the intuition brought by the new frost talent in his heart, and swallowed it into his mouth.

When the ice flower enters your mouth, it melts instantly like swallowing marshmallows. A flash of blue flashes in Colin's eyes, which is a sign of energy overflowing.

About ten minutes passed, and Colin looked at the gold paper.

In the talent column, the progress behind the frost talent suddenly advanced by a full forty-five points!

You must know that the progress of talent improvement is not like witchcraft or meditation, which can be improved by practice alone.

The progress behind the super-brain talent obtained when advancing to the first-level wizard is always 0. It is only after advancing to the second-level wizard that it only increases by fifty points due to the increase in level.

As for the life-strengthening talent, it is also necessary to increase the progress indirectly by improving the knight's breathing method and knight level.

After accidentally getting the frost talent, Colin was thinking about how to improve this talent, but he didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly...

In order to test whether this was an exception, Colin followed his thoughts and then swallowed the beads obtained from the transparent fish.

Like ice cream melting, a chill spread in Colin's belly, and his eyes were fixed on the gold paper.

A moment later, after the talent: Frost, a ↑ symbol flashed imperceptibly.

Colin's eyes were filled with joy.

As the energy of the fish belly ball is gradually absorbed, the progress behind the frost talent also keeps beating.

After about five minutes, the energy of the orb was completely absorbed, and the progress behind the frost talent was fixed at 69/100.


A thigh-thick transparent ice spike suddenly emerged from the ground, its sharp top glowing coldly, and in the blink of an eye it penetrated the top of the ice cave with a bang.

Suddenly, broken ice flew everywhere and the dome shook.

Colin looked at this movement and nodded with satisfaction.

The progress improvement of 69 may not seem like much, but compared to the performance when I first got the frost talent, it is still much better.

The power of this spike has roughly reached the threshold of first-level witchcraft, and it does not require any consumption of magic power, and the consumption of mental energy is also very small, so it can be regarded as somewhat practical.

Of course, this is in such a cold place. If you leave the extreme north and enter the hot summer, it will not be that easy to summon such powerful ice spikes.

After recovering a little bit of the magic power in his body, Colin walked out of the ice cave.

The cold wind whizzed, picking up fine shards of ice.

He looked back in the direction of Gubei Village, but all he saw was darkness like thick ink.

‘The cold night has arrived. ’ Colin understood.

In the months-long polar night in the far north, there is also a special day about half a month called cold night.

Even the starlight will disappear completely during this period, and the extreme north will be as cold as the human world.

Colin silently withdrew his gaze. He thought of the young man who lost his wife. I don’t know how he could follow the compass across the ice field on such a day to get to the place of hope that would give him a chance.


Colin stood up from the ground, protected by a steel temperature-resistant force field, and the cold wind could not even ruffle the corners of his clothes.

For a second-level wizard like him, Han Ye is just an ordinary night.

After half a day.

Colin arrives in Kalalli City.

Looking at the familiar city gate, Colin suddenly remembered the prying eyes he felt here.

'Could that be Joyce? ’

But soon, he shook his head again, 'Joyce is just one person, and the sense of peeping he noticed at that time should be two...'

This thought made Colin frown slightly.

He didn't know whether Joyce's coming this time was a personal act or an instruction from the Hitos family... After all, no matter how useless Joyce was, he was still a member of the pure-blood family.

If he was ordered by the Hidos family to kill him with his own hands, I'm afraid there would be some trouble...

However, he has completely destroyed Joyce's body and in a place like the Far North, there is little hope of finding evidence that he killed Joyce...

Colin was thinking as he walked towards the teleportation array.

After pondering for a while, he ruled out the possibility that the Hitos family was behind Joyce's death.

Although I don’t have much feeling about it, I am still a Jinyu after all, and the Hidos family’s outward attitude is mainly about friendship... It is unlikely that they will do one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes.

What's more, if it was really the Hitos family who instigated it, there was a high chance that the person who attacked and killed him this time would not be just Joyce.

The complicated thoughts gradually dissipated, and Colin calmed down and walked into the teleportation place.

"Excuse me, what is your destination?"


After handing over the magic stone, Colin calmly stepped onto the teleportation array.


As the dazzling white light lit up, the feeling of falling was instantly felt, and the vision suddenly became dark, and then suddenly lit up again the next moment.

Colin felt like he was on the ground again, but the scene in front of him was no longer the city of Kalalli.

It's still morning, and the streets are bustling with people and a lively scene.

There is no endless cold wind, blade-like snowflakes... even the snow on the roadside seems to be warmer than in Gubei Village.

Standing in the hall of the Teleportation Administration and looking out the door, Colin's body couldn't help but relax a little, but soon his heart felt heavy again.

‘Don’t you think it’s a little unfair? ’ Shelley’s words still seemed to linger in my ears.

Colin stood for a moment, shook his head slightly, and strode towards the door of the Teleportation Administration.

This transportation hub is as busy as ever, with wizards constantly entering through the door, preparing to go elsewhere.

Just as Colin walked to the door, he suddenly heard a slightly nervous and crisp female voice coming from the loudspeaker crystal behind him:

"Good morning, wizards. I'm receiving an urgent notice: there is a technical failure in the teleportation array. All teleportation services are temporarily suspended. Our relevant wizards are undergoing emergency repairs. Please wait patiently or come back tomorrow."

Colin paused for a moment and looked back in surprise.


"error occured……?"

"Hey, what's going on in this city recently? There's fighting every day, and now the teleportation array is broken again."

There was constant noise in the hall, but the teleportation array was the property of the Supreme Council, so no one dared to say anything more.

Withdrawing his gaze, Colin continued to walk outside.

I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. If I delayed for a moment longer, I might have to wait until the teleportation array was repaired before I could return to Neustadt.

The inadvertent luck diluted the inexplicable heaviness in Colin's heart. Instead of going home, he came to the school on the way to prepare to confirm that the mission was completed.

However, after crossing Zuoao and Youao and stepping into the Xisheng School's residence, Colin suddenly sensed something was wrong.

Most of the wizards coming and going on the school road are in a hurry, and they are basically walking in the same direction.

Just when Colin was confused, the school badge on his chest belatedly lit up, and a message came:

"Colin Leonard, please go to the front lawn of the General Affairs Castle to assemble immediately after receiving this notice."

"I don't know what the school is calling us for this time." A male wizard with a beard passing by said familiarly when he caught a glimpse of Colin's badge lighting up.

"Have you also received this notice?" Colin suppressed his surprise and asked.

"Yes, it's not just me. I think most of the wizards on this road are like this." The bearded wizard shook his head and quickened his pace. "It's better to go there quickly. It's such an urgent call. I'll arrive later." Maybe there will be punishment.”

Colin nodded, did not answer, and followed the crowd toward the lawn of the General Affairs Castle in silence.

But in his mind, he was inexplicably reminded of the sudden notification from the General Administration of Telecommunications to suspend the transmission service...

It seemed that something happened that he didn't know about while leaving Neustadt.

Come to the lawn of the General Affairs Building.

The place was already crowded with people. Colin looked around and could tell from the badges that in addition to them first-level wizards, there were also many second-level wizards and some high-level wizard apprentices.

In front of the crowd, an old man with white beard and hair was suspended in the air, with a calm face, wearing a white robe, and holding a brown wand in the shape of a branch in his hand.

He didn't say much, but all the wizards who arrived consciously shut their mouths and stood neatly on the lawn.

'Lord Eggberg...' The bearded wizard looked at the old man in awe, then quickly stood among the crowd with his mouth closed.

The same was true for Colin, his body tensed slightly.

I don’t know if my spiritual mist and Hayden’s pseudo-energy technique after breaking through the limit can hide it from the third-level wizard in front of me...

Perhaps after advancing to the second level, his soul became stronger and more sensitive. When Colin saw Eggberg at the third level in front of him, he felt that the energy contained in his body was as deep as the sea, which was shocking.

No wonder both Master Atbold and the knowledge he has learned say that the third level is the watershed for wizards, and only by stepping into the third level can one barely be worthy of the title of high-level wizard.

"Colin? Have you completed your mission?"

At this time, another familiar voice came from behind.

"Mentor." Colin turned his head in surprise, and the tall Atbold appeared behind him.

Did even the instructor come?

Colin was stunned for a moment, then continued: "I completed the mission. I just returned to the city. I was going to come to the General Affairs Building to confirm that the mission was completed, but I received a summons message from the school."

"That's it." Atbold nodded and said with a smile: "As long as the mission is successfully completed."

"Teacher... do you know why the school summoned us?" Colin paused and asked again.

"I don't know." Atbold shook his head, with some confusion on his old face.

Colin was full of doubts, but he couldn't get an answer.

After all, Atbold was just an unpopular second-level mongrel wizard in a school, and what he could know was indeed limited.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll start." In mid-air, Eggberg suddenly said calmly.

As his voice fell, several more equally powerful third-level wizards emerged.

Immediately afterwards, before Colin and others could react.


A transparent light shield instantly unfolded, covering the wizard in the lawn in the blink of an eye, isolating him from the outside world.

A trace of panic flashed across the faces of the wizards present.

"do not be afraid."

Seeing the restraint mask completely formed, Eggberg began to explain slowly:

"Everyone, relax, you are called here this time in response to the order of the Supreme Council to inspect the members of the school.

Before you all, we wizards of the third level and above have also been tested. "

‘Examination…what examination? ’

Colin was slightly startled, a little panic creeping into his heart like a shadow.

"Quiet." Eggberg said calmly, "I only have one request - please relax your body and don't resist, otherwise you will be regarded as an undercover god. Don't blame us for being ruthless!"

‘It’s actually a test to see if he is an undercover god! ? ’ Colin was stunned for a moment. He felt a little relaxed and at the same time couldn’t help but feel a little surprised. ‘Is it possible that Noyce has successfully improved the Crimson Marking Technique? ’

The answer to his question was a crimson blood-like light spreading from Eggberg's hand.

The light rippled out in circles, sweeping across the wizards below and Colin, allowing the latter to confirm his suspicions.

Although these bloody ripples are very different from the original crimson marking technique, not only the way they are cast has changed, but the energy fluctuations seem to have become at least a third-level witchcraft.

But in the eyes of Colin, who has mastered the second limit-breaking crimson mark technique, he can still see traces of the original crimson mark technique.

‘Noyce actually succeeded in improving the Crimson Mark Technique! ’

Colin felt a burst of joy in his heart, whether he was going on a mandatory mission or the previous days of practicing in the True Knowledge Society.

He has not forgotten to practice the Crimson Mark Technique, just to see if he can help Noyce improve the Crimson Mark Technique as soon as possible to deal with the new disguises imposed by the gods on the elves and possible undercovers.

There are intact eggs under the overturned nest. As a wizard, gods are the biggest enemies.

You may not have noticed that even Shelley of the Truth Society stands on the same front as the pure-blood family when it comes to treating gods.

Now that Noyce has successfully improved the Crimson Marking Technique, this is a happy thing for every wizard, and Colin is no exception.

The bloody ripples swept away all the wizards present in an instant.

In mid-air, Eggberg watched carefully.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief when no one turned red, smiled and said loudly:

"Magicians below the second level will disband on their own, but they are not allowed to leave the school's residence within one day."

"As for the wizards of the second level and above..." Eggberg raised his scepter and pointed into the distance, "Follow us, go and dig out the bastards hidden in the city, and crush them one by one!"

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