Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 354 They are all ants

As Eggberg finished speaking, the surrounding light shields also disappeared.

The second-level wizards flew up one after another without much hesitation.

Atbold said something to Colin, then turned and flew behind Eggberg.


Like swallows leaving their nests, the wizards, led by Eggberg, flew toward the outside of the school.

Only Colin and the others were left standing there blankly.

This was obviously a secret operation, it came quietly and as fast as lightning!

Colin turned his head and watched the figures of Eggberg and others gradually disappearing. The city of Neustadt was still peaceful at this moment.

The morning sun was so warm that it shone on your body so warmly that you didn't want to move. The snow on the eaves and tree branches was as white and quiet as cotton.

The wizards around them were whispering to each other, but the thin sounds were even more peaceful... as if they were on the eve of an impending storm.

Colin stood there for a while, exhaled softly, and walked towards the General Affairs Castle.

He has to wait until tomorrow to leave the school's headquarters. He can't get involved in external matters, and it's useless to think about it. It's better to go according to the plan and confirm the completion of the task.


At one point, the Huapei neighborhood.

The figures of Eggberg and his party suddenly appeared at the top of the central tower.

Without any unnecessary movement, he waved the brown scepter.

With the assistance of the other third-level wizards nearby, a crimson blood-like light suddenly erupted from the top of the scepter, spreading rapidly in circles and covering the entire Huapei neighborhood in the blink of an eye.

After a moment, Eggberg's sharp hawk-like eyes clearly reflected several suspicious red lights.

"Crush them!"


Swish, swish, swish!

The wizards fell mercilessly like raindrops, spreading out and rushing towards the red light in tacit agreement!

And this scene also happened in other places in Neustadt City.

Even... it happened in the other nine wizard cities!

Meredith City.

The Vietin School, in a gray and black spire.

Eliel was looking out the window with a worried look on her face. The bursts of witchcraft, human roars and cries of pain kept coming like a tide.

"Don't worry." The mature-looking senior sister Pearly touched her head and calmly comforted her, "The instructor is a third-level wizard, so there will be nothing wrong with this operation."

"I'm not worried about mentor." Eliel glanced at Pearly and said softly: "I'm just thinking about how many people will die after tonight..."

Pearly was silent for a moment and said, "War is always like this."

"I see him! Right in front!"

"catch him!"

"No, he is a cardinal-level believer?!"

boom! !

The explosion occurred suddenly, and dazzling light and heat swept around.

"No, please ask for support from high-level wizards!" The wizard on the side looked horrified and shouted quickly.

"...God bless us!" At the center of the explosion, a middle-aged man dressed as a hawker straightened his back, took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

His voice was like a stone falling into a pool, causing ripples in circles.

"God bless us!!" The response came one after another in the city of Neustadt, spreading slowly like a cold tide, making people feel terrified.


However, the next moment, a mighty cold hum sounded like a bell, suppressing the fanatical shouts of all the believers in the blink of an eye.

"In the city of Neustadt, are you still dreaming of overturning the world?"

boom! !

In the General Affairs Castle, Colin stabilized his body. The black iron chandelier inlaid with bright crystals on the ceiling creaked and swayed, and the pen holder on the desk in front of him flipped over.

"What an incredible movement." The wizard on duty murmured as he straightened the pen holder absentmindedly, looking in the direction outside.

Colin didn't answer. He turned to look out the window, feeling a little curious like a cat scratching his head.

It's a pity that wizards like them, who are below the second level, are not allowed to leave the Xisheng School at this moment.

"Sir Colin, your mission has been confirmed.

The magic stones and school points have also been entered into the badge for you. There are a total of 8,000 magic stones and 200 school points. You can go to the lobby on the first floor to check and confirm. "

The wizard on duty looked away, calmed down, and handed the school badge to Colin again.

"Okay, thank you." Colin nodded slightly.


The shock hit him again. Colin firmly grasped the school badge, stood up and walked quickly to the window facing the outside of the school's residence.

The wizard on duty also walked out from behind the counter and came to the window.

The blue sky is vast, and the gauzy sunshine covers the white snow with a layer of gold powder. Gray and black houses are lined up in rows. Some of them are vaguely visible with black smoke floating in them, and some are shining with dazzling light...

The wizards' investigation continues, and the battle continues.

Judging from this posture, Neustadt City is going to completely clean up all the places this time.

Colin's guess was not wrong.

It wasn't until the orange sunset sank into the horizon that the sounds of fighting in Neustadt finally subsided and peace gradually returned.

A few hours later, late at night, a wizard came and informed Colin and others that they could leave the school.

Walking out of the school, there are deserted streets under the black sky.

Under the darkness of night, the red light of flames could be vaguely seen in some places in the city, and the figures of some wizards were flying around in the air, probably dealing with the aftermath.

This battle is like a summer shower, it comes and goes in a hurry.

Withdrawing his gaze, Colin walked quickly towards home.

There are many inconveniences in the school, but today's daily meditation has not been completed.

"Congressman Noyce, this is a big victory, and you deserve the first credit!"

A short celebration banquet was being held in the majestic white stone hall somewhere.

Noyce smiled, raised the crystal wine glass in his hand, and took a proud sip.

The wizards next to him sent compliments one after another, but Noyce's expression became calmer and calmer, with a faint smile on his lips, and he drank the wine in his hand without hesitation.

He is a well-deserved genius, worthy of these praises, and he can bear them.

Six wizards sat in the main seats at the front of the hall. They were surrounded by mysterious light, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

One of the wizards with white brilliance suddenly spoke in a slow voice: "Noyce should indeed be the first to contribute to this operation. He will be credited with 100,000 council points and a reward."

As soon as his voice came out, the whole house fell silent. The guests who were talking and laughing all closed their mouths and listened seriously.

Even Noyce looked serious and put down his glass.

The white wizard looked at Noyce and continued to ask: "Have you decided what reward you want?"

"I want to know the complete version of that manuscript and its author. I also want to know who its author is?" Noyce replied without hesitation.

The six wizards shrouded in brilliance were silent for a moment before slowly answering:


"After the banquet is over, you can stay alone and find me to collect the reward."

"Okay." Noyce stroked his chest and saluted, "Thank you, Supreme Councilors."

"Congratulations, Your Excellency, you have gained another 100,000 points. You are worthy of being the Noyce of the Tate family!"

The banquet continued, and Noyce in the crowd had a decent smile on his face and dealt with the crowd around him elegantly.

Every move he makes is free and elegant. Born in the Tate family, he has already been able to face such social interactions with ease.

However, compared to these boring social interactions.

Noyce wanted to know more about the manuscript that inspired him to successfully improve the Crimson Marking Technique. What did the complete version look like, and who was the author of the manuscript?

Pushing cups and changing cups, as the banquet progressed, Noyce looked at the smiling wizards beside him. The politeness on his face was perfect, but he always felt bored in his heart.

'Perhaps he is too anxious to see the follow-up to that manuscript...' he thought to himself.

But he couldn't lie to himself. He was just a little disgusted with banquets like this.

Every time it was just useless politeness and compliments... Although a wizard's lifespan is long, it is not wasted like this!

And to be honest, this was just a small victory, and there was such a big celebration in the parliament... Noyce was not happy in his heart.

He had just come from the city of Neustadt, and the horrors of the fighting there were still vivid in his mind...

It's a pity... Noyce looked at the six supreme councilors on the stage and took another sip of wine.

Unfortunately, these are not things he can decide.

The moon was high in the sky, cold silver light poured into the hall, and the banquet was finally over.

This group of noble wizards bid farewell to each other politely, left the palace high in the sky, and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

Only Noyce and the six mysterious figures sitting at the top were left in the grand hall.

Noyce raised his head and walked towards them.

The six wizards were shrouded in mysterious light, and more layered figures could be vaguely seen among them.

In fact, even Noyce never knew whether there were only the six supreme members in the Supreme Council, or whether there were more members.


There seemed to be a star flashing, and then a memory crystal appeared in front of Noyce.

"This is the complete version of the manuscript." The wizard shrouded in white light said lightly, "As for who wrote the manuscript, you will know after reading it."

Noyce looked slightly happy, and saluted the Supreme Councilor in front of him while stroking his chest, then closed his eyes and began to check the contents of the crystal.

The six supreme councilors sat on six parallel seats, motionless, like wax statues of gods and Buddhas.

Not long after, Noyce finished reading the crystal and looked blank.

He looked up at the supreme councilor in front of him in a daze, and after a while he said solemnly:

"The credit for today does not lie with me alone. Since the manuscript was written by Sylvester, why not invite him? He deserves this honor."

The six supreme councilors remained silent, as if they did not hear Noyce's question.

"Is it because... he is a hybrid wizard from the True Knowledge Society?" Noyce's tone gradually became colder.

"Pay attention to your attitude, Noyce." The calm voice fell.

Noyce raised his head slightly, with deep disappointment in his eyes.

The glory behind the Supreme Councilor shook.

In a daze, a new figure suddenly walked out, revealing a face that was somewhat similar to Noyce.


"Grandpa..." Noyce was stunned.

The figures of the six supreme councilors gradually disappeared.

Only the grandfather and grandson were left in the grand hall.

Grandfather frowned and looked at Noyce with an angry look on his face. Then after a while, he suddenly sighed and comforted:

"You are no worse than Sylvester. You can do what he can do, but you just lack some inspiration. Why be depressed?"

Noyce buried his head, seemingly submissive, but in his heart he felt that this comfort was extremely unpleasant and made him sick.

Of course Noyce is confident that he is no worse than Sylvester.

Not only in witchcraft, but even in wizard training, he thinks he is even better than Sylvester!

It’s just the complete version of Sylvester’s manuscript that inspired the improvement of the Crimson Marking Technique. It is clear that the only thing left to successfully improving the Crimson Marking Technique is to pierce a layer of window paper!

Although he only read a few key points in the first half that were selected by the supreme councillors, most of the work on improving the crimson marking technique was completed independently.

But this does not deny the help of Sylvester's manuscript.

If he didn't have Sylvester's manuscript, he didn't know how long he would have to wait until inspiration came!

Noyce looked ugly. He could accept others improving the Crimson Mark Technique before him, and he could accept studying the Crimson Mark Technique together with others, as long as they were capable enough, such as Sylvester.

——Although the council does not allow itself to communicate too much with this bastard who does not join the family.

But he couldn't accept this situation... What's the difference between this kind of self and plagiarism?

Noyce's heart couldn't help but he knew that Sylvester would accept some commissions for witchcraft research from the outside world.

Sylvester might not even know that this is the Crimson Mark Technique...

After all, although the crimson mark technique is to be improved, it does not mean that it must be completely overturned.

Judging from the manuscript, what was given to Sylvester was only the core problem, like improving a mobile phone, but only giving him a chip.

Sylvester probably doesn't know what kind of mobile phone this "chip" will eventually be used on, and it may not even be on a mobile phone...

There are also some differences between Noyce's final improved version and Sylvester's manuscript idea. Maybe Sylvester will not suspect that he has been plagiarized after learning about the new crimson marking technique...

Noyce's pride made him feel more and more uncomfortable, and the praises at the previous banquet seemed to turn into sneers at this moment.

"No one will know, Noyes, you will bring praise and once again promote the prestige of our pure-blood family."

Grandfather raised his hand and stroked Noyce's head, comforting him again.

Noyce listened to the words of the man who was also called Noyce, but felt strange in his heart.

"Why?" he asked in a low voice.

"Are you asking why you are looking for Sylvester?" Grandpa Noyce asked, and then replied:

“Of course it’s to speed up the progress and save time!”

"In fact, in addition to Sylvester, there are wizards in our pure-blood family's witchcraft research association and high-level schools who are working with you to overcome the difficulties of the crimson mark technique... You can't do it alone, and you can't do it behind closed doors. "

Noyce was silent for a while and said:

"With the gods facing a formidable enemy, why do we still have opinions about hybrids and pure bloods? Only by letting the spread of knowledge go will wizards become more powerful."

Grandfather Noyce's face gradually became calm, and after a while he said calmly:

"You're still too young, Noyce."

"Resources are limited. The only consequence of letting go of knowledge dissemination can only be the dispersion of resources, and every top wizard requires a large amount of resources."

"The outcome of the war with the gods has never been controlled by ordinary people, low-level wizards, or even you."

Noyce slowly raised his head. Another slightly older Noyce looked at him with an indifferent expression and continued:

"You have to understand that neither the spies of the gods nor the war in the southern seas are worth mentioning."

"Ten thousand ordinary people are not as good as one official wizard... No matter you, me, or those ordinary people, ordinary wizards, no matter how many they are, they are just ants in front of the real gods."

"The ants may kill the elephant, but they can't help the gods."

Noyce looked stunned.

Grandfather smiled, turned around, looked at the six gorgeous seats in front of him, and continued:

"Don't worry, it has been like this for tens of thousands of years."

"The wizard will eventually win the war against the gods, and the pure-blood family will continue to stand at the top of all living beings, accept the supply of resources from all living beings, and cultivate more supreme councilors."

"Only in this way, and only in this way, can we ensure the longevity of wizard civilization!"

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